Billionaire building Libertarian Utopia...

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  • sgreger1
    • Mar 2009
    • 9451

    Originally posted by Snusdog
    So the ideal libertarian society is basically an offshore casino and resort.............nice

    In all is the scary part of all this

    Large corporations are no longer tied to the interest of a nation (as they were in the days of Henry Ford or Kraft). And yet they still formulate the laws of that nation. The result is a parasitic relationship that is more dangerous than any terrorist filled plain could ever be.

    Think about one generation we went from the largest producer of goods to a welfare state on the brink of no return.

    Why would any politician knowingly support policy that would ruin the economic infrastructures, destroy the tax base, and send his nations productivity overseas. The answer is that he was doing the bidding of corporations that no longer had the interest of our nation as a precondition for their own interest. Instead they used our nation to its ruin for their own "global" (i.e autonomous) concerns

    And now the heads of these companies are going off to form their own nation to store the blood they have sucked out of our country and Europe while enslaving the average Chinese worker to conditions reminiscent of the plantations of the deep south

    They all should be tried and hung for treason

    lx this is not an escape from all that is wrong with our is the source


    Yep that about sums it up. It was bound to happen eventually. Like you said, we live in a global economy now and regulation has changed in a way that makes corporations have no reason to have loyalty to their home country. They have been looting money for years, then using that money to lobby government to make their looting easier and easier, and now that the wealth gap in America is worse than that of the African dictatorships, they are going to spend it all to build themselves their own island so that when everyone goes french revolution again we won't be able to reach them in their shiny new country that's just for rich people.


    • lxskllr
      • Sep 2007
      • 13435

      You're right Dog. What I had in mind was an island full of people that share an ideology, but that's not what it would be. It would be an island of people that share a bank account balance. Oh well, fsck 'em. I'll park my trash island next to theirs, and bring down the property values :^D


      • Snusdog
        • Jun 2008
        • 6752

        Originally posted by lxskllr
        I'll park my trash island next to theirs, and bring down the property values :^D
        Now that is funny
        When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


        • Snusdog
          • Jun 2008
          • 6752

          Originally posted by lxskllr
          What I had in mind was an island full of people that share an ideology,
          I never thought otherwise but just realized that my comment about these particular Island builders being the problem with America might seem to be directed at was not at all.

          When I first read the article in the OP it seemed that the project was an attempt to build the kind of open society you are talking about..........but as I thought about it more (especially as I got hung up on the whole trade issue) it seemed that this was a business venture under the guise of an ideological one.

          The point is that my ending comment in my rant post was poorly worded..........I did not mean it to sound as if I was saying the libertarian ideas that you would like to see are the problem with this country. Rather it was my realization that what this Island is really about is not the cure for todays digressed Western society.............but rather the very corporate greed that brought it about.

          Anyway..........I meant to bust on them and not come across like I was busting on you.
          When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


          • lxskllr
            • Sep 2007
            • 13435

            No offense taken. I was too wrapped up in the concept, and not focusing on the likely reality that you pointed out. What I had in mind was an economically mixed community that would be self sustaining. What it would really be is a vacation resort for the rich guys, and their hired hands from the mainland. A gated community, and tax shelter for the elite few.


            • Ephemeris
              • Oct 2010
              • 184

              Snusdog nailed it. Like lx I'm all for a real libertarian utopia, but this just seems like a billionaire's playground. It would be a real achievement if we were able to start a realistic libertarian territory somewhere that wasn't in the middle of the ocean.


              • jmdkodiak
                • Mar 2011
                • 218

                snusdog and lsxkllr are some literary geniuses


                • sirloot
                  Senior Member
                  • Mar 2011
                  • 2607

                  alot of activist and liberty minded people are attempting to do in inside the confines of the US its old news to me but some of you may haven't heard of it

                  i would have already moved there but me and winter don get along so well :P


                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    What's funny is that if this thing succeeded they will say "Look at how good we are doing on our island! Everyone is rich and the money is flowing! Maybe our ideas really do work?"

                    When in reality it is just a bunch of rich people staying rich lol. I'm sure if everyone in compton started out with a billion dollars business would be thriving as well lol.

                    I relaly hope this things works out just because I really want to see what it turns into. Would be sweet to get a job on that island. I bet just the tips alone would be crazy good income.


                    • sgreger1
                      • Mar 2009
                      • 9451

                      Originally posted by sirloot
                      alot of activist and liberty minded people are attempting to do in inside the confines of the US its old news to me but some of you may haven't heard of it

                      i would have already moved there but me and winter don get along so well :P
                      I always thought the free states program was really cool. If I were single and had some extra cash I would move over there and give it a try. I have a feeling it wouldn't be the kind of neighbors that I prefer but it may be worth it if the whole thing works out. I wish them all luck!


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