There is a new report going around that Seattle has had "78 minutes of Summer" this year. Since June 1, the temperature has been at or above 80 degrees for exactly 78 minutes, total. I won't complain though way better this than well over a hundred!
Damn Roo, that's awesome. Every place should have 78 minutes or less of summer. Personally, I think that's 78 minutes too long, but I'm willing to compromise :^P
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Installation failed. 404 error: Season not found. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again.
@ ansel - haha...that's how I feel about Summer! I'm south of Roo and this Summer has been non-existent, still I wait for the season to "load." Coming from FL here to WA has been an interesting adjustment! I am missing 95F days with sun at the beach.
Ugh, fsck that! You know when I like going to the beach? October. The air temperature is a very agreeable 50-65, and the water is warm. Stuff is cheap, and the people are few. It's as close as you can get to paradise doing a summer-like activity :^)
There is a new report going around that Seattle has had "78 minutes of Summer" this year. Since June 1, the temperature has been at or above 80 degrees for exactly 78 minutes, total. I won't complain though way better this than well over a hundred!
LOL I saw that. It's like 60 and misty today, but at least we will have a great weekend!
Originally posted by Ansel
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Installation failed. 404 error: Season not found. The season you are looking for might have been removed, had its name changed, or is temporarily unavailable. Please try again.
Ugh, fsck that! You know when I like going to the beach? October. The air temperature is a very agreeable 50-65, and the water is warm. Stuff is cheap, and the people are few. It's as close as you can get to paradise doing a summer-like activity :^)
Agreed. I love October for everything. Autumn is the best
I can't wait for summer to be over. The past week and a half we've been in an extreme heat advisory with heat indices over 110. Today is the first 'decent' day in a while. Storms a good part of the morning and it has yet to pass 80. Can't wait for autumn and winter to get here.
Ugh, fsck that! You know when I like going to the beach? October. The air temperature is a very agreeable 50-65, and the water is warm. Stuff is cheap, and the people are few. It's as close as you can get to paradise doing a summer-like activity :^)
Very true!! Now I am thinking more clearly..the earlier downpour clouded my thoughts! I used to bitch about going to the beach on hot days, surrounded by obnoxious tourists and getting ripped off at local restaurants during the peak months!! I'm just gonna put a sweatshirt on and enjoy the cool weather while thinking of you southerners and midwesterners suffering with the heat!
Hey LX what's up with "97 feels like 116"? Is the humidity that bad in MD? We don't ever see anything like that over here. The air is dry as a bone er, when it's not raining that is. I hate humidity.
There are many different reasons why people might like to try making their own snus at home. If their country has restrictions on importing snus, because...
There are many different reasons why people might like to try making their own snus at home. If their country has restrictions on importing snus, because...