Thousands took to the streets to protest the "koran burning" (that never happened), by a florida whack-job pastor, due to a mullah calling for people to take to the streets against america. They had all the usual "down with america" signs and all the other cliche muslim hate media and slurs that usually accompany these xenophobes.
Sorta like when someone drew a characature of Muhammad as a bomb, and a bunch of people were angry that they were portrayed as violent. And to prove them wrong, they set fire to four buildings.
Here's the obligatory limp-wristed/panzy-ass response from our president that says absolutely nothing regarding the situation at hand but makes for a good sound byte:
Even Carter had balls when he needed too, this president is just a weak and ineffective leader. He never addresses the situation and punts at every opportunity. If new york was nuked tomorrow his response would echo in the chambers of the press room thusly: "We are sorry to hear about the tragic human-induced accident that occurred recently in our country, but let me be clear, this will not deter us from continued nuclear proliferation talks, and we look forward to meeting with [insert country that nuked us] to find better ways to solve our issues through diplomacy."
He wouldn't even mention the fact that we were nuked, and he would refuse to call a spade a spade, just like when the muslim soldier shot up an army base in the name of allah and all the other times (including the one in this news story) where he refused to man up and instead gave some limp-wristed response saying nothing.
But I digress...
^^^ They insulted us, let's kill people to prove how wrong they are! (we see this tired meme repeated over and over year after year in muslim culture).
20,000 people screaming for the death of america and Obama, that just sounds like some fringe whackos and totally not part of any pattern that could be observed within islam. I mean it's not like these fringe-whackos who totally don't represent islam draw in a crowd of tens of thousands all year around when they do this stuff year after year, remember, it's only a few crazies and not representative of the broader islamic community.
But nay if 100 tea partiers come to a town hall and start screaming, than they are the terrorists who we need to go after, they are the problem. Those intolerant xenophobes!
Sorta like when someone drew a characature of Muhammad as a bomb, and a bunch of people were angry that they were portrayed as violent. And to prove them wrong, they set fire to four buildings.
MAZAR-I-SHARIF, Afghanistan — Stirred up by three angry mullahs who urged them to avenge the burning of a Koran at a Florida church, thousands of protesters overran the compound of the United Nations in this northern Afghan city, killing at least 12 people, Afghan and United Nations officials said.
The dead included at least seven United Nations workers — four Nepalese guards and three Europeans from Romania, Sweden and Norway — according to United Nations officials in New York. One was a woman. Early reports, later denied by Afghan officials, said that at least two of the dead had been beheaded. Five Afghans were also killed.
Unable to find Americans on whom to vent their anger, the mob turned instead on the next-best symbol of Western intrusion — the nearby United Nations headquarters. “Some of our colleagues were just hunted down,” said a spokesman for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, Kieran Dwyer, in confirming the attack.
The dead included at least seven United Nations workers — four Nepalese guards and three Europeans from Romania, Sweden and Norway — according to United Nations officials in New York. One was a woman. Early reports, later denied by Afghan officials, said that at least two of the dead had been beheaded. Five Afghans were also killed.
Unable to find Americans on whom to vent their anger, the mob turned instead on the next-best symbol of Western intrusion — the nearby United Nations headquarters. “Some of our colleagues were just hunted down,” said a spokesman for the United Nations Assistance Mission in Afghanistan, Kieran Dwyer, in confirming the attack.
In Washington, President Obama issued a statement strongly condemning the violence against United Nations workers. “Their work is essential to building a stronger Afghanistan for the benefit of all its citizens,” he said. “We stress the importance of calm and urge all parties to reject violence.” The statement made no reference to the Florida church or the Koran burning.
He wouldn't even mention the fact that we were nuked, and he would refuse to call a spade a spade, just like when the muslim soldier shot up an army base in the name of allah and all the other times (including the one in this news story) where he refused to man up and instead gave some limp-wristed response saying nothing.
But I digress...
Afghanistan, deeply religious and reflexively volatile, has long been highly reactive to perceived insults against Islam. When a Danish cartoonist lampooned the Prophet Muhammad, four people were killed in riots in Afghanistan within days in 2006. The year before, a one-paragraph item in Newsweek alleging that guards at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba, had flushed a Koran down the toilet set off three days of riots that left 14 people dead in Afghanistan.
Friday’s episode began when three mullahs, addressing worshipers at Friday Prayer inside the Blue Mosque here, one of Afghanistan’s holiest places, urged people to take to the streets to agitate for the arrest of Terry Jones, the Florida pastor who oversaw the burning of a Koran on March 20.
Otherwise, said the most prominent of them, Mullah Mohammed Shah Adeli, Afghanistan should cut off relations with the United States. “Burning the Koran is an insult to Islam, and those who committed it should be punished,” he said.
Otherwise, said the most prominent of them, Mullah Mohammed Shah Adeli, Afghanistan should cut off relations with the United States. “Burning the Koran is an insult to Islam, and those who committed it should be punished,” he said.
The crowd — some of its members carrying signs reading “Down with America” and “Death to Obama” — poured into the streets and swelled. Gov. Atta Muhammad Noor of Balkh Province, of which Mazar-i-Sharif is the capital, later put the number at 20,000. According to Lal Mohammad Ahmadzai, spokesman for Gen. Daoud Daoud, the Afghan National Police commander for the country’s north, the crowd soon overwhelmed the United Nations guards, disarming some and beating and shooting others.
But nay if 100 tea partiers come to a town hall and start screaming, than they are the terrorists who we need to go after, they are the problem. Those intolerant xenophobes!
The mob also burned down part of the United Nations compound, toppled guard towers and heaved blocks of cement down from the walls. The victims were killed by weapons the demonstrators had wrestled away from the United Nations guards