Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

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  • sirloot
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 2607

    too soon man.... too soon :P


    • Darwin
      • Mar 2010
      • 1372

      Osama Bin Elvis


      • Bigblue1
        Banned Users
        • Dec 2008
        • 3923

        took me a minute, Darwin, But I got it. Are you referring to the prior 8 times he's been said to be dead. Seriously this guy was in real bad health and by some accounts dead before 9/11 ever happened or real close to it. Lest we forget that Clinton coulda taken this guy out in like 94. I dunno, except I believe none of what i am told...... Just watch Fox, Cnn, Msnbc for a day and have some self respect and take it for what it is..... If after you can't see it for the propaganda it is, You deserve what we will eventually get.......


        • LincolnSnuff
          • May 2010
          • 676

          Here we go again...


          • GoVegan
            • Oct 2009
            • 5603

            Originally posted by Darwin
            Osama Bin Elvis
            I could have sworn I saw Osama taking orders at Taco Bell today.


            • Joe234
              • Apr 2010
              • 1948

              Originally posted by Premium Parrots View Post
              I really don't know who you are Dpete but I certainly agree with the way you think. The way people are celebrating this guys death just doesn't seem right to me. I don't mean to start a war here but I wasn't brought up to celebrate anyones death. Simply say a prayer either for his soul or to give thanks that hes been caught and go on. He certainly was a bad man and God will punish him as He sees fit. BTW, Maybe we are all wrong and OBL's life should be celebrated because he was a true believer of his own faith. Maybe thats how Gods wants us to react if we truely belive in the bible.

              ok....I'm ready to take shit for what I just posted.
              What if all religion is superstition?
              Agnostic response


              • Joe234
                • Apr 2010
                • 1948

                Originally posted by sirloot View Post
                Yeah Muslim Clerics are now saying Water burial goes against Islamic traditions .. that they must be buried in Soil.. FAIL

                they most likely by all reports went thru Afghanistan why didnt they just put his body one one of the many caves there and rockslide it
                I heard an American Muslin cleric say, burial at sea is acceptable. He said it is usually done when death occurs at sea, but in this case it's OK.


                • dpete

                  Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
                  What if all religion is superstition?
                  Agnostic response
                  Actually my representative in the House is the only admitted atheist in Congress and, unlike many of his Christian counterparts in both parties, steadfastly refuses to vote for war funding. Religion, especially here in America though probably true worldwide, does not equal or guarantee decent ethical values.


                  • EricHill78
                    • Jun 2010
                    • 4253

                    Sorry if someone covered this.. CNN said osama wasnt armed and they shot him in the head and chest because he was "resisting" very odd.. police deal with people resisting all the time.. they overpower the fugitive use pepper spray.. they dont shoot them in the head.


                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Funny how the US all of a sudden cares about Muslim religious tradition and showing respect.
                      Remember Saddam?


                      Osama bin Laden’s Second Death

                      by Paul Craig Roberts

                      If today were April 1 and not May 2, we could dismiss as an April fool’s joke this morning’s headline that Osama bin Laden was killed in a firefight in Pakistan and quickly buried at sea. As it is, we must take it as more evidence that the US government has unlimited belief in the gullibility of Americans.

                      Think about it. What are the chances that a person allegedly suffering from kidney disease and requiring dialysis and, in addition, afflicted with diabetes and low blood pressure, survived in mountain hideaways for a decade? If bin Laden was able to acquire dialysis equipment and medical care that his condition required, would not the shipment of dialysis equipment point to his location? Why did it take ten years to find him?

                      Consider also the claims, repeated by a triumphalist US media celebrating bin Laden’s death, that "bin Laden used his millions to bankroll terrorist training camps in Sudan, the Philippines, and Afghanistan, sending ‘holy warriors’ to foment revolution and fight with fundamentalist Muslim forces across North Africa, in Chechnya, Tajikistan and Bosnia." That’s a lot of activity for mere millions to bankroll (perhaps the US should have put him in charge of the Pentagon), but the main question is: how was bin Laden able to move his money about? What banking system was helping him? The US government succeeds in seizing the assets of people and of entire countries, Libya being the most recent. Why not bin Laden’s? Was he carrying around with him $100 million dollars in gold coins and sending emissaries to distribute payments to his far-flung operations?

                      This morning’s headline has the odor of a staged event. The smell reeks from the triumphalist news reports loaded with exaggerations, from celebrants waving flags and chanting "USA USA." Could something else be going on?

                      No doubt President Obama is in desperate need of a victory. He committed the fool’s error of restarting the war in Afghanistan, and now after a decade of fighting the US faces stalemate, if not defeat. The wars of the Bush/Obama regimes have bankrupted the US, leaving huge deficits and a declining dollar in their wake. And re-election time is approaching.

                      The various lies and deceptions, such as "weapons of mass destruction," of the last several administrations had terrible consequences for the US and the world. But not all deceptions are the same. Remember, the entire reason for invading Afghanistan in the first place was to get bin Laden. Now that President Obama has declared bin Laden to have been shot in the head by US special forces operating in an independent country and buried at sea, there is no reason for continuing the war.

                      Perhaps the precipitous decline in the US dollar in foreign exchange markets has forced some real budget reductions, which can only come from stopping the open-ended wars. Until the decline of the dollar reached the breaking point, Osama bin Laden, who many experts believe to have been dead for years, was a useful bogeyman to use to feed the profits of the US military/security complex.

                      May 2, 2011

                      Paul Craig Roberts, a former Assistant Secretary of the US Treasury and former associate editor of the Wall Street Journal, has been reporting shocking cases of prosecutorial abuse for two decades. A new edition of his book, The Tyranny of Good Intentions, co-authored with Lawrence Stratton, a documented account of how Americans lost the protection of law, has been released by Random House.

                      Copyright © 2011 Paul Craig Roberts


                      • Frosted
                        • Mar 2010
                        • 5798

                        Osama bin Laden is an anagram for Lob da man in sea.


                        • snusjus
                          • Jun 2008
                          • 2674

                          I'm waiting for a YouTube music video about his death...


                          • internope
                            • Oct 2010
                            • 215

                            Originally posted by justintempler View Post
                            Funny how the US all of a sudden cares about Muslim religious tradition and showing respect.
                            Remember Saddam?
                            After Saddam's execution there was a funeral that was attended by thousands in his hometown of Tikrit. Reportedly his burial site is a 20ft long domed chamber and has become some kind of shrine to his followers. A quick burial at sea in keeping with Arab cultural traditions denies our enemies a propaganda tool while ensuring that Bin Laden's fans will need a submarine to make a similar pilgrimage.

                            As far as the article goes, I am not sure what kind of proof will be enough to convince the conspiracy crowd. As we have already seen with the truthers, birthers, holocaust deniers, and UFO-believers every proof presented is met with another bizarre conspiracy theory.


                            • MGX
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 127

                              Evidence will never be sufficient for conspiracy people. They will simply add one more layer to the conspiracy or label you as one of the sheeple/on the payroll/dupes. In general its a waste of time to convince the willfully ignorant.

                              On topic it doesn't seem as of yet OBL's death will be a big deal in global affairs.


                              • RobsanX
                                • Aug 2008
                                • 2030

                                Originally posted by MGX View Post
                                On topic it doesn't seem as of yet OBL's death will be a big deal in global affairs.
                                You don't think it gave Ghadaffi pause?

