Typical Afghan thought process: "They invade our homeland, bomb the shit out of us, round up and search my neighbors and children, occupy my land for 10 years, get exposed in the German press for sport-killing my brethren, and now they are burning Qurans in their backyards? What the ****?"
Atypical Afghan thought process: "Well in that case we'll kill some foreigners".
I hear you sgreger. Some others have pointed out that we are free to burn Qurans here in the USA. Well of course we are. Employing that freedom, however, and making a big scene of it is just a really, really stupid thing to do and shouldn't gain the respect or damnation of any intelligent onlooker. The guy should just be slapped and ridiculed, then removed from his post.
Atypical Afghan thought process: "Well in that case we'll kill some foreigners".
I hear you sgreger. Some others have pointed out that we are free to burn Qurans here in the USA. Well of course we are. Employing that freedom, however, and making a big scene of it is just a really, really stupid thing to do and shouldn't gain the respect or damnation of any intelligent onlooker. The guy should just be slapped and ridiculed, then removed from his post.