nash got a little vacation for a series of envelope pushing events that were spilling out onto the rest of the forum and chatbox.............mainly it was dropping the "N" word, Tagging LOG as "Big V....." and finally responding to one of the mod's request that he tone things down a bit by posting a porn site that had under aged girls.
Well, now that my vacation was cut a week short I can defend myself a little here. (Not trying to rebel against the mods, I just want to justify myself).
The "N" word.... I use that constantly, on the internet and in real life... Just how it goes...
"Tagging LOG as a 'BIG V...".... Honestly, I didn't... I said "BIG V....." and another member said something on the lines of "LOG is here?" or "Oh that's right, LOG is back". and I just said "lol".
The picture I had posted I have saved, and honestly I'm trying to find where the nudity is and there was no link. It does say the name of the site, but no link or no .com or anything. I don't know where the nudity is honestly... The girls look FULLY clothed to me.
Well, now that my vacation was cut a week short I can defend myself a little here. (Not trying to rebel against the mods, I just want to justify myself).
The "N" word.... I use that constantly, on the internet and in real life... Just how it goes...
"Tagging LOG as a 'BIG V...".... Honestly, I didn't... I said "BIG V....." and another member said something on the lines of "LOG is here?" or "Oh that's right, LOG is back". and I just said "lol".
The picture I had posted I have saved, and honestly I'm trying to find where the nudity is and there was no link. It does say the name of the site, but no link or no .com or anything. I don't know where the nudity is honestly... The girls look FULLY clothed to me.
That is all. Now back to the FUN.
The "N" word.... I use that constantly, on the internet and in real life... Just how it goes... BUT THAT DOESN'T GO HERE.
"Tagging LOG as a 'BIG V...".... Honestly, I didn't... I said "BIG V....." and another member said something on the lines of "LOG is here?" or "Oh that's right, LOG is back". and I just said "lol". I BEG TO DIFFER ON THAT ISSUE. AND JUST LOOK AT HOW MANY TIMES HAVE YOU HAD THESE OUTBURSTS FOR NO APPARENT REASON
The picture I had posted I have saved, and honestly I'm trying to find where the nudity is and there was no link. It does say the name of the site, but no link or no .com or anything. I don't know where the nudity is honestly... The girls look FULLY clothed to me. YOU POSTED A LINK TO A PORN SITE. AND MOST IF NOT ALL THE GIRLS LOOKED SERIOUSLY UNDERAGE.
a simple "thank you" to the mods would have been a more appropriate comment when your account was reinstated a week early. Your "justification" failed. Apparently, your manners, respect, and appreciation for this site and its admin and members are non-existant.
I see by your "justifications" that we may have made a mistake by assuming that you realized what you did was inappropriate when we reinstated your account early.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
If you guys can recommend an Odens portion with the taste of Extreme but not as potent, I would be interested. I read the reviews and it seems the new style Odens in the new can is the one I want right? Not extreme just Odens in the new can. It's a little confusing.
(My last try at a civil snus related post here). On Topic!
If you guys can recommend an Odens portion with the taste of Extreme but not as potent, I would be interested. I read the reviews and it seems the new style Odens in the new can is the one I want right? Not extreme just Odens in the new can. It's a little confusing.
(My last try at a civil snus related post here). On Topic!
If you guys can recommend an Odens portion with the taste of Extreme but not as potent, I would be interested. I read the reviews and it seems the new style Odens in the new can is the one I want right? Not extreme just Odens in the new can. It's a little confusing.
(My last try at a civil snus related post here). On Topic!
Try that Oden's Original. The one in the round black can. I hear it's Extreme but not as strong.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.