Never let a good crisis go to waste. Learn from America, don't let them use this as some basis to create new laws allowing them to shut things off whenever something happens that they don't like. It will be used against you in the future.
In order to combat a "culture of fear," UK Prime Minister David Cameron floats the idea of martial law
"If the UK government restricts social networking in answer to the riots, what separates it from the Arab tyrannies and China?"
Britain considers mask ban; may use army if unrest continues
London rioters: a primary school worker, a postman, an 11-yr old boy w/2 phones, millionaires daughter
In order to combat a "culture of fear," UK Prime Minister David Cameron floats the idea of martial law
"If the UK government restricts social networking in answer to the riots, what separates it from the Arab tyrannies and China?"
Britain considers mask ban; may use army if unrest continues
London rioters: a primary school worker, a postman, an 11-yr old boy w/2 phones, millionaires daughter