"college conspiracy" documentary: Just released today!!! Incredible!! Must see this!!

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    • May 2010
    • 139

    "college conspiracy" documentary: Just released today!!! Incredible!! Must see this!!

    'College Conspiracy' Just Released!

    We just released 'College Conspiracy' a day early so that NIA members can see the movie before we issue our press release tomorrow morning to not just the nationwide education news wire, but to thousands of college administrators and education journalists through two special education microlists.

    Please watch 'College Conspiracy' immediately and spread the word to every single one of your friends, family members, and co-workers: click here.

    It is up to every single one of you to help make this movie a success by spreading the word to as many people as possible. Considering how our latest video 'The Day the Dollar Died' has now reached close to 2 million views in 6 months, we are very optimistic that we can get 'College Conspiracy' to be seen by an even larger audience.

    We need to get millions of people to watch 'College Conspiracy' if we are going to expose what we believe is the largest scam in U.S. history! NIA is the most pro-education organization in the world, but the college bubble we have today is destroying the lives of millions of Americans who deserve to be receiving a much higher quality of education for only a fraction of the cost.

    As you watch this documentary, we hope that you notice and appreciate the quality of work that we put into it. We hired one of the best Hollywood animators and a famous Hollywood narrator to help make this movie our most impressive and professional documentary of all time. It took us three months just to write the script, which used many of the ideas that were submitted to us by NIA members.

    We would like to give our most sincere thank you to the thousands of NIA members who emailed us suggestions of topics to cover and expert guests to interview!

    'College Conspiracy' is going to open up the minds of millions of students who have been brainwashed their entire lives by the propaganda in the mainstream media. We are a nation of sheep, where nobody thinks for themselves and everybody follows the same system. The system we have today turns everybody into debt slaves, while the Federal Reserve allows bankers on Wall Street to steal the wealth of middle-class Americans through inflation.

    Now is the time for all young Americans to think outside of the box and become self-educated. Don't rely on others to provide jobs for you. Go out there and make a job yourself!

    Watch 'College Conspiracy'
  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    I watched the whole thing. very interesting. thanks for the link
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      I watched it too very interesting and eye opening.

      GOS quick question, the folks that made the video. I have a funny suspision that they sell gold and silver investments. Am I right?


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        I like Gerald Celente or whatever but I swear it ruins it when he is like the only commentator on like every documentary about everything.

        Guys, as someone with no college education, i've been able to do alright but I have hit the glass ceiling as it were, if your an 18 year old watching this, go get an education. I guess the only time you shouldn't is if you plan on financing the whole thing through student loans. You can't just spend several years living on borrowed money, unless your planning on becoming a doctor or something or have rich parents that are likely to help you with your student debt.

        I really wish I had gone to college, even though I don't think a degree is worth the paper it's written on. I am so mad that the kids with bachelors are seen as more marketable than me because they took some humanities classes and are more "well rounded" than a non college grad. That's all bullshit, well rounded my ass, half these kids have never read a book that wasn't assigned to them to read. But I digress, it is a scam (the school system), but right now it's either be broke and protest or go to school and make some money for your family. There are those that make a decent living without ever going past high school but don't count on it, it can be done but just like with a degree there is no guarantee that it'll work out for you. It all depends on who you are and what your plans are I suppose.

        We have too many college grads (namely PHD's) and not enough jobs for them, and all the people trying to wait out the recession by staying in school are all going to flood the market all at once when they graduate and collectively their degrees will be made worthless since the market will be saturated with them. But then for those of us who didn't go to college it will be even worse because everyone will have a degree at that point and it will be the new standard since everyone else has one (since they weathered out the recession by staying in school perpetually). The next generation better hope a new internet gets invented or something that gives us a big boom, because if not they may be living in hard times.

        Despite Obama claiming that the recession was officially over a year ago, this recession will continue for several more years, the wealth disparity is just too high right now and the money ain't flowing properly.


        • Mykislt
          • Sep 2010
          • 677

          Man, college is so unbelievably expensive in the US, I can see how you guys complain, but this 'scam' is not a global phenomenon.
          Fun fact: Lithuania is the one of the most educated countries in the EU: 91.3 % of the Lithuanian population aged 25 to 64 had a secondary or higher education in 2009. Ironically, labor costs are among the lowest in the EU, and also taxes are quite low. So there is basically a vacuum that will eventually be filled and is being filled by successful companies exploiting these phenomenons.

          I'm skeptical of the free marked solution that the film proposes, I would favor the Scandinavian solution.


          • Jwalker
            • May 2010
            • 1067

            Eh I'm wondering that as a student if degrees are worth anything except showing you come from a family who was successful, I have rich parents and go to a private school otherwise I'd go to a state school and work part-time I wouldn't be crazy enough to take on hundreds of thousands in student loans like other people. Some people are just idiots you don't go 80-100k in debt to get a degree in the humanities or social sciences when you'll end up being a teacher and never pay off your loans.


            • mh_logic
              • Apr 2010
              • 61

              This looks pretty sweet. It's loading right now.

              The only real benefit I received in getting my degree (A.A.S.) is accomplishing something that no one can take away from me. I made some mistakes during and after college but I still managed to get that piece of paper. And I am proud of that.

              On the flip side, an A.A.S. in business administration is pretty much useless in terms of securing a decent job. Not to mention, my degree is super outdated compared to new programs with updated technologies and management systems.

              Can't blame anyone else though. I made my own decisions.

              Just watched this. Pretty interesting. I liked the breakdown of the extra million dollar earnings for college graduates as opposed to high school graduates. The idea of a high school graduate investing $30,000 in silver for 4 years instead of going to college is pretty sweet. Maybe I'll take out a $30,000 student loan this Fall and invest it in silver instead of taking classes.

              I'd like to go back to community college to upgrade my skills and carve out my own niche in life.

              Looking forward to watching this video. Thanks for posting the link.


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