Umm, what's with the 13f designation there sgreger? Is there something we should know about?
Lol, it was the tile of my job in the army, 13foxtrot means fire support specialist, 13 series is artillery and foxtrot means i'm the forward observer. But you know what? i'm rolling with the 13yo girl thing, from now on everyone here is to assume i'm a 13 year old girl. This could land me a huge contract with that one show where they bust pedophiles.
*Cops bust into redbeards door*
"Excuse me sir, is it true that you were playing words-wtih-friends with someone whom you knew to be a 13 year old girl, and is it true that you scored 24 points by playing the word "sex", and are you aware that this is a felony sir. Are you ashamed of your actions".
Redbeard: "I was just trying to score some points man, I mean does it matter that she was 13yo, I just wanted to hang out I swear!"