How do I change password on this site?

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  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    How do I change password on this site?

    When I try to change password, it says:

    "The password you have entered does not match your current one. Please press the back button, enter the correct details and try again. Don't forget that the password is case sensitive. Forgotten your password? Click here"

    The alternatives is:

    New Password:
    Confirm New Password:
    "Enter a new password for your user account. Note that passwords are case-sensitive."

    It doesn't say anywhere to put in my old password, and I tried that too, but it still says the same thing.

    I'm still using my forum generated password since I've not been able to change it, and it's a b*tch to remember for when I want to log in on my phone or a different computer.
  • NonServiam
    • May 2010
    • 736

    Good question. I recently tried to change my password as well and had the same issue. Maybe someone can enlighten us challenged folk.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      You don't change it :^P

      The coding is dicked up on the site, and it needs to be corrected. I don't think it can currently be changed.


      • ABW
        • May 2011
        • 793

        Thank god someone else was having this problem.. I thought I was going crazy.. I forgot my original one and had to reset it but that was a bunch of letters and numbers I cant remember.... so every time I log on I have to cut and paste...

        pain in my ass...


        • heders
          • Jan 2011
          • 2227

          It kind off sucks... Luckily I have Lastpass on my computer (dont know what I would do without it). But I had to copy paste now to log in from my phone. Is there no way of fixing it, you say?


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            Originally posted by heders
            Is there no way of fixing it, you say?
            Not by me. It has to be fixed on the back end, and I don't know how complicated it is.


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