Obama releases birth certificate...

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948



    Chief Birther Orly Taitz after Obama releases birth certificate at link above


    • fishmeat
      • Feb 2011
      • 767

      I came to say this...I voted for Obama thinking we would have real "change"...and all the nay sayer birthers can go suck it. I am still sadly let down by the performance of Obama...and I don't think "four more years" is the right answer.


      • justintempler
        • Nov 2008
        • 3090

        I believe Obama was born in Hawaii but someone sure screwed up big time and now the conspiracy crowd has new ammunition


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          The free market, in theory, should result in the lowest price possible, and the prices at wal mart etc are frankly unbeatable because it doesn't get any cheaper than slave labor lol. How are honest businesses supposed to compete? How are small businesses who have a brick&mortar location in the US supposed to compete with a firm that can hire people in the jungle to make the product for pennies an hour, there is just no way to compete with that.
          This is why I encourage people to take serious and usually more costly measures to not shop at Walmart, ever. I admit I don't have to worry about Walmart itself, living in a big city where the Walton family's destructive arms can't reach, but I've read the stories and my girl is from a small town. I've seen over 12 years how Walmart Superstores force entire small-scale economies such as my girlfriend's hometown in Oregon to close the doors on generations of hard work and mom-and-pop customer service.

          I understand that for so many Americans, convenience and thrift win every time over ideology and this high-horse bullshit that I'm spewing. One could make the argument that some of the other stores that I shop at are fundamentally no different than Walmart, but Kroger-owned grocery outlets, Bestbuy, or other huge retailers don't monopolize entire towns and force manufacturers and their factories and workers in a race to the bottom line so quickly and completely. Cheap shit, cheap labor, and cheap calories are ruining our country!

          Edit: I've been wondering where you've been, Justin. How's the crop this year?


          • Veganpunk
            • Jun 2009
            • 5381

            I'm still writing in Paul Reubens.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by Roo View Post
              This is why I encourage people to take serious and usually more costly measures to not shop at Walmart, ever. I admit I don't have to worry about Walmart itself, living in a big city where the Walton family's destructive arms can't reach, but I've read the stories and my girl is from a small town. I've seen over 12 years how Walmart Superstores force entire small-scale economies such as my girlfriend's hometown in Oregon to close the doors on generations of hard work and mom-and-pop customer service.

              I understand that for so many Americans, convenience and thrift win every time over ideology and this high-horse bullshit that I'm spewing. One could make the argument that some of the other stores that I shop at are fundamentally no different than Walmart, but Kroger-owned grocery outlets, Bestbuy, or other huge retailers don't monopolize entire towns and force manufacturers and their factories and workers in a race to the bottom line so quickly and completely. Cheap shit, cheap labor, and cheap calories are ruining our country!

              Edit: I've been wondering where you've been, Justin. How's the crop this year?

              Wall mart is the perfect example of why a truly free market is not actually the best business environment. In a truly free market, or in a market where the legislation favors the big players over small business, the first guy to make enough money buys up everyone elses industry so they can be the one source for all related products. This is no different than a railroad company also owning the steel companies that make the tracks/trains and the wood companies that cut down the timber for the tracks. It gets to a point where no other businesses can enter that industry anymore because the cost barrier is too high and we call that a monopoly, something strictly forbidden (supposedly) in our current market.

              It's not a high horse statement to say "shop elsewhere", and I think a lot of people do, it's just that especially in the middle of a recession people tend to buy whatever's cheapest and I don't think that will ever change. I don't blame consumers for doing this, I do it myself quite often, and I don't necessarily blame WalMart for trying to be good at business since that's the name of the game. I fault the government because they set the stage, they set the business environment, and for decades we have seen legislation tailored around this philosophy of "help out the big guys at the expense of small business". Be it banks or produce sellers, our government is picking the winnings and losers and they always let the big boys win at the expense of the little guy.

              I live in a planned community, in Pleasanton "the city of planned success". They put a huge shopping plaza with a wal mart here early on, and because of that there is almost 0 small businesses similar items here. And really, why drive 20 miles to give my business to a mom&pop store who charges tripple what wal mart does and who may be out of business next year? This is the problem, it's already too late. This is like guns, germs and steel; the people who made money early on have an unfair advantage at this point, now they have the resources to buy out all the competition, either directly or indirectly by putting them out of business and then swooping up their marketshare. They are so far ahead at this point that WalMart can effectively lobby government and control legislation, mom&pop simply cannot compete in that kind of business environment so they dissapear. This is a government/regulation issue, we need to decide how to proceed forward. Wal mart is helping citizens by giving them access to cheap goods during a recession, but the byproduct of that is it hurts our economy at large and most of the money ends up over seas I would imagine.

              It's the same trend over and over, we are sacrificing the long-term strength of our economy for a short-term gain.

              Wal Mart CEO: "Shoppers Are Running Out Of Money"; There Is "No Sign Of A Recovery"


              • tom502
                • Feb 2009
                • 8985


                Seriously? Is this faked or not? I don't know what to think.


                • RobsanX
                  • Aug 2008
                  • 2030

                  Originally posted by tom502 View Post
                  Seriously? Is this faked or not? I don't know what to think.
                  The truth is out there, and you're getting a little too close to it. Did you notice that black sedan down the road earlier?


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    They made a huge rookie mistake when scanning the birth certificate to PDF. They turned no the OCR (Optical Character Recognition) feature when scanning it, so it automatically broke it into layers. So now anyone with a copy of illustrator for example can open it up and see the individual layers present in the document. This is causing a lot of chatter because everyone is like "ZOMG tey made it in layers in photoshops!!!!1one!1". 99% sure some clerk is getting fired right now for messing up the scanning process and adding more fuel to the fire.

                    I say again, it doesn't matter. Worst case scenario is that he was legitimately born in Kenya and his parents brought him to Hawaii right after he was born to take advantage of their ulta-lax birth certificate laws. So at worst he was born in Kenya but lived his entire life since nearly birth in the united states. Frankly, I don't think that should exclude him from the presidency. The whole reason for the law was because we don't want any spies ending up running the country and we want a RealAmerican(TM) to hold the highest office. The reality though is that this is the land of oppertunity, where people from other countries are welcome to come here and apply for our jobs and otherwise be productive members of society. What if Einstein wanted to be president? See what i'm saying, we should be looking for the best and brightest, and we shouldn't exclude anyone from that process as far as I am concerned. Everyone worried about us electing a russian spy or a secret muslim cleric or something doesn't need to worry because that will be handled by the regular checks and balances, and most importantly, if Americans don't want them to be president they will not vote for him. That is how democracy works, just because you have democracy doesn't mean you always get good candidates, just that they are decided in a relitavely fair and equal manner. There is no guarantee that the enemy won't legitimately run a guy who may get elected, it is one of the downfalls of democracy but we can't fix it by making upa bunch of stupid rules.

                    I think a more fair law would be to require that anyone running for the presidency must have lived in the united states for perhaps 10-20 years or something, enough to where they haev sufficiently had time to take in our culture and understand what we stand for. We just want an "american" running the place since this is our damn country and we get that privaledge, nothing wrong with that, but americans come in all shapes and sizes and the existing laws would exclude members from our own snuson community here if you think about it, how dumb is that? Would you really shit a brick if Ice got elected? No, as long as he was a good candidate there should be no problem. What about Judge Faust? Him to, times change and so does the electorate, if people want communism than we cannot make it illegal for them to vote for communist leaders.

                    America is not about preserving the existing ways, America is supposed to be centered around ushering in a new businss model where we swoop up all the hungry go-getters from other countries and let them set up shop here so we all get to share the profits and enjoy our freedom together. This whole thing started by us screaming at those in europe "Hey guy, don't like Europe? Come over here and be free to succeed, no guarantees but you will at least get a fair shake here, we'll even give you a nice plot of land to start off". It worked and we became the sole remaining superpower, we have the most money, the strongest armies, the most diverse group of citizens, and most importantly the strongest economy. I don't see why we are now so hell-bent on changing that in favor of preserving the existing american culture, american culture is supposed to be dynamic and it saddens me to see us moving away from that.

                    I know Obama being a secret Kenyan would be a big deal "legally", but I honestly wouldn't care if someone from Kenya got elected, as long as they were fit for the job and people wanted to vote for them. But we also don't like liars, so he better hope his shit is straight. Either way he's already in charge now, he could print a new birth certificate every day if he wanted.


                    • tom502
                      • Feb 2009
                      • 8985



                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        BREAKING NEWS!

                        Arnold Schwarzanegger just released his US birth certificate!
                        Apparently he forgot he was a US citizen!
                        Now he can haz prezidenzy!


                        • sirloot
                          Senior Member
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 2607

                          Originally posted by chadizzy1 View Post
                          BREAKING NEWS!

                          Arnold Schwarzanegger just released his US birth certificate!
                          Apparently he forgot he was a US citizen!
                          Now he can haz prezidenzy!
                          haha nice .. i thought he was going to preside over the EU http://calcoastnews.com/2011/04/schw...-eu-president/


                          • SSnide
                            New Member
                            • May 2011
                            • 5

                            Well, I came to this forum to praise and discuss snus with everyone but I have a need to post in this topic first. First of all, it's great to meet all of you at this particular place. Second, I never thought I'd like any sort of wintergreen snus, but Jakobsson's is all right for sure. It seems to me that the only individual we as a nation could expect change to occur if he were elected president... Is Ron Paul. This guy totally terrorizes the establishment. I think any Republican or Democrat this country elects will simply bring more of the same, regardless of which side they happen to be running with.


                            • tom502
                              • Feb 2009
                              • 8985

                              I think most of us like Ron Paul a lot. I do. I think he's really the best choice, and I hate to say it, but I think 2012 USA, he won't win, because he is the sleepy grandpa, and in todays world, it's all about fame and personality, and that's why I side with Trump having the only real chance to beat Obama.

