check your email as well , well good night to your son. And........................ and folks i can not do anything technicly Frosted is da boss when he will be back than i hope he will send the the the that thing on forum then will diskuss ok byby
For others info. GN has a deep Russian sounding voice.
I work with enough Russians to recognize the word "garls" when I see it. "Zhu like gyarls, man?" GN's Swenglish definitely has a little something else in the mix... but he made me promise not to tell! Not Russian though.
I work with enough Russians to recognize the word "garls" when I see it. "Zhu like gyarls, man?" GN's Swenglish definitely has a little something else in the mix... but he made me promise not to tell! Not Russian though.
I work with enough Russians to recognize the word "garls" when I see it. "Zhu like gyarls, man?" GN's Swenglish definitely has a little something else in the mix... but he made me promise not to tell! Not Russian though.
No problems My Dear brothe no problems Lets Frosted think so haha
I work with enough Russians to recognize the word "garls" when I see it. "Zhu like gyarls, man?" GN's Swenglish definitely has a little something else in the mix... but he made me promise not to tell! Not Russian though.
From the name that was on my samples package I would assume that Mr GNs roots go back to Armenia or Azerbaijan maybe...