The Legislation That Could Kill Internet Privacy for Good

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  • badlands
    • Jul 2009
    • 297

    The Legislation That Could Kill Internet Privacy for Good

    If this legislation passes the full house it would require your ISP to log all of your internet activity and store it for 18 months..According to the Atlantic you do not even have to be suspected of wrong doing to have your information accessed. It's for the protection of our children of course.
  • ABW
    • May 2011
    • 793

    Who sponsored it?


    • sgreger1
      • Mar 2009
      • 9451

      One thing that pisses me off about republicans more than anything is their complete ignorance of the internet and how it work and why it is important. They are always trying to pull some bullshit with internet regulation, always for the children. I am very dissapointed that this passed. Though I know this was goign to happen sicne the 90's when the net first kicked off. They were going to come for it eventually,a nd they've been getting there slowly ever since. Someday the internet will be like cable TV, it will be voerpriced and you will have filtered content that is chosen by some corporation.

      But hey, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave, where we print money for nothing and chicks for free, so all is well, right?


      • AtreyuKun
        • Aug 2009
        • 1223

        Are these the same people who believe Net Neutrality is another attempt by the government to control a private business? The same people who really have no idea what the internet actually is?


        • ABW
          • May 2011
          • 793

          Originally posted by sgreger1
          One thing that pisses me off about republicans more than anything is their complete ignorance of the internet and how it work and why it is important. They are always trying to pull some bullshit with internet regulation, always for the children. I am very dissapointed that this passed. Though I know this was goign to happen sicne the 90's when the net first kicked off. They were going to come for it eventually,a nd they've been getting there slowly ever since. Someday the internet will be like cable TV, it will be voerpriced and you will have filtered content that is chosen by some corporation.

          But hey, this is the land of the free and the home of the brave, where we print money for nothing and chicks for free, so all is well, right?

          Sounds like the obama justice Dept wanted the bill to even be broader so that even cell phone records were included.. If it's only the republicans that want this crap passed we have nothing to worry about. I am thinking though the problem is that a lot of dems are for it as well. If they are not(and I hope they are not) then the bill is dead. Oh yeah..Obama holds the veto pen so hopefully he will use it.. right?

          I hate politicians and I really hope one day that we as a people can put aside the rep/dem crap. They have us as a people so divided that we can't see what's going on right under our own nose...That's why I refuse to be labeled.. I believe in what I believe in and that changes daliy as I learn more about the situation. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong and when I am, I do what I can to make it right. I will never be boxed in to this closed minded 2 party system...


          • sgreger1
            • Mar 2009
            • 9451

            Originally posted by AtreyuKun
            Are these the same people who believe Net Neutrality is another attempt by the government to control a private business? The same people who really have no idea what the internet actually is?

            Yes, the same exact people.


            • sgreger1
              • Mar 2009
              • 9451

              Originally posted by ABW
              Sounds like the obama justice Dept wanted the bill to even be broader so that even cell phone records were included.. If it's only the republicans that want this crap passed we have nothing to worry about. I am thinking though the problem is that a lot of dems are for it as well. If they are not(and I hope they are not)for then the bill is dead. Oh yeah..Obama holds the veto pen so hopefully he will use it.. right?

              I hate politicians and I really hope one day that we as a people can put aside the rep/dem crap. They have us as a people so divided that we can't see what's going on right under our own nose...That's why I refuse to be labeled.. I believe in what I believe in and that changes daliy as I learn more about the situation. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong and when I am, I do what I can to make it right. I will never be boxed in to this closed minded 2 party system...

              Lol, Obama endorsed the patriot act's extension, the bush tax cut extension etc etc. he will not use his veto pen on this as it gives him more power and (as you mentioned) is something he wanted anyways. This is the problem with this admin and with American politics, the dems go "Republicans want the patriot act and tax breaks for the rich and no net neutrality! We voted for it too but they are the ones who really wanted it! We won't veto it or vote against it but they are evil for wanting it! Even when we controlled the house and the senate we didn't stop it, but now the republicans are in and they want it so they are evil!"

              To me, it means they all want it, which is why they keep getting it. It's all just a show.


              • ABW
                • May 2011
                • 793

                I agree..sickening...


                • lxskllr
                  • Sep 2007
                  • 13435

                  Originally posted by ABW
                  Oh yeah..Obama holds the veto pen so hopefully he will use it.. right?
                  My biggest hope for Obama was that he had a keen grasp of technological issues, and his presidency would be a new age of intelligent laws regarding the internet, and ip rights in the electronic age. I couldn't have been more fsckin' wrong. I now suspect he doesn't know a damned thing about technology, and he just has smart people working for him. He's owned by the corporations, just like the rest of them.
                  I hate politicians and I really hope one day that we as a people can put aside the rep/dem crap. They have us as a people so divided that we can't see what's going on right under our own nose...That's why I refuse to be labeled.. I believe in what I believe in and that changes daliy as I learn more about the situation. I am not afraid to admit when I am wrong and when I am, I do what I can to make it right. I will never be boxed in to this closed minded 2 party system...
                  If I were fuhrer, I'd ban political parties. Anyone that campaigned saying they were part of a greater movement would be jailed under racketeering, and treason charges. That would make these assholes focus on the facts, and issues, and there would be no "club" to vote for. People would have to pay attention, and every individual would be elected as an individual.


                  • internope
                    • Oct 2010
                    • 215

                    The Republicans have never met a problem that they thought couldn't be fixed by either trashing the constitution or cutting taxes on businesses.


                    • ABW
                      • May 2011
                      • 793

                      Originally posted by internope
                      The Republicans have never met a problem that they thought couldn't be fixed by either trashing the constitution or cutting taxes on businesses.
                      I give


                      • devilock76
                        • Aug 2010
                        • 1737

                        I am surprised most of what they are legislating is not already stored by ISP's. I mean privacy on the internet has been dead for a while. The only way you could ever do something anonymously, completely anonymously is if you used a public computer, or better several, using no device (usb drives, etc) connected to it that ever saw your home computer and never used said public computer to also access online accounts you access from your real world machines. Then you could create some anonymity. Also you would have to not bring your cell phone with you to any of these locations.



                        • ABW
                          • May 2011
                          • 793

                          You know they do.. I think this law just gives them the right to access what's already there.. Might be wrong but you know googles servers are packed..


                          • sgreger1
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 9451

                            Originally posted by ABW
                            You know they do.. I think this law just gives them the right to access what's already there.. Might be wrong but you know googles servers are packed..
                            If history is any indicator than you are completely correct. Usually they start doing it and then eventually bring it out into the light by making it legal after the fact.

                            Look at wiretapping etc, Clinton started the massive Echelon and other wiretapping programs that were later legitimized and made legal via the patriot act. They do it for a while in secret and then just make it legal when the programs get big enough, it's a constant ongoing scam. I am sure they have been logging all this stuff for a decade now and are just now making it legal to do so.

