Nighy Night GN Bootyfull dreams
Oden's "Extreme" NSFW Thread aka "Mr. GN's Wild Ride"
You guays write this thread faster than I can read it! I love this thread. And GN, don't sell yourself short with this "we are nothing special" shit. ODENS IS THE BEST~~~! I bought a pack of Davidoff Menthols today. It's OK, don't fret, I smoke more often than I care to admit... but as soon as I get some more ODENS< and nothing but ODENS, it's bye-bye ciggies for life. Again. All I have is half a can of Blue Ocean or Ocean Blue or whatever the hell that crap is, and Jagerpris! But they were donations, so I do not complain, I am very grateful... I just... MUST/HAVE/ODENS!! C'mon UPS baby, bring it to Seattle for me.
WOW thats one snus I can't wait t try. You do know that the V2 coffe/vanilla has always been my favorite. When I run out of coffe/vanilla Patrik over at V2 was so kind as to make a Limited Edition. And warn me when they are running out.
Thanks you so much from making the dark vanilla.Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
Thay Do that as well just if you Will put That picture and comment to respective thred, i belive it is got to be ,and Edit and remove it from this thred by eresing then at list 2 parts Will be happy me that My frends from V2 Will not think that i am here happy thet pouches were oppen and you Becouse i belive thay look in to there produkts thred ok brother?
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB View PostThay Do that as well just if you Will put That picture and comment to respective thred, i belive it is got to be ,and Edit and remove it from this thred by eresing then at list 2 parts Will be happy me that My frends from V2 Will not think that i am here happy thet pouches were oppen and you Becouse i belive thay look in to there produkts thred ok brother?
Done and done. Just got used to pretty much "chatting" here.
Forgot it was "Oden's new Extreme portion" thread (that includes beautiful swedish girls :P )
Originally posted by Frosted View PostGN - you have another friend request on Facebook. I didn't know you had that going - nice one.
You'll notice that Dougal Maguire isn't my real name - I never use my real name.
Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden ABDear Frosted thank you very much on Facebook thare i Do not Do anything ,i just sometimse look, it is our designer GUAY WHO Do his Stuff it is order from me to him but ,not more then that,My soul is here with you but on that picture on Facebook you are not so happy or am i wrong?