Help from fellow Iphone owners...

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  • Owens187
    • Sep 2009
    • 1547

    Epic fail
    Web md
    NASA skyview
    Google earth
    Ihandy level
    Hubble site
    Emoji free
    Accu weather
    Any flashlight app
    My AT&T or my Verizon
    Pandora,slacker,y! Music,Iheartradio<~~ great combo, covers just about everything you could need.
    Revolver tv
    Drum kit
    Mike Tyson<~~~like old school punch out!
    Mapquest<~~free talking GPS

    All great apps.


    • Ainkor
      • Sep 2008
      • 1144

      Ok... Here is my list:


      - Todo, Sync's with Toodledo, a great online free (if you want) todo service
      - DocsToGo, the best office subsitute for iOS see ( made this a while back whist arguing with some WP7 fanatic :P BTW, same goes for DocsToGo on Android, best office suite hands down IMO). Also has Dropbox syncing built in
      - TreeTask (Not available anymore, but sweet task program that allows you to copy and past tasks, great when you have 14 business units that you follow up on all the time)
      - NotifyMe, A reminder system that "pings" you ever 10 minutes until you do what it keep bugging you about (great because you can't snooze reminders in iOS)
      - Awesome Note - great note taking program that syncs with either Evernote or Google Docs (insert pictures and other cool features)

      - Angry Birds (duh :P)
      - Civ Revolution, Great little game
      - Words with Friends, awesome scrabble clone
      - Risk, 'nuff said

      - Camera+, great photography tool
      - Logmein, remote access software
      - Jump Desktop, RDP access for our servers
      - iDisplay, Use your iPhone or iPad as a second (or third or 4th!) monitor (My douche bag setup is taking my macbook air, mine, my wife's and our son's iPad to start bucks and setting up a 4 monitor work station on a table :P)
      - neu.Annotate, Annotate PDF documents and share them around
      - Dropbox, totally free (and dope as hell) cloud syncing software. I have a ton of other invites so I have almost 5 gigs free each month - explaining my set up would take another whole post but I'll just say it kicks ass)
      - iFile, jailbreak file system viewer
      - SBSettings, jailbreak toggle program, really completes the iPhone experience
      - Lockinfo, Jailbreak lockscreen program - shows calendar, emails and alerts on the lock screen
      - Infinifolders, jailbreak app that allows you to put more than 12 items in a folder on the desktop
      - iTalk, great voice recorder that has dropbox support built in
      - Skype, I pay $2.95 a month for unlimited calling to any number
      - Google Voice, I use selective forwarding and use my Google Voice number as a voicemail system. It transcribes my voicemails so I can read instead of listen to them

      Neat stuff

      - LoseIt!, a calorie counting program (trying to lose weight lol!)
      - Gorilla, a fitness program with some great free exercises
      - JotNot Pro, take a pic, turn it into a PDF. I never keep paper notes anymore, just a PDF of them. Dropbox integration
      - Photofactory, Decent photo editing software
      - Adobe Ideas, great program for making quick mock up's of things on the road

      Most of my iPad things are similar too. I did jailbreak it just for two things though: Full force (makes programs run at full screen mode, doesn't work with them all though) and retinapad (makes the 2x show at the retina display settings so it isn't fuzzy)


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