Monday Night was his 1st show - M-F 7pm EST
If you're a Liberatarian, Republian, Tea Party, or Anti-Statist you'll probably love him.
If you're a Liberal Progessive you're probably going to hate him.
From his YouTube Channel
If you're a Liberatarian, Republian, Tea Party, or Anti-Statist you'll probably love him.
If you're a Liberal Progessive you're probably going to hate him.
From his YouTube Channel
ADAM VS THE MAN gives the millennial generation a new voice and a new sense of empowerment. By challenging authority, host Adam Kokesh reveals the reality of a government based not on protecting the freedoms of the American people, but exploiting them for the sake of the real power brokers and banksters who work behind the scenes. But it's not just about politics, it's about living like a free, dignified human being, living like government doesn't exist, and loving it. Adam's experience as a United States Marine and Republican Congressional candidate make him uniquely qualified to take down the man behind the curtain.