Anyone have streaming netflix? Good titles to recommend?

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  • texastorm
    • Jul 2010
    • 386

    Netflix pisses me off the way they "choose" what titles to show me based on previous things I have seen. The trouble is if I watch two crime dramas in a row, the only things it shows me are things that are like the two I just watched. My interests vary from indy flicks all the way to B horrors and everything in between. With netflix if you don't know the title, your going to have trouble finding it. The other thing that gets my goat is if there are 3 movies in a series, two will be instant play, but whatever the best of the three in the series is, you can bet your ass its only available on dvd and not streaming.

    Still If I search long enough I can find something to watch, but there have been plenty of movies I started and dropped after 10-15 minutes. If a movie doesn't do something to interest me on the first chapter, I typically bail. Maybe I miss out on a couple good ones, but for the most part if it starts slow it dies in the middle and then the director drags the carcass along until the closing credits.


    • jmdkodiak
      • Mar 2011
      • 218

      Originally posted by texastorm
      Netflix pisses me off the way they "choose" what titles to show me based on previous things I have seen. The trouble is if I watch two crime dramas in a row, the only things it shows me are things that are like the two I just watched. My interests vary from indy flicks all the way to B horrors and everything in between. With netflix if you don't know the title, your going to have trouble finding it. The other thing that gets my goat is if there are 3 movies in a series, two will be instant play, but whatever the best of the three in the series is, you can bet your ass its only available on dvd and not streaming.

      Still If I search long enough I can find something to watch, but there have been plenty of movies I started and dropped after 10-15 minutes. If a movie doesn't do something to interest me on the first chapter, I typically bail. Maybe I miss out on a couple good ones, but for the most part if it starts slow it dies in the middle and then the director drags the carcass along until the closing credits.

      Sometimes I feel like I spend more time looking for a good one to watch than actually watching the movie.

      I hate that about netflix, too.


      • BadAxe
        • Jan 2010
        • 631


        Every TV show known to man, uploaded like an hour after they air. I have up on all the netflix, Hulu, Youtube, Amazon, Xfinity online, and all of that for TV shows, because they are all incomplete at times, where on TVFreeload, everything is there, and in HD.

        I am in the process of watching Spartacus and Camelot from Starz, awesome shows.

        Anyway, check the site out.


        • sgreger1
          • Mar 2009
          • 9451

          Netflix is a win, I watch a movie almost every night with the wife if I get a chance. No cable for me, just an xbox with a netflix & hulu+ account ftw! Running out of shit to watch though, they don't ever have much new content.


          • Bigblue1
            Banned Users
            • Dec 2008
            • 3923

            Ok Just went thru my instant activity and these are all good movies all sorts of genres look em up and see if your interested. I will denot a must watch with an *

            "Welcome to collinwood" goofy irreverent fun with a good ensemble cast
            "Seraphim Falls"
            "the Name of the rose" *
            "red Road" *
            "suspect Zero" *
            "the Joneses"
            The horseman"
            "the Extra Man" * for Kevin Klines performance alone
            Holy Rollers"
            "trade" *
            "Straight time" *
            "Lenny" * for Dustin's performance
            "Mean Streats" * It's a classic scorcesse film
            "raging Bull" ***
            "the hole"
            "Stander" Giv it a chance and adjust to the accents and you will end up loving this film
            "mercury Rising"

            I just noticed they have the first 2 seasons of "damages" on. this show rocks. Watch it now. I will plus one Firefly and serenity as well. Nothing like a space western. Oh and if you haven't watched "The League" it is streaming as well. Funny as F#ck. Also "party Down" bothe full seasons, funny funny stuff........


            • AtreyuKun
              • Aug 2009
              • 1223

              Originally posted by chadizzy1
              They just added every episode of Star Trek Next Generation
              They're supposed to be adding every Star Trek series according um...the internet. Can't remember where I heard that actually.


              • EricHill78
                • Jun 2010
                • 4253

                I was looking up this streaming netflix due to this thread and wow, alot of old tv shows and rare movies it's awesome. Im not a techie and was wondering do you have to have an xbox, ps3 or wi to take advantage? We have u verse right now for our internet. The pc in the living room is a dinosaur and couldnt handle it I know. The installer has the living room pc wireless and the main box in our bedroom. Do they have a netflix box to access the streaming content? My wife and I are really intetested.


                • Bigblue1
                  Banned Users
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 3923

                  You can buy a roku box


                  • devilock76
                    • Aug 2010
                    • 1737

                    A roku box, I think Apple TV will work as well, but Apple TV is best if you already are a big apple Itunes user. Also any computer will do it (well Linux won't but that is another story). IOS and Android devices will work as well. You can connect any of those to your TV if you have the right connection setup.



                    • devilock76
                      • Aug 2010
                      • 1737

                      Oh and a lot of newer TV's and Blue Ray players have Netflix built in to connect over your existing WIFI network.



                      • chadizzy1
                        • May 2009
                        • 7432

                        Originally posted by jmdkodiak

                        TV Shows:
                        Prison Break


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Originally posted by devilock76
                          A roku box, I think Apple TV will work as well, but Apple TV is best if you already are a big apple Itunes user. Also any computer will do it (well Linux won't but that is another story). IOS and Android devices will work as well. You can connect any of those to your TV if you have the right connection setup.

                          No itunes here so apple is out.. The roku looks promising. Any android device? So my cell phone actually could do it? Oh and wireless.. is the picture quality good with it? Hd streams well?


                          • StuKlu
                            • Feb 2010
                            • 1192

                            I stream through a PS3 and the picture quality is great in most cases


                            • devilock76
                              • Aug 2010
                              • 1737

                              Originally posted by EricHill78
                              No itunes here so apple is out.. The roku looks promising. Any android device? So my cell phone actually could do it? Oh and wireless.. is the picture quality good with it? Hd streams well?
                              To my knowledge yes, but a 3g connection minimum. WIFI connection would be the best bet though. I have watched movies over WIFI on my IPhone with no problem.



                              • Bigblue1
                                Banned Users
                                • Dec 2008
                                • 3923

                                Yeah but to be clear you cannot stream to your tv with portable devices. correct?


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