Osama Bin Laden is DEAD!

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  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696

    Some of the puzzle pieces are coming together in a alternative theory of mine.

    There were witness reports that soon after 911 Osama was whisked away from a hospital by Pakistani secret service.

    10 years later he is killed within a secret compound which was obviously known to Pakistani secret service if not even our own CIA (speculation of course).

    There was a neighbor witness who said you could not even get close to the compound without guards checking for identification.

    So, in essence they were harboring Bin Laden all these years and either

    1) Our government the good guys just found out about it and decided to execute him
    2) Our government was in on it all along and just was waiting for the right time to execute him

    I say execute because he held far more info then would of been allowed to the general puclic.

    I tend to lean towards number 2. Just for the fact of the execution and give more credit to our CIA that they could not break/bribe somebody from the Pakistani secret service to give up his whereabouts years earlier.


    • tom502
      • Feb 2009
      • 8985

      Number 2 probably. If they did know, and knew, but could keep an eye on him, then they would not be in a big hurry, and as a political pawn wait for when they thought was the right time, but then, maybe not, if that was so, they should have waited till like 1 or 2 days before the next Presidential election.


      • sirloot
        Senior Member
        • Mar 2011
        • 2607

        Originally posted by tom502 View Post
        , they should have waited till like 1 or 2 days before the next Presidential election.
        that would have made it waaay to obvious that he was in there sights for awhile


        • Roo
          • Jun 2008
          • 3446

          For those who are convinced it was done/staged entirely for Obama's political gain, let's not forget the next Presidential election is a full 18 months away. What were you doing in November of 2009? That was a long-ass time ago.


          • LincolnSnuff
            • May 2010
            • 676

            Yeah, I don't even remember what Obama was not doing in Nov. 2009......


            • devilock76
              • Aug 2010
              • 1737

              Originally posted by Joe234 View Post
              What if all religion is superstition?
              Agnostic response
              If you take you are your own personal beliefs out of the equation and just look at it empirically, all religions are nothing more than superstition, as in the common superstitions we have are just like religious observations.



              • LaZeR
                • Oct 2009
                • 3994

                No Photos will be released: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2011...photo-release/


                • StuKlu
                  • Feb 2010
                  • 1192


                  • Froofather
                    • Apr 2011
                    • 198

                    Im curious about something. Obama made it sound like they executed Osama. He said "after the fighting our soldiers killed osama" Or something to that effect. Then on the news they said he was shot in the head. Sound like an execution. Also, yesterday they said obama gave the order. Do not take him alive. You would think we would want to interrogate him. Interesting that they didnt capture him.


                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      Originally posted by LaZeR View Post
                      No photos, no body no nothing...

                      Wait firefight, but nobody was armed inside the compound?..

                      Okay, okay.. how about releasing some of the recent surveillance images. He probably should look pretty sickly with his kidney problems and with all the stress probably a little greyer also.

                      They did state that facial recognition was at 95%. Let's see that stuff at least and maybe even some of DNA evidence for outside scrutiny.


                      • tom502
                        • Feb 2009
                        • 8985

                        He was assassinated.
                        But no photos to be released!!!
                        Sounds like a hoax to me.
                        Buried at sea.
                        No evidence.
                        Just words.

                        But what I want to know, is his wife was there, yet his house was a damn mess!!! Why wasn't she doing her job?

                        Oh, it's time for Donad Trump to say, "show us the photos!"


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Originally posted by LincolnSnuff View Post
                          Why does this have to be a conspiracy? Its ridiculous to assume that everything is part of some government chess game to oppress the people. I would have rather seen the bastard get captured and water-boarded for a few months myself, but he fired at Navy Seals during the raid so the result isn't surprising in the least. The burial at sea makes sense, seeing as no country would take his body and why would we want to create a terror shrine somewhere? That's just asking for trouble. As far as a photo of the body, I am willing to bet he was shot in the head considering he was using his wife (coward) as a human shield and Obama is trying to not stir up the terrorists any more than they already are.

                          While this will give the President a temporary increase in political capital, it will not launch him into a victory in 2012. I can finally say Obama kept a campaign promise, but does it really matter what President was in office when this intelligence was gathered? I'm sure McCain would have ordered the raid as well. It's not as if Obama was on the ground collecting intel himself or dropped from a helicopter into the compound with a machine gun and blasted Bin Laden, as awesome as that would be.

                          This is a long thread and I havn't read most of the posts so sorry if someone else already pointed this out.

                          He did not use one of the wifes as a human shield (at least this morning that was verified as a rumor and not true, they may have changed their minds since then), and Osama was not armed when they got him. They used the classic "He could have maybe been reaching for a weapon, we saw something shiny" excuse.

                          Most interestingly here is that he didn't had much security around him. He had a few bodyguards and he wasn't armed or near firearms himself. He had been living a sedentatry lifestyle there for 6 years, doing everything by courier. Meanwhile we were spending a trillion dollars to invade the two neighboring countries. This is literally the most epic facepalm of all time.

                          I think Truthwolf is right (he says it around page 15 or something), I think it unlikely that Pakistan, whom we are allies with and pay 8 billion a year to for the purpose of counter terrorism, had Bin Laden chilling in a loosely guarded mansion for 6 years without anyone knowing.

                          I think that we've know where he was (or at least could have found him) at any time and we just chose to do it now because for whatever reason the timing was right ro we had a unique oppertunity of some kind.

                          I don't think this has anything to do with Obama's campaign anymore, though this falls at a coincidental time as always. I mean we've cought Bin Laden twice, and when we had him while clinton was president, clinton didn't give the kill order so they had to let him go. Bush's group had him cornered at one point too but the official story on that is that he somehow escaped if I recall.

                          I will give Obama this, he at least gave the right order this time. He got intel on where Bin Laden was, then he sent in Seal Team 6 to perform a surgical execution. The orders were to capture but that deadly force was authorized. They got thre, cleared the place, and killed him.

                          I want to point out that we had this 100% same oppertunity under clinton and clinton did not give the deadly force order. Obama made the right choice here, he said we need results and not political BS (plus he knew it would help him either way, dead or alive). If Obama had been the softie we always label him as, he could have chosent o make the wrong decision here but he made the right one.

                          Politics aside, and also forgetting about all the reasons why this story is fishy as hell, I think Obama did the right thing here. He sent his best to kill the bad guy and didn't hold their hands in doing it, he said just make it happen. If they had just dropped a JDAM on the compound and retrieved the body later, that would have been acceptable and MUCH easier to accomplish. He took the tough but CORRECT route of minimizing civilian casualties and also kept in mind that people are going to want to see a body come out of this, so he made sure his best team of guys did this so it wouldn't get ****ed up. All bs aside, I am glad he showed his pimp hand ordered Osama's death, it could have been worse.


                          • RobsanX
                            • Aug 2008
                            • 2030

                            This is all the proof I need...


                            • AtreyuKun
                              • Aug 2009
                              • 1223

                              I wish someone would please explain the backlash the Tea Baggers are dishing out.
                              To quote Judson Phillips:

                              Real Americans love their country. Real Americans want to see their country prevail. Real Americans love their countrymen who sacrifice so much to make this country free.

                              Obama and his regime are not real Americans. And with Obama and his team at the helm of government, it is a world gone mad.

                              I just don't get it. Why are Republicans so ****ing insane??


                              • sgreger1
                                • Mar 2009
                                • 9451

                                Originally posted by AtreyuKun View Post
                                I wish someone would please explain the backlash the Tea Baggers are dishing out.
                                To quote Judson Phillips:

                                Real Americans love their country. Real Americans want to see their country prevail. Real Americans love their countrymen who sacrifice so much to make this country free.

                                Obama and his regime are not real Americans. And with Obama and his team at the helm of government, it is a world gone mad.

                                I just don't get it. Why are Republicans so ****ing insane??

                                Don't act dumb, you know why. Because it's all a sports game now, with two teams and the fans always cheer their team and hate the opposing team no matter how much their team sucks and no matter how much better the other team is. If Bush had killed Bin Laden they would have used that as leverage into i9nfinity and it would be brought up at every dinnertable at every oppertunity; "Hey at least Bush got results!". No such credit will be afforded to OBama because, well, that's how politics works. Too bad, the other party does the same shit. We all act like we want x,y, or z to hapen in order to "fix" the "real problems", but all w really care about is that our team looks good whenever it happens or doesn't happen.

                                Guys, this was Osama and he is dead. Either he was already dead or he is dead now, those are the only two real options here. Bottom line, after 9-11 americans gave the president a mandate to go find this guy and make him pay. Lots of effort went into it, and most of it was all a show, but the end result is that today he has been killed and Obama is the one who gave the word which made it happen, he deserves credit on that because he could have chosen to be a pussy. Just like when he sent the seals to deal with those pirates who had hijacked a cruseliner. Regardless of whatever conspiracy is surely happening, we need to not let this turn into the new birth certificate isssue. They have extensive DNA evidence, plus a picture supposedly, and burying him at sea makes the most sense for reasons already stated. I think this was handled well, and I think they SHOULD release the photos because MY FRIENDS HAVE DIED as part of the effort to supposedly find this guy and I want to see a picture of him bloody and torn so I can somehow in my mind justify that it was worth it. Our soldiers had to watch their friends shot in the face durign this conflict, so the american people should be able to watch Osama get shot in the face too, it's only fair.

                                We spent a trillion dollars and spilled the blood of innocents and patriots alike. I have no problem with any of the Osama being killed thing and generally see it as a positive event, but please for the love of God release the damn pictures. This is like Sadam all over again. I enjoyed watching that ****er hang and i'd like to see the same with Osama, is that so much to ask?

