Police openly steeling money at random to fund their department

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Police openly steeling money at random to fund their department

    This is shocking. They pull people over looking for money, and the law allows them to confiscate any cash because it "could be drug money" and keep it for themselves. The police are openly stealing from us.

    For those who don't recall, my brand new motorcycle was stolen recently, the police recovered it from the thief, then withheld it from me and sold it, leaving me with the $10,000 bill and no vehicle. The lawsuit to get it back (according to my lawyer) would cost more than $10,000 to recover so had to eat the cost.

    The police never protect you from criminals, they only care about making money. It is not the cops fault but the department/government's fault because they base their policies around extortion as opposed to stopping crime.

    The next time they threaten to fire all the police officers if you don't let them raise your taxes, say "Wait, we can get rid of the criminal police force AND not have taxes raised? Sweet!"
  • sirloot
    Senior Member
    • Mar 2011
    • 2607

    Yeah its called speeding tickets :P as if thats not bad enuff


    • badlands
      • Jul 2009
      • 297

      Welcome to Tennessee.


      • snusjus
        • Jun 2008
        • 2674

        This disgusts me.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post

          It is not the cops fault but the department/government's fault because they base their policies around extortion as opposed to stopping crime.
          The "just following orders" defense was invalidated at Nuremberg. It is the cops fault. Are you really surprised? Theft is one of the lighter crimes they engage in. You're lucky you don't get shot :^S


          • timholian
            • Apr 2010
            • 1448

            This reminds me of The Wire. what a great show.... But that is messed up and the cops are gaming the system...


            • GoVegan
              • Oct 2009
              • 5603

              Unfortunately police have had to focus their efforts from fighting crime to becoming middle class tax collectors.


              • nicodude
                • Jan 2011
                • 688

                The police are gangsters that are allowed to operate legally. They can beat you, kidnap you, lock you in a cage, shoot you, kill you, rape you, steal from you, threaten you and so on. They wrongly accuse people of crimes just to close the case and make themselves look good, hundreds of innocent people are rotting in jail because of this.

                Over here in maryland the baltimore city cops are awful. They hustle drug dealers on the street, take their money, drugs and guns then turn em loose, then sell the drugs and keep all the money and if someone confronts them they kill you and plant a gun on you saying you were going to shoot at them. They raped and beat an innocent woman in central booking a few years back and threatened her life if she came forward. There were two baltimore city officers that participated in the local 'stop snitching' video along side gang members.

                I'm sure your sitting there right now reading this post saying wtf, who would allow this to happen, well watch this video...


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  DUI laws don't stop drunks from driving but rather mostly f#ck with normally law abiding citizens who have 1 or 2 on occasion. All these laws are draconian but the police's power really started with the good hearted notion of getting intoxicated drivers off the road. But it has turned into this. I now refer to the police as "producers" because that is what they would be called in any other revenue generating position, ie. salesman. Only difference is they don't work hard to make a sale, just abuse their federally given power to steal....... No offense Nonserviam, I know your one of the good ones........


                  • triplethreat675
                    • Jan 2011
                    • 64

                    Wow, coming from someone working in this field, These allegations are astonishing. I am disgusted by these officers behavior. I am lucky to work with a bunch of solid morally sound officers here in WI. It's incredibly frustrating to see this. It's this kinda B******T that makes the rest of us well intentioned LEOs look bad, not to mention making our jobs much more dangerous. If the general public thinks just because I wear a badge I will conduct myself like some of these yahoos, theres no limit to what they may do to get away, or prevent me from doing my job. With the advent of video cameras everywhere and lightning fast media sharing, Im amazed that these officers are still acting so far out of line...


                    • Bigblue1
                      Banned Users
                      • Dec 2008
                      • 3923

                      Originally posted by triplethreat675 View Post
                      Wow, coming from someone working in this field, These allegations are astonishing. I am disgusted by these officers behavior. I am lucky to work with a bunch of solid morally sound officers here in WI. It's incredibly frustrating to see this. It's this kinda B******T that makes the rest of us well intentioned LEOs look bad, not to mention making our jobs much more dangerous. If the general public thinks just because I wear a badge I will conduct myself like some of these yahoos, theres no limit to what they may do to get away, or prevent me from doing my job. With the advent of video cameras everywhere and lightning fast media sharing, Im amazed that these officers are still acting so far out of line...
                      Once again, it is not the officers for the most part, it is the draconian laws and bureaucracy that are feeding this fire. And let's not be mistaken that we have let this shit go down on our watch. Go back and check out minute 2:25 and the truth is told........ After notice that they report they aren't stopping the drugs coming in but the money going out so they can confiscate it. Man what a damning video. Everyone should forward this to friends and family.......


                      • RobsanX
                        • Aug 2008
                        • 2030

                        Originally posted by nicodude
                        Over here in maryland the baltimore city cops are awful.
                        I've heard some horror stories come out of Maryland. This one stands out as being particularly egregious...

                        Prince George's settles suit by Berwyn Heights mayor over storming of home
                        By Ruben Castaneda
                        Washington Post Staff Writer
                        Monday, January 24, 2011; 7:29 PM

                        Attorneys for Prince George's County settled a civil lawsuit Monday brought by Berwyn Heights Mayor Cheye Calvo in response to an incident in which members of a county sheriff's SWAT team stormed his home looking for drugs, fatally shot the family's two dogs and held him at gunpoint.

                        The agreement was reached on the day the civil trial was scheduled to begin in Prince George's Circuit Court in Upper Marlboro.

                        County officials said they had 30 days to finalize the settlement. Calvo and a spokesman for County Executive Rushern L. Baker III (D) declined to comment on the amount of the settlement.

                        Although the details are not official, Calvo said the settlement will include an agreement by the Baker administration to change how county law enforcement officers conduct such operations. The changes will involve such issues as how and when SWAT teams are deployed and the humane treatment of pets.

                        "We're achieving reforms we were seeking," Calvo said. "This has been a 30-month process in which we have been trying to understand what happened to us and why. We learned a lot. We learned there were significant deficiencies in training and over-deployment of the SWAT team."

                        The July 29, 2008, incident made national headlines and once again raised questions about the use of force by law enforcement in the county.

                        A police dog at a shipping facility in Arizona flagged a package addressed to Trinity Tomsic, Calvo's wife. Prince George's police intercepted the package, which they said contained marijuana. Officers posed as deliverymen and left the package on the couple's porch.

                        About 7 p.m., Calvo returned from walking his black Labradors - Payton and Chase - and brought the package inside.

                        A sheriff's SWAT team, called in because police SWAT units were not available at the time, stormed the home. Deputies fatally shot both dogs.

                        Calvo's attorney, Timothy F. Maloney, questioned deputies and police officers for hours in sworn depositions. Calvo said the depositions revealed that Chase ran from one deputy into another room, where he was confronted by another armed deputy. The dog turned to run from that deputy, who shot the dog twice, Calvo said.

                        Calvo said the deputies who invaded his home were not told that no one in the home had any criminal record.

                        The lawsuit alleged that deputies failed to "knock and announce" their presence before storming in. Some deputies were under the impression that police had obtained a "no knock" warrant, which police had not applied for, Maloney said.

                        County police officers and sheriff's deputies also failed to consult Berwyn Heights police before the raid.
                        Days after the raid, police said that Calvo and Tomsic knew nothing about the package of marijuana and had nothing to do with the drug trade.

                        An internal sheriff's department investigation found no wrongdoing by deputies. Then-Sheriff Michael A. Jackson said his deputies "did their jobs to the fullest extent of their abilities."

                        Last year, Jackson campaigned for the Democratic nomination for county executive and was defeated by Baker.

                        The sheriff's department, which is responsible for security at courthouses in Upper Marlboro and Hyattsville, uses Labradors, including black Labs, as police dogs to sniff out drugs and other contraband. Canine officers have said Labs are good to use in a courthouse because they are so friendly around people.


                        • GoVegan
                          • Oct 2009
                          • 5603

                          I have noticed that police in my area love to set speed traps during times people need to commute to work. I guess they figure if you are working, you can pay the ticket.


                          • justintempler
                            • Nov 2008
                            • 3090

                            Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
                            This is shocking. They pull people over looking for money, and the law allows them to confiscate any cash because it "could be drug money" and keep it for themselves. The police are openly stealing from us.


                            Cops having their own turf wars.....

                            Cop "I don't care where you got it, I just want the product(money)"
                            Cops don't care about the crimes, they just want the money....


                            • angrylollipop
                              • Apr 2011
                              • 209

                              Police should be avoided at all cost. NEVER CALL THEM, NEVER INVITE THEM INTO YOUR HOME, NEVER TALK BACK TO THEM, NEVER TEMPT THEM, NEVER TOUCH THEM, NEVER RUN FROM THEM. They will **** your life up forever.


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