Out of Control Ohio Police Officer

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  • remanifest
    • Jul 2011
    • 24

    Out of Control Ohio Police Officer

    What say you?
  • EricHill78
    • Jun 2010
    • 4253

    Wow to be honest I didnt watch the whole deal from start to finish i fast forwarded a little bit. That is horrible. Reminds me of when I was a teenager and was with my friends on the beach. He told my friends to leave kept threatining to kill me in the alley. He actually thought I was someone else. Kept repeating to me that hes told me many times never to hang out at that part of the beach anymore. Funny thing is I never met the man. Ive never been arrested never been in trouble. It scared the hell out of me I was just a kid. This reminds me so much of that day.


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      Did this doosh not know there is a dash cam watching him. What an ass! It appears he is judge, jury, and executioner. Oh and he needs to get off the roids cuz he's ragin bad.


      • TheJanitor
        • May 2010
        • 260

        Yeah that cop has major 'roid rage it seems. The doping most likely shrank his jewels, now he takes it out on people he stops. One, question, isn't what he said to the guy textbook "terroristic threatening"?


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          I saw this on another forum, but didn't watch it there either. All it would serve to do is piss me off, and I don't need to be pissed off. It's just more of the same, and there's nothing I can do about it, so I'll just note it, and keep on going.


          • Ephemeris
            • Oct 2010
            • 184

            I can't watch stuff like this because it makes me want to go hurt law enforcement officials. It just puts me in a foul mood knowing I can't do anything about it without going to prison, so I simmer with rage for the rest of the day and act like an a$$hole.

            I know not all cops are bad people, but I must have really bad luck because 90% of the ones I've run into are psychotic maniacs that prey on the innocent, the young, the weak, or anyone they feel like. When you have an aggressive dog that acts in the same manner, the court orders them to be euthanized. Just sayin'.


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030

              The sad part is, people like that cop think that the world would be a better place if everyone were like them.


              • triplethreat675
                • Jan 2011
                • 64

                Hangs head in shame....

                Just peachy. Another whacked out officer with a video of him threatening to execute a law abiding member of society. Instances like these are what make my job so difficult and dangerous. Youve got a guy whose got a clean record (must be to obtain a CCW permit) and then an officer falsely arrests him and denies him 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and potentially 8th ammendmend rights when the victim(not suspect) acted in good faith to notify the officer. This whole situation reeked of police misconduct from the moment that bone head officer crossed the threshold into the backseat of the vehicle. If I ever pull this guy over I wouldnt be surprised to see his gun already drawn and ready for a shootout. Thanks Ohio.

                At least theres dash cam footage I hope to god the judge in this case is nowhere as whacked out as the officers were and hopefully the officers are dealt with accordingly.

                Hopefully this instance will cause sweeping change in the (prompt notification law) they have in Ohio. Wisconsin is on the verge of becoming the 49th state to allow CCW and I support it 100%. After all those that are qualified and interested in carrying with a permit are typically in large on my side of the law.

                I feel Wisconsin has got the right idea there is talk of making it a mandatory question in my dept. whenever we approach someone. License, and proof of insurance please? Do you have a CCW, Are you carrying now? too easy.

                The officers in this situation knew they effed up when they got into a vehicle that was still occupied. I cringed when I saw that. I just hope they shit themselves, and learned a lesson that didnt involve a bullet in anyones face or a slit throat in the back seat. And I pray the court system does this victim true justice.


                • BrianC
                  • Dec 2008
                  • 463

                  Originally posted by triplethreat675
                  Just peachy. Another whacked out officer with a video of him threatening to execute a law abiding member of society. Instances like these are what make my job so difficult and dangerous. Youve got a guy whose got a clean record (must be to obtain a CCW permit) and then an officer falsely arrests him and denies him 1st, 2nd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and potentially 8th ammendmend rights when the victim(not suspect) acted in good faith to notify the officer. This whole situation reeked of police misconduct from the moment that bone head officer crossed the threshold into the backseat of the vehicle. If I ever pull this guy over I wouldnt be surprised to see his gun already drawn and ready for a shootout. Thanks Ohio.

                  At least theres dash cam footage I hope to god the judge in this case is nowhere as whacked out as the officers were and hopefully the officers are dealt with accordingly.

                  Hopefully this instance will cause sweeping change in the (prompt notification law) they have in Ohio. Wisconsin is on the verge of becoming the 49th state to allow CCW and I support it 100%. After all those that are qualified and interested in carrying with a permit are typically in large on my side of the law.

                  I feel Wisconsin has got the right idea there is talk of making it a mandatory question in my dept. whenever we approach someone. License, and proof of insurance please? Do you have a CCW, Are you carrying now? too easy.

                  The officers in this situation knew they effed up when they got into a vehicle that was still occupied. I cringed when I saw that. I just hope they shit themselves, and learned a lesson that didnt involve a bullet in anyones face or a slit throat in the back seat. And I pray the court system does this victim true justice.
                  Well said. I am embarrassed that this happened so close to home, I betcha if it wasn't dark I would be able to tell exactly where they were.


                  • LincolnSnuff
                    • May 2010
                    • 676

                    At least this cop is now off the streets. Although he will probably just start working for another jurisdiction:

                    UPDATE 7/22/2011: Canton Police announced Thursday that the officer was relieved of all duties in June following an internal investigation complaint filed in this matter. The local Canton Repository has done some additional investigatory work into the officers and an excellent analysis of the video / audio we posted. The video and story has gone both viral and national crossing over to websites not typically affiliated with the pro-gun movement. Shortly after 7:00pm Thursday our website could no longer handle the volume of visitors we were receiving. We promptly quadrupled the resources behind OhioCCW.org in light of the popularity of this story.


                    • EricHill78
                      • Jun 2010
                      • 4253



                      • triplethreat675
                        • Jan 2011
                        • 64

                        Thank god! I am glad to hear the victim got the justice he so greatly deserved. I can say with almost certainty the officers in this c
                        ase will NEVER carry a badge again. Police Depts. are incredibly selective in who they hire. Ive got a clean record with the exception of some minor traffic tickets and it took my dept. 6 months to decide that I was probably an alright guy. In addition they sent me to a shrink for a few hours and they had to write a recommendation as to my personality, stress tolerance, and other shrinky stuff. took a 4 hour polygraphy test, and yes the questions were insanely personal. Sent me to a psychology battery, 10 hours of answering the same questions asked slighty differently. A background check which included talking to my first grade elementary teacher, and other such people. The Canton Police Dept. is going to get sued up the A$$ for Harrasment, false arrest, false standing, threats on a citizen, i could go on with a few more, but you get the idea. They will lose and pay out the A$$. If this officer trys to get hired again the first thing the hiring agency is going to see is a police misconduct charge and his resume is going to be in the trash. If hes lucky he might convince a mall to give him a plastic badge and a radio....


                        • sgreger1
                          • Mar 2009
                          • 9451

                          Glad to see this person got justice, as Tripplethreat pointed out, they will never work in that city again (hopefully).

                          Now to clean up the rest of the mess from this month:

                          15 Years in Prison For Taping the Cops? Eavesdropping Laws Are Taking Away Our Best Defense Against Police Brutality

                          Caught on tape: Police beat and taser 'gentle' mentally-ill homeless man to death

                          Fmr. DE State Trooper arrested for 10-month rape-fest, had a 2,000-page disciplinary record as a cop.

                          Victim of wrong-door SWAT raid shoots and kills police officer, thinking he is being home-invaded, gets the death penalty; finally released after judge orders new trial seven years later, pleads guilty to negligent homicide to avoid second trial

                          Fullerton, CA police beat man to death with their maglights.

                          Darren Ring suffered four cracked ribs and a punctured lung after Tennessee police stripped him naked, beat him in the shower and used pepper spray and a Taser on him. Now the FBI wants to know why it happened.

                          Detroit Police gang squad officer Nevin Hughes was caught on video choking a man at a gas station last month. He has already cost the city $677k in payouts for eight previous suits but still has a way to go to beat the city record of $8 million in payouts for one cop.

                          [video] Cops strip, taser, and kick a man while he lay handcuffed in the snow... AND afterwards in jail. Senior officers complicit.

                          Man arrested for swearing in a public park


                          • AtreyuKun
                            • Aug 2009
                            • 1223

                            here's one more for you sgreger:


                            • KCOLLINS18
                              • May 2010
                              • 165

                              At it again!

                              Here is another video of him threatning the suspects numerous of times that he would put the suspect "In the grave."

                              I believe that if he stays on the force of any kind that he will eventually shoot and kill somebody.



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