I'm a member here for a few years, and just felt the need to say this.
We all have this power, it's called IGNORE.
If someone posts something you don't like, just ignore it.
If someone is posting stuff to rile you up, send a message about it to the mod, and ignore the post.
Back and forth flame wars will only cause a disruption, and will often result in people getting banned.
It's just stupid. And never take anything posted here personally. And don't feed a flame thread.
We all should get along. We all don't have to like each other, and we don't have to like every post.
But we can ignore and not participate in posts we don't like. And we don't have to reply to posts that try to start a flame of a personal nature.
It often takes an effort to do the above, but we can do it, it benefits the forum and everyone.
We all have this power, it's called IGNORE.
If someone posts something you don't like, just ignore it.
If someone is posting stuff to rile you up, send a message about it to the mod, and ignore the post.
Back and forth flame wars will only cause a disruption, and will often result in people getting banned.
It's just stupid. And never take anything posted here personally. And don't feed a flame thread.
We all should get along. We all don't have to like each other, and we don't have to like every post.
But we can ignore and not participate in posts we don't like. And we don't have to reply to posts that try to start a flame of a personal nature.
It often takes an effort to do the above, but we can do it, it benefits the forum and everyone.