UPS man has come with Extreme Snus! It is los, which I don't know how to use properly, but it is time to learn.
Congrats StuKlu!, I hope you are enjoying your EXTREMEEEEE.
Los is all about practice, I used to get mudslides all the time, but after half a tin of try after try i got it down. My advice to not get mudslides is, once the pris is in, dont mess with it.
Today I tried calling UPS, once again, I was like this on the phone....
Operator wasn't happy.
No postal service today so I actually didn't call
But I will try that technique tomorrow and see how it goes
Thanks for the advise Sebasmun. Leaving it alone is the problem I have, I'm used to moving the portions from side to side and squeezing with my lip. Trying my second prilla right now, made it smaller and tighter and so far so good. This Oden's Extreme is Extremely delicious.
Ratfarts I hope UPS comes to my apartment today! Except I'm at work so I hope I can get them to hold it for pick up and I hope I can pick up before they close... Damn I hate this new UPS signature shit. What's a working man to do?
Will someone help me understand whether or not we're waiting for a 5th ODENS SUPERSTAR to be announced? Frosted, Bill, Premium, Whalen, and who? Something about a Seattleite?
Ratfarts I hope UPS comes to my apartment today! Except I'm at work so I hope I can get them to hold it for pick up and I hope I can pick up before they close... Damn I hate this new UPS signature shit. What's a working man to do?
Will someone help me understand whether or not we're waiting for a 5th ODENS SUPERSTAR to be announced? Frosted, Bill, Premium, Whalen, and who? Something about a Seattleite?
Ratfarts I hope UPS comes to my apartment today! Except I'm at work so I hope I can get them to hold it for pick up and I hope I can pick up before they close... Damn I hate this new UPS signature shit. What's a working man to do?
Will someone help me understand whether or not we're waiting for a 5th ODENS SUPERSTAR to be announced? Frosted, Bill, Premium, Whalen, and who? Something about a Seattleite?
Signature wasn't needed for mine. I want to be a superstar
Thanks for the advise Sebasmun. Leaving it alone is the problem I have, I'm used to moving the portions from side to side and squeezing with my lip. Trying my second prilla right now, made it smaller and tighter and so far so good. This Oden's Extreme is Extremely delicious.
Absolutely Stuklu, usually bigger prises always end up mudsliding. Start small and build from there.
Otherwise you mouth will look like this
I used to be into portions only, like you, but now I always use los, except when im at work of course.
When baking a pris, try to imitate the size of a portion, maybe a tad bigger
If you find that you like the "taste character" of los ( a bit stronger taste than portions) , you may consider saving up for an Icetool.
I got one last week and mudslides are a thing of the past. Also it pays for itself by saving time and not wasting any product
Hi, my name is Bengt Wiberg, snus inventor from Sweden. I have invented a method I call โSting Freeโ snus which gives three big advantages to the...