Originally posted by Roo
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I know agriculture and domestication led to us being able to have the luxury of sitting around and thinking, but even before that mankind seems to be driven by these spiritual beliefs and dogma. We learned to honor our ancestors and bury their bodies/cover them with religious items nearly 70,000 years before we even invented agriculture or domestication.
Mankind has that ego in him, that feeling like he is important and that others should know it. This causes him to build monuments and empires. A side effect of this ego is that when he believes in a god or a higher power, he will build monemuents and empires around that god or higher power. It's all an ego thing, but mankinds belief in sky ferries has driven a lot of our development throughout the centuries in many different ways.
EDIT: Citing agriculture and stuff is correct, but that would be like me citing electricity or the internet for our success. It's true in one way, but untrue in another because there were things that contributed to our development prior to that.
Remember, we did a LOT of shit before inventing agriculture and domestication, those things didn't come until waaaaaaaaaaaaaay later, but when they came things sped up real quick. But man got up in the morning and built temples to the gods nearly a hundred thousand years before we ever planted a seed or farmed a hog.