Thrown Under The Bus Again - Patriot Act Extension

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Thrown Under The Bus Again - Patriot Act Extension

    Constitution? We don't need no stinkin' Constitution...

    Congress passed a four-year extension of three provisions of the Patriot Act May 26, despite a spirited Senate effort to derail the bill by Senator Rand Paul (R-Ky.), who proposed amendments to exempt Americans' firearms records from the open-ended searches envisioned by the Patriot Act.

    See who sold you out here...
  • truthwolf1
    • Oct 2008
    • 2696



    Franken (D-MN), Nay

    Klobuchar (D-MN), Yea

    Although many of us know exactly what this is all about and I am pretty sure most of YEa's also know this is one giant scam but are too terrified to not stand up for the American People.

    I think somebody out there should start making a list.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      That guy's a leader. No BS, and the will to do what he's paid to do. That's why he'll never be president :^(


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        I'd like to point out the reality of just how ****ing evil these people are and how underhandedly they ****ed us this time and managed to pass this with almost no debate.

        Rand Paul was fillabustering it and hoping to go the full 30 hours so as to cause the patriot act to expire so that it would be harder to get the extension since they'd have to start from scratch, but Harry Reid (D) just went around Ron Paul and took the full text of the patriot act and passed it by placing it in another bill that was not debatable, thereby extending the patriot act for 4 more years and completely ****ing Rand/Ron Paul's attempts at stopping it and bending over and screwing every American in the process.

        I don't care what you say about Ron Paul, I don't care if he was a card carrying commie, a blatant racist, or if he was into midget fetish porn and had a stable of thai ladyboys in his basement, because at least he is consistent and stands for what he believes in which is a lot more than can be said by any of our presidents as of late. He is actually trying to bring hope and change and yet so many people are going to go to the polls in 2012 and vote for Obama because "You can't expect Obama to change everything the evil republicans did in just 1 term right? Just give him more time!".

        They are going to run a giant smear campaign against Ron Paul and try to paint him as a racist and or as a weirdo or as something, because both parties hate him, but do not be fooled; at least he has character and at this point that would be an improvement over what we have. Obama is an empty suite who is only there to look pretty while giving shitty speeches written by even shittier speech writers, he's just Bush with a better knack for talking.

        Clearly the patriot act is an example of a bill which has bipartisan support and will pass regardless of which party is in power, however it serves neither side to pass such a publicly controversial bill while agreeing wholeheartedly. Instead they engage each other like professional wrestlers, smacking their own arms while they pretend to savage one another in mock combat.

        Ron Paul - Both Parties are Controlled by the Military Industrial Complex. We have a System of Corporatism where business and Governments are partners and they rip us off - whether it is the Military Industrial Complex or big drug and insurance companies.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          This is about as accurately as I can put it at this point:


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            9-11 was the Reichstag Fire, that Patriot Act is just America's version of the Enabling Act.

            For those who don't recall how the Nazi's really got their foothold:

            The Enabling Act was a piece of legislation that passed after the controversial Reichstag fire and allowed the NSDAP (Nazis) to wage an open war against the communist terrorists. There are alot of parallels between this legislation and the patriot act.

            More on the patriot act from AL Jazeera, which ironically is becoming one of the few decent and halfway reliable news outlets. Sigh... what a world



            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by sgreger1 View Post
              9-11 was the Reichstag Fire, that Patriot Act is just America's version of the Enabling Act.

              For those who don't recall how the Nazi's really got their foothold:

              The Enabling Act was a piece of legislation that passed after the controversial Reichstag fire and allowed the NSDAP (Nazis) to wage an open war against the communist terrorists. There are alot of parallels between this legislation and the patriot act.
              Yup, the pace is slower, but it's the same old shit. All tyrants use the same rule book, it's just a matter of how fast the game's played.


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by lxskllr View Post
                Yup, the pace is slower, but it's the same old shit. All tyrants use the same rule book, it's just a matter of how fast the game's played.
                Agreed, the sad thing is that while I used to think calling "Nazi" was just being lazy, it is actually what I think we are moving towards now. A few more generations, probably within my lifetime. And even if we kill it, it will come back again in another 100 years.

                Obama signs away our civil rights using an e-pen in a foreign country. The Irony.

                In a matter of just 3 years, we have gone from a Republican president invoking "national security" to criticize Democrat Senators for arguing against the "Patriot" Act, to a Democrat president invoking "national security" to criticize Republican Senators for arguing against the "Patriot" Act. PLease vote for Ron Paul in 2012 if you get the opportunity, he's the last real republican.


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  We're going towards some kind of weird, inverted fascism, where the companies own the government. It'll be like sharecropping on a national scale.


                  • sandman1911
                    • Jun 2009
                    • 394



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