Norway, my heart and thoughts are with you.
Bomb in Norway?
I'm getting really tired of those who mention Oklahoma City as some sort of justification (not anyone here) for the many tens of thousands of innocents killed by putridly vicious religious fanatics who deserve no quarter and no tolerance of them, or their sick dreams and hallucinogenic triumphalist fantasies, in the company of civilized men. I'd nominate Geert Wilders and Benjamin Netanyahu for the Nobel Peace award if the thing hadn't become such a complete joke--a sort of smug leftist Cracker-Jack prize for despotic thugs and preening Progressive do-nothings. Yeah I'm a despiser of Islam, and very far from an admirer of any other religion, but it has a hell of a lot more of the modern world's homicidal blood on its hands than any other creed.
An if hear one more complaint by leftist useful idiots about how Israel is mistreating the poor Palestinians I'm going to puke.
Originally posted by kevinatestAlso there has been reported that gunshots have been heard in nearby island of Utoya, where was some youth organisation camp (prime minister supposed to be there, but he did not arrive). News say that guy in a police uniform came to island and randomly started shooting. Unoficially 4 persons have been killed.
What is happening in Oslo today?!?! :S
Although I left this forum and are through with snus I sometimes check up on
Thanks everybody for your condolences and concernes.
I live 1 hour away from our capital, Oslo
I'm still in shock.
The latest now is that they believe the man in custody did the bombing and the shooting, and right now at this moment police have found undetonated charges at Utoya Island.
It could have been way worse!
This makes me sick to think one man is behind all this shit.
I was over at my brothers house today, his girlfriend was there when she got a call.
Her younger sister was at this camp during the shooting, she is tough girl, she ran towards the sea and swam 600m to safety. We where all in tears and the room was full of emotions, because we diden't know untill after if she was one of those being shot and killed. She made it out safe ! : -)
We don't have death-penalties in Norway, But I WANT THIS MAN LYNCHED IN THE PUBLIC old way style. Let us spit on him and beat him, torture him and hang that SOB til his neck snaps with a loud crack.
Thanks again for concerns and support. and most international newspaper have updated situations at the front page.
There are 3 possibilites:
1# Crazy maniac does this.
2# Al-Qaeda or other terror networks.
3# Gaddafi troopes*
*Norwegian (on behalf of NATO) pilots bombed the crap out of Libya in hope to kill that SOB
Thanks to Barack Obama for his kind words, and for offering any type of support to help the investigation. God Bless!
Originally posted by lxskllrOn NPR, it's sounding like a blonde haired man speaking Norwegian was the fake cop, and they /think/ he was seen near the exploded building. That points to not being Islamic in origin :^/
Yep they confirmed that the Utoya shooter was Norwegian citizen
But the deaths are risisig- 7 in explosion and more than 10 in Utoya island... Truly a very sad day.
I am fine. The police have arrested one guy at Utøya. He has shot and killer at least ten children, but the police suspect there is as much as 50 dead children at Utøya.
The man is Norwegian, at least 6 ft tall and blonde. He was wearing a fake polic uniform and was carrying a machine gun. The police have confirmed that he was behing the Utøya massacre, but they haven't said anything about his role in the Oslo bombings. Whether he was a new nazi or was radicalized by an islamic group is unknown.
I feel sorry for the people killed, and especcially those at Utøya. A Danish terror expert said this was the worst terrorist attack to happen in the western world since ww2, of course exluding 9/11, the London bus/underground bombs and the Madrid train bombs.