Online bullying

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  • Hanske
    • Jan 2011
    • 425

    Online bullying

    There's been many excamples of this over the years... In Norway, there's been two major excamples. A ten year old girl, nicknamed "Ølløv". She was bullyed because she had a weird dialect, and named "ølløv" because in her dialect the word "elleve" is pronounced that way. It's hard to tell you how to pronounce this, but "elleve" means eleven, and she was always talking about her eleventh birthday.

    Some has always said she was fat, and comments like "you're the reason your mother's still on the pill" were thrown at her all the time in the YouTube comment section. All her videos are deleted, but there are a few reuploads. Her father has reported it to the police, but as far as I know, nothing's been done. Her videos are vlogs.

    Another excample is "Cathymay15". She is another Norwegian girl, posting videos of her singing. Most of her videos are in English, so she's bullyed in other countries as well. According to this webiste, there is at least one thread about her in the 4chan board.

    You Americans have more excamples, as your country is a million times bigger...

    How do you think online bullying can be stopped? I believe it's impossible, as there are people from all over the world commenting, but could let's say YouTube report the worst's offenders IPs and give them to the police? Or delete all videos where they think the uploader is under the age of 13? Maybe move the age limit for uploading to 15, 16 or 18?

    What do you think?
  • Veganpunk
    • Jun 2009
    • 5381

    There was one case here in the states where a girl and her mom heckled this one kid so much she killed herself.


    • Hanske
      • Jan 2011
      • 425

      Oh... Do you have a link? I've read about a mom posting offensive comments on her daughter's friend's videos. Eventually that friend killed herself.


      • Veganpunk
        • Jun 2009
        • 5381


        This is the wiki about it.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          I hate to be that guy, but cyber bullying is bullshit. Kids have to deal with real bullying in the real world, and the existence of the internet doesn't change that fact. Do we really want a world where if I call you a "little punk bitch" on some online forum I may have my IP reported or go to jail? Fail.

          Face it, people ain't nice. Especially young people. We already have harrasment laws, no need to bring the nannies to the internet, it will not end well I promise you.


          • Hanske
            • Jan 2011
            • 425

            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
            I hate to be that guy, but cyber bullying is bullshit. Kids have to deal with real bullying in the real world, and the existence of the internet doesn't change that fact. Do we really want a world where if I call you a "little punk bitch" on some online forum I may have my IP reported or go to jail? Fail.

            Face it, people ain't nice. Especially young people. We already have harrasment laws, no need to bring the nannies to the internet, it will not end well I promise you.
            There is a difference between saying "little puck bitch", and reuploading videos people already have deleted.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Hanske View Post
              There is a difference between saying "little puck bitch", and reuploading videos people already have deleted.
              I'm not sure what you mean but I am guessing you are making a reference to the suicide everyone above me is mentioning. Not sure what the details were, but if a video is being posted that they don't want posted, a simple cease and desist letter from an attorney should suffice, right? I don't knwo, if it is causing someone damage than by all means, but I don't want it to turn into a litigation nightmare where I may get sued by someone on snuson because they feel I was bullying them or something.

              EDIT: If a law like this passes I will be suing all of you.


              • Frankie Reloaded
                Banned Users
                • Jan 2011
                • 541

                There was an extremely funny incident in Czechia, where one university professor anonymously bullied another professor including obscene e-mails which he sent from his easily traceable work computer. Now the case is in court, both middle aged men are extremely ashamed as is their university, lol.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by danielan View Post
                  Little punk bitch...

                  I tend to agree with you though. Cease and desist - you own copyright on your videos.

                  If it constitutes assault - then charge assault. If it is libel - then charge libel. etc. Otherwise - just avoid it.

                  Or kick the crap out of them - that tended to work with people who messed with me when I was a kid.

                  Teach your kids to fight back.
                  Be involved at the school or wherever they spend most of their time
                  Use existing laws where applicable, it sounds like they want to create a new law that isn't necessary since there are already copywrite laws, assault laws, harrasment laws etc.

                  The problem is kids aren't smart, any genious would just pretend to be gay and then sue the family of the bully for discriminating against a protected group.

                  // If this law passes and I decide to sue all you people, than please disregard the pictures of my family in the "about me" section, that's just my asian maid and her random white duaghter who she brought over from the philipines. I'm totally gay and you are all goign to go bankrupt for bullying me!

                  -Charlie Sheen


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    I'm still not clear what has happened here. Did some chick release a video of themselves doing somethign embarrasing to youtube and then get pissed once it went viral or something? Did they mail pictures proving the girl was a hermaphradite to her employer or something, is there any financial loss in any of this or is it all about feelings? Is it a libel thing? Is it about reputation?

                    I thought we already had laws covering all of those things. The itnernet is just a medium of information like anything else. Me posting pics of you online is the same as me taping them up on bus-stops, no need for new laws.


                    • Frankie Reloaded
                      Banned Users
                      • Jan 2011
                      • 541

             (court verdict)

                      Machine translation (readable):

                      There are many articles, both tabloid and serious, about this post-pubertal squabble spiced with death threats. key words: Horyna + hroch can help you if you want to have more fun


                      • lxskllr
                        • Sep 2007
                        • 13435

                        Originally posted by Hanske View Post
                        There is a difference between saying "little puck bitch", and reuploading videos people already have deleted.
                        They should consider that a learning experience. The internet's forever. You don't "delete" things from the internet. You should assume ANYTHING you upload will be around for your grandkids to see, and if you'd be embarrassed by anyone seeing your material, you shouldn't upload it. Life's a bitch, but we don't need new laws. People need to educate themselves on the VERY powerful tools they have at their disposal. A chainsaw cuts up firewood nice and quick. It'll also take a leg off just as fast. All the best tools in the world will bite your ass if used inappropriately, or with lack of respect.


                        • captncaveman
                          • Jul 2008
                          • 924

                          What happened to laying down a good ass beating? Problem solved.


                          • snusjus
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 2674

                            Originally posted by captncaveman View Post
                            What happened to laying down a good ass beating? Problem solved.
                            Agreed. The recent "bullying" problem portrayed by the media is over-exaggerated. From my understanding, bullying is less harsh compared to preceding decades.


                            • WickedKitchen
                              • Nov 2009
                              • 2528

                              lxskllr is so right. The kids now have this tool that we didn't have. The internet is wicked powerful in my eyes we all remember how little foresight we had as kids. Imagine if you had this thing to play with when you were an adolescent or teen. Partially the adults and certainly the older adults don't know how to deal with it. The kids don't understand the gravity of it. This will change in generations to come I think but this is the first time we as a society is seeing it.

                              I'm all for the ass woopin' too. About the kid with the video...some people just have to learn the hard way. I don't think that a pass should be given for someone making a mistake like that...even if it's the first time. Think about this...if this girl is so upset about it then she'll do a better job educating her peers about not making the same error than some authority figure would do by punishing another kid...which would only add fuel to the animosity that these kids developed. And if bullying comes to suicide then there were obviously other problems in that kids life. Bullying didn't cause the suicide...the inability to deal with it played the larger role.


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