The past few days every once in a while I get a shooting pain from my kneck down to my wrist on the right side. It's unbearable. It lasts a minute or two and vanishes. I know that arm pain is a sign of a heart attack or stroke which scares me. I haven't called an ambulance or anything because by the time I think of doing so it vanishes as quickly as it came about. Should I be concerned about this or is it just a freak occurance?
Shooting pain in my right arm..
Originally posted by FrostedIt sounds like nerve pain Eric.
You can get pain in any arm for a heart attack - If you get pressure on your chest or anywhere else I'd be phoning for an ambulance. Take your pulse - is it fast/irregular etc.
If in any doubt don't hestitate in seeing a doctor.
Sounds like a pinched nerve. Try and stretch the area and take a really hot shower while stretching it and then if you feel like it ice the right side of your neck.
Hope that helps.
Originally posted by EricHill78The past few days every once in a while I get a shooting pain from my kneck down to my wrist on the right side. It's unbearable. It lasts a minute or two and vanishes. I know that arm pain is a sign of a heart attack or stroke which scares me. I haven't called an ambulance or anything because by the time I think of doing so it vanishes as quickly as it came about. Should I be concerned about this or is it just a freak occurance?
Don't screw around with this stuff Eric.. Check out the website below and punch in your symptoms. A doc visit is only the cost of a couple rolls..Another little trick is to drop by a fire dept.. They will have to evaluate you for free.. They won't be able to test the hormones that identify heart issues but they will be able to make a better judgement call then us here on snuson.. If you ever feel like things are gloomy or you are scared when it happens go to the ER!!!
Thank you everyone for the advice, I'll definetely see someone if it persists. The nerve pain does make a good amount of sense. Lxs, I work 4 10 hour shifts a week on the computer at work.. My posture is not the best, I do tend to sloch alot lol. At work some call us lowriders who do that..
It scared me mostly from what I've seen on televison, unexplained arm pain! Heart attack! Etc etc.
Thanks guys!
Pay particular attention to your keyboard, and mouse. If you're putting pressure on the heels of your hands, it can cause issues all the way up your arm. Experiment with placement, and chair height. Everything should be light touch, without any contortions, even minor ones. Small contortions that wouldn't be a big deal occasionally can become a real problem on the occupational level.
Changed "balls" to "heels" The bottom meaty part of the hand is what I was getting at. Not sure what the common term is. Also, avoid angles with the wrists. Your hands should be mostly straight at the keyboard/mouse.
I'll definetely take your advice. In retrosepect I do get leg pain as well, a Dr said it may be a herniated disk. My posture may be a big factor in that as well. I used to slouch in high school too. I knew what you meant by balls of the hand. Funny thing you mention chair height. I'm 6' and I allways adjust chairs to the lowest setting which feels more comfortable to me. I'll try having it a bit higher see if it helps.
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