Yeah but to be clear you cannot stream to your tv with portable devices. correct?
No you can, they make a cradle that will work with the Ipod Touch, last I checked it kind of works with the iPhone but not really. Not sure what is available for android. In the end it all depends what options your device has for sending its video and audio signal externally.
Correct. Very few portable devices have the capability to stream Netflix at all at this point.
Iphone can, and it can send video to an external signal with an adaptor. However I have never tested netflix against this. Just used it to watch SOA episods purchased through itunes.
Iphone can, and it can send video to an external signal with an adaptor. However I have never tested netflix against this. Just used it to watch SOA episods purchased through itunes.
Netflix has tons of old Doctor Who (original series) episodes available to stream...Tom Baker (the 4th Doctor) recommended for any newbies to the series. Also, I must recommend "The Vice Guide to Travel"...those fools take "vacations" to places like Liberia and North Korea and shoot documentary footage. Absolutely mindblowing...
The first two seasons of "Sons of Anarchy" are available to stream...I love it...
Also, a ton of "Top Gear" is on don't need to love cars to love that show!
Some streaming movies I really loved-
The Damned United
The Lather Effect (wife's choice...not a bad grown-up "Breakfast Club")
Food Inc. (great doc)
Arn: The Knight Templar (pretty cool historical action)
Exit Through the Gift Shop (Banksy doc)
The Good, The Bad, The Weird (DEFINITELY check this one out - a Korean spaghetti western! Ramen Western?)
Black Dynamite (great Blaxsploitation spoof)
The Wind that Shakes the Barley
Gangster No. 1
I use Netflix on my IPad with my tv with a cord I got at Best Buy. Works great although I couldn't tell you about HD streaming since I have only used it on my bedroom tv that not HD.
I recommend Luther on Netflix. I recommend a ton more but that's for another post.
I just plug my laptop into my Samsung plasma via HDMI...onboard technology on the old HP Pavillion fires it right up without even having to configure anything...
Thanks guys for the info.. sounds like a great deal honestly. All the great old shows and movies on demand streaming. Once we get out settlement was thinkin about getting a 360 or ps3 so that'll probably be the route I'll go with.
A few months ago I finished watching the ENTIRE Battlestar Galactica series on Netflix streaming. Yup, the one from the late 70's. My favorite show in 3rd grade.
Go PS3. On 360 you have to have the $50 a yr live subscription to watch Netflix, then on top of
that it constantly stops your shows to adjust quality. PS3 does not have those problems.
Go PS3. On 360 you have to have the $50 a yr live subscription to watch Netflix, then on top of
that it constantly stops your shows to adjust quality. PS3 does not have those problems.
No fee on wii or problems that I've encountered. But Yeah if you got the coin go PS3 cuz you get games, blu-ray (that I don't care about) and wifi for free. Or like I said get a wii on e-bay for less than a hundgy and have games and a stable wi-fi environment....... It's all up to you.......
I've been watching Ken Burns' Baseball streaming on Netflix lately. If you have never seen Rescue Me that entire series is on there and is definitely worth the time.
I'm minutes from the end, and am now more convinced all should see this, can't believe I have missed this patriot before, unbelievable....... Man took a very unpopular stand against waco, which is the situation that first made me think twice about these asshloe muther****ers who claim to be in control of this country, God bless bill hicks.... and **** this fauxment we have. Watch this if you haven't seen this and see how you feel about the situation after....
Part of me knew it was too good to be true and they would raise prices eventually. It still disheartening. And to raise the shit by $5.99 in one fell...