Yerba Mate tea.

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  • Ansel
    • Feb 2011
    • 3696

    Yerba Mate tea.

    Anyone else here a fan of this South American tea? I drink this most evenings. I have yet to drink it up a mountain like this guy on Youtube but i can imagine it being most enjoyable.

  • timholian
    • Apr 2010
    • 1448

    I drink a Yerba Mate drink called Guayaki that is a wonderful pick me up. It honestly feels like a really clean caffeine high... No jitters or anything like that but high octane.

    Must Try for caffeine fans!


    • Mykislt
      • Sep 2010
      • 677

      I usually stick to the Chinese teas, never tried this, but I will, definitely!


      • Ansel
        • Feb 2011
        • 3696

        I agree Tim, i find it very different to a high intake of coffee. Mykislt, i think it's very different to the Chinese teas. You can find it on eBay.


        • MJ26
          • Sep 2009
          • 333

          I do buy a bag of it once in a while. It's good because it doesn't have same side effects as coffee but it refreshs. It also improves to sleep better.


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Wait so it it a high-caffein pick me up or something to help you sleep?

            I drink chamomile tea every night with some russian Peony extract in it and that puts me out pretty good. i love teas of all sorts but don't recal anything about yerba mate, though i know i've had it before.

            If anyone knows any other good teas to help sleep (other than chamomile) let me know, i've been looking for something else to drink cause it gets boring sippin the same ol` tea every night lol.


            • xrt
              • Jun 2010
              • 374

              Since I no longer drink anything that contains caffeine, I find myself in a whole new world. The tea world...
              There are so many different brands, but as of now I drink Twinings Morning detox and Cleanse. They are both really good !
              It's all herbal and natural, pure deliciousness.
              I would be interested in learning more about herbal teas that you can find in special stores.
              Oh... and tea goes really well with snus, any snus.


              • Ansel
                • Feb 2011
                • 3696

                I dunno sgregor1 it's kind of calming but a sort of high - i get nice restful sleep when i take it... but you'd want to see how you take to it as it may be different for you. I have one strong cup at 7pm with milk and a little sugar made in a cup from bags (rather than using loose yerba mate in a traditional gourd) most evenings.


                • xrt
                  • Jun 2010
                  • 374

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  Wait so it it a high-caffein pick me up or something to help you sleep?

                  I drink chamomile tea every night with some russian Peony extract in it and that puts me out pretty good. i love teas of all sorts but don't recal anything about yerba mate, though i know i've had it before.

                  If anyone knows any other good teas to help sleep (other than chamomile) let me know, i've been looking for something else to drink cause it gets boring sippin the same ol` tea every night lol.
                  You can check this site out
                  I myself would like to try the silver needle tea.


                  • Ansel
                    • Feb 2011
                    • 3696

                    One of my preferred brands is Cruz de Malta which i get in tea-bag form. It works out very cost effective.


                    • MJ26
                      • Sep 2009
                      • 333

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      Wait so it it a high-caffein pick me up or something to help you sleep?

                      I drink chamomile tea every night with some russian Peony extract in it and that puts me out pretty good. i love teas of all sorts but don't recal anything about yerba mate, though i know i've had it before.

                      If anyone knows any other good teas to help sleep (other than chamomile) let me know, i've been looking for something else to drink cause it gets boring sippin the same ol` tea every night lol.

                      7. What are the benefits of yerba mate?

                      •Strengthening the immune system
                      •Reducing fatigue
                      •Reducing blood pressure
                      •Breaking down fat (lipolytic)
                      •Balancing sleep patterns
                      •Increasing libido
                      •Delivering oxygen to the heart and lungs during exercise
                      •A great diet aid
                      •Increasing focus
                      •Increasing creativity
                      •Increasing strength, energy and endurance
                      •Recent research has shown that Yerba Mate
                      •Reduces cholesterol
                      •Contains antioxidants
                      •Contains 15 amino acids
                      •Contains 24 vitamins and minerals
                      •Is a whole body tonic


                      • ABW
                        • May 2011
                        • 793

                        First let me say that i am not "promoting" this but I did find it interesting that it came from a company that is talked about on this forum sometimes..Star Scientific... Isn't funny how it all us nic addicts naturally find the missing links? Looks like Star found it also..

                        CigRx contains two dietary ingredients: yerba mate (mah-TAY) and anatabine (an-AT-a-been).

                        Yerba mate is a small tree native to the forests of Brazil, Paraguay, and Argentina. Yerba mate's leathery leaves are used as a natural, refreshing tea beverage throughout South America. The tea infusion that is brewed from the dried leaves and stems of the tree is consumed by millions of South Americans as an alternative to coffee - mate tea contains caffeine

                        While yerba mate is native to Paraguay, Brazil, Argentina, and Uruguay, it is now cultivated in many tropical countries to supply a world demand for its leaves. The average person in Uruguay consumes roughly 2.5 to 3 gallons of mate tea each year.

                        Yerba mate has been used as a base for herbal medicines in South America for centuries, and the chemical components of yerba mate are similar to those found in green tea. Mate tea also contains caffeine. CigRx contains an extract of mate.

                        Anatabine (an-ATA-bean)
                        The minor alkaloids found in tobacco leaf are nornicotine, anatabine and anabasine. They are present in low percentages compared to the major alkaloid, nicotine. Anatabine is a constituent of the particulate matter found in mainstream cigarettes smoke. Anatabine is found in tobacco as well as in peppers, eggplant and green tomatoes. Fresh Nicotiana tabacum, the plant variety most commonly used for the production of cigarette tobacco, contains 3.9% anatabine. (Source: Merck Index).

                        Nicotine has a “half life”, or effectiveness of approximately one hour, while anatabine has a half life of up to 8 hours. (Source: Stratton K., Shetty P., Wallance R., et al. “Exposure and Biomarker Assessment in Humans”, Clearing the Smoke, Institute of Medicine, 2001). However, animal studies have shown that anatabine is not strongly addictive the way nicotine is. We believe that CigRx, with anatabine levels comparable to what you’d get from one cigarette – but without exposing yourself to nicotine – can really help you temporarily reduce the urge to smoke.


                        • xrt
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 374

                          I found a Norwegian site that sells Yerba Mate tea, they have everything from straws to starter kits.
                          Monte Rosa Start Kit
                          All you need to start drinking Yerba Mate. The package comes in very pretty packaging and includes:
                          -Bombilla (straw)
                          Monte Rosa-1kg Especial Yerba Mate
                          Monte Rosa -12 tea bags

                          Bombillaenhas a a removable filter head , and is of very good quality .

                          Monte Rosa Especial Yerba Mate, is the premium brand from the Monte Rosa.

                          Mate cup is made ​​of wood and solid aluminum which provides a very stylish design.

                          Should I try this stuff out? Seems like a good beginners kit.


                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Dunno, but I'm not a fan of aluminum cookware. Alzheimer patients have a higher than average amount of aluminum in their brains(Cause? Effect?), so I avoid it for that reason. The other reason is I dislike the feel/appearance of aluminum. It's like ghetto metal. For cooking I'm a fan of iron and steel, and for general purposes, copper is my favorite metal.


                            • xrt
                              • Jun 2010
                              • 374

                              Originally posted by lxskllr
                              Dunno, but I'm not a fan of aluminum cookware. Alzheimer patients have a higher than average amount of aluminum in their brains(Cause? Effect?), so I avoid it for that reason. The other reason is I dislike the feel/appearance of aluminum. It's like ghetto metal. For cooking I'm a fan of iron and steel, and for general purposes, copper is my favorite metal.
                              Alright, thanks. Think I'm going for the wooden cup, Just saw that they had one of those. This tea is supposed to be the shit !


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