Out of habit, CNN.com has been my default browser homepage for over a decade. CNN used to be a really decent news website, but it went to total crap years ago. Nowadays, headline articles for CNN are along the lines of "Gotta See These Celeb Tweets" and "Top 10 Adorable Teacup Pets."
Can anyone recommend any good/great US-based news websites? Global coverage is a plus, but would like something grounded in US-related news. Ideally, something professional and unbiased to any political affiliation. I've tried googling "CNN sucks ass now, what is a good alternative" but that doesn't help me much :-P
Can anyone recommend any good/great US-based news websites? Global coverage is a plus, but would like something grounded in US-related news. Ideally, something professional and unbiased to any political affiliation. I've tried googling "CNN sucks ass now, what is a good alternative" but that doesn't help me much :-P