Yeah.. conspiracy theory. What it has to do with EU-Russia policy?
TV Trwam can show this, but they are also infected by New World Order policy and not interested?
According to Polish mainstream media all opinions that are not in line with official propaganda are conspiracy theory.
Asking questions is not forbidden. But everyone who asks improper questions is conspiracy theory fan.
I simply believe in both - official propaganda and conspiracy theory. Both are for me equivalent serious source of information. Trash information.
You see "mainstream media", as propaganda says to you that there are "mainstream media" - isn't it? What does it mean mainstream for you? Addiction to some specific propaganda success?
Asking questions is not forbidden. Of course. And there are not stupid questions as well. So prove me that Jesus died crucified. Try to prove it, because it can be just mainstream propaganda saying, that he died. Everybody has the right to believe any propaganda. I strongly believe in New World Order. Someone has to took a decision for me if I'm not happy as I would like to be happy.
Why do people like Tom exist? What about truthwolf, what about ME? Why Americans in particular seem to love conspiracy theories. Is there just a lot of...
The term New World Order (NWO) has been used by numerous politicians through the ages, and is a generic term used to refer to a worldwide conspiracy being...