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  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793


    Ok..I want to know what you think about this new report that shows that Black Americans are losing much of their wealth due to the economy..

    Here is my question.. Why is the CBC(congressional black caucus) not marching on the White House? If Bush were in office there would be demonstrations up and down PA ave right now.. Why not now?

    Just wondering...
  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Would they be demonstrating? I dunno... Very few people are really after truth, and what is right. Their main concern is propping up their on interests.


    • texastorm
      • Jul 2010
      • 386

      This is my non-scientific point of view.
      Most of the blacks and hispanics I know of that have their own small businesses operate within the service sector of the market. From mowing your lawn, to making your pizza etc. These types of businesses get hit the hardest when people start scaling back due to reduced wealth in general. Most of the black and hispanic employees I know (and I know quite a few) are also employed in the service industry.
      In short...If you cheap ass crackers would start spending more money we could get past this.

      As far as your question about why they are not marching... that answer is too obvious to deserve an real answer. If your a fan of a sports franchise, do you stop cheering just because they are losing?


      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        I don't see why we even look at it this way. The headlines should read "Americans losing money due to largest transfer of wealth in american history. Burn this shit down".

        Instead they read "Blacks losing money, is racism to blame?"

        No, greed and business as usual, coupled with the most pro-corporatist president in modern history is to blame.


        • ABW
          • May 2011
          • 793

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          I don't see why we even look at it this way. The headlines should read "Americans losing money due to largest transfer of wealth in american history. Burn this shit down".

          Instead they read "Blacks losing money, is racism to blame?"

          No, greed and business as usual, coupled with the most pro-corporatist president in modern history is to blame.
          That's what makes me wonder.. It's almost like no matter what happens and who is in charge they will find a way to blame a race.. It's crazy...


          • jaysalti
            • Jul 2011
            • 125

            I think the true hypocrisy would be in voting to approve measures that helped put us even farther down the hole, then marching against the repercussions of said vote... Not that politicians do that or the media would cover it truthfully, mind you.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by texastorm
              This is my non-scientific point of view.
              Most of the blacks and hispanics I know of that have their own small businesses operate within the service sector of the market. From mowing your lawn, to making your pizza etc. These types of businesses get hit the hardest when people start scaling back due to reduced wealth in general. Most of the black and hispanic employees I know (and I know quite a few) are also employed in the service industry.
              In short...If you cheap ass crackers would start spending more money we could get past this.

              As far as your question about why they are not marching... that answer is too obvious to deserve an real answer. If your a fan of a sports franchise, do you stop cheering just because they are losing?

              This is exactly what it is. At least in CA, a very sizeable section of the hispanic community is employed in agro jobs and service jobs. Less people staying in hotels, less people able to afford a maid, more people saving money by mowing their own laws etc. Then you can go ahead and add in a stagnant construction industry and it becomes clear why the demographics read the way they do.

              Then, imagine you live in a lower class neighborhood, which in CA tend to be primarily black and or hispanic. You are a hard working young black man looking for a job, and normally you may be able to find one, but now due to the economy the people who are unable to find jobs elsewhere are slowly creeping into your neighborhood and are taking up those jobs, and employers are more than willing to take the higher qualified applicants. Just as a matter of statistics, the white population makes up something like 80% of America and they also have higher education rates than blacks in poor communities (or anyone in poor communities due to our broken school system), so it would seem natural that when the more educated people from the next city over run out of jobs they will come to your city where they would not normally have applied ,and will likely take up all the jobs since they are better educated/more qualified, which is likely because they were raised in better socio-economic environments (read as: better schooling).

              I really don't believe racism has anythign to do with it at all, because in CA racism is marginal at best. I think what we are observing is the more educated are taking up all the jobs, and since good jobs aren't available for the well educated in some areas, they are moving down into other jobs that they normally wouldn't have done and taking those jobs that would normally be staffed with people from the lower socio-economic demographic. At least that's my theory.

              And Texastorm is right as usual, the cheerleaders always cheer for their team, because they are cheerleaders and nothing else.


              • ABW
                • May 2011
                • 793

                Originally posted by texastorm
                This is my non-scientific point of view.
                Most of the blacks and hispanics I know of that have their own small businesses operate within the service sector of the market. From mowing your lawn, to making your pizza etc. These types of businesses get hit the hardest when people start scaling back due to reduced wealth in general. Most of the black and hispanic employees I know (and I know quite a few) are also employed in the service industry.
                In short...If you cheap ass crackers would start spending more money we could get past this.

                As far as your question about why they are not marching... that answer is too obvious to deserve an real answer. If your a fan of a sports franchise, do you stop cheering just because they are losing?
                I agree somewhat.. But when my team sucks I am the first one who wants to bench the QB..


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9758

                  Originally posted by ABW
                  I agree somewhat.. But when my team sucks I am the first one who wants to bed the QB..
                  ......there, I fixed that for you.
                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • ABW
                    • May 2011
                    • 793

                    Sometimes you have to take one for the team...


                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696

                      I was explaining to younger foreign relative the other day that back when I was teenager/early college you could hardly roam anywhere without seeing a help wanted sign or even being asked in the street if you wanted a job.

                      If you were not working even in a somewhat afluent suburb I grew up in you were either lazy or had yuppie parents who did not allow you to work while going to school.

                      These were of course mostly fast food, gas stations, pizza delivery, newspapers, pt-warehouse, janitorial, movie theater etc...

                      everybody had a fricken job!!

                      Then the kids just did not want to work anymore and most of these jobs were filled with blacks and hispanics who bussed themselves in.

                      These were also the days that salaries were pretty good. 90's / early 2000's So you really you cannot blame the kids for not wanting to get jobs with parents blowing cash everywhere.

                      I am now seeing a almost flip back to the earlier days of mostly high school white kids but also your indian/oriental/black youngsters working these jobs.

                      It looks like it is slowly flipping back to how it was when I was a teenager.


                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451

                        Everywhere I go I see help wanted signs. I was at the mall the other day and saw at least 5 of them. When I walk down on the boardwalk there are help wanted signs. I see them EVERYWHERE. And yet I hear young people (and old unskilled people) complaining about how there are no jobs. This is because they can just sit at home on unemployment instead of going to work for one of these jobs, or because they get some other form of a paycheck from the government for not working.

                        We have created a system here in CA where we feel certain jobs are beneath us, therefore I see help wanted signs everywhere at places that pay about $12 an hour and yet we have a 30% unemployment rate in some of my neighboring cities (especially amongst youth). These obviously aren't jobs for professionals or people with a family, but so many of the college kids around here that I know are like "I got a degree, I am not going to work outside of my specialty) and then spend 2 years unemployed and just get a check from the welfare office/food stamp office/unemployment office (take your pick) while they wait for their dream job which they think the degree entitles them too (even though they have no work experience).

                        There is not the same work ethic anymore, everyone feels entitled. They don't need to go work for the fast food place or the mall stores (where they may end up being managers due to their degree), they just complain about how there are no jobs and then proceed to wait for their dream job to come around while they wait for years on end taking government assistance.

                        I believe fully in the necessity of safety net programs, but they are not ment to live off of for years. And the only people getting unemployment should be those who were working for several years and then got laid off or something, not college kids who did an internship for a summer and now havn't found their dream job that pays $75k starting.

                        I went to apply for an electrician apprenticeship the other day and the line was around the block with guys in between 18-20 years old. They all came dressed in street/suburban clothes, it looked like a line for a club and not a job interview. They were all completely unprepared and some didn't even know what company they were applying for. THEY ALL WORE BASEBALL CAPS TO THE INTERVIEW, I was the only one wearing business casual other than one other guy. They came in groups of 2-4 friends and proceeded to BS and smoke and joke while they waited, they all spoke ebonics and voiced their concerns over the drug test loudly, it was like they were standing in a bread line or something expecting to just magically get a job. I don't feel bad for them, so many young kids just don't understand how it works, their parents never tought them how to go on an interview or how to make money in this world. These same kids will of course not get the job and then will go home and live off the government, and then they will vote democrat and complain about how everyone else is racist for not hiring them. This is the new America.


                        • justintempler
                          • Nov 2008
                          • 3090

                          I agree with Thomas Sowell on most things (the only problems I have with him is when it comes to the military he is too much of a neo-con)


                          • rickcharles606
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 2307

                            Originally posted by sgreger1
                            There is not the same work ethic anymore, everyone feels entitled. They don't need to go work for the fast food place or the mall stores (where they may end up being managers due to their degree), they just complain about how there are no jobs and then proceed to wait for their dream job to come around while they wait for years on end taking government assistance.
                            THIS^^^...my god I'm so sick of hearing, there are NO jobs available. My sister's husband is an out of work engineer, yeah he lost his job. However, he has turned down multiple decent jobs, while his wife and kids have had to move back in with my parents. He's lost his job and his insurance and has been living off the state tit for over a year..wtf? It pisses me off because sure he's educated, but he refuses to work a job that he feels is beneath his station in life. How stupid, not only has he become a burden to my parents, but also society now. I would work two or three jobs, doing ANYTHING before I'd move back in with my parents or even worse, my in-laws. He's 43

                            American youth have become lazy, and don't feel as if they need to work for what they get. There's no sense of responsibility to themselves or to our country. Our grand parents and their parents felt as if it was their responsibility to build a greater nation and life for themselves. As a parent, it is MY responsibility to prepare my children for the world, and I have made sure to develop that sense of pride and work ethic im my kids. Each of them has always had "chores" that they were required to do, and if completed satisfactorily and on time, they got paid an allowance. When each of my children became old enough to work a job...they got their butts out and worked part time, and opened a bank account and began saving for the future.

                            I get pissed about politics all the time, both sides piss me off, but for the most part I lean republican/conservative. Republicans and Democrats will come and go, but the biggest change we/I can make starts at home. If I teach my children what this country is all about, and what they need to do to succeed...regardless of what's going on in Washington, they WILL be better members of society. At the very least they will own a sense of pride and work ethic that will allow them to exploit the one thing that every American has.....opportunity.


                            • rickcharles606
                              • Mar 2009
                              • 2307

                              Originally posted by ABW
                              Ok..I want to know what you think about this new report that shows that Black Americans are losing much of their wealth due to the economy..

                              Here is my question.. Why is the CBC(congressional black caucus) not marching on the White House? If Bush were in office there would be demonstrations up and down PA ave right now.. Why not now?

                              Just wondering...
                              What report are you referring to? I'm in the camp that says that it's not just black Americans losing wealth. Regardless of race or creed....Americans are losing wealth.

