If your looking for a tablet...

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  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    Originally posted by c.nash
    I need a tablet now, but I'm just going to ****ing wait.
    I just bought iPad 2, about to buy iPhone 5, then iPad 3, and a new Macbook Air. This is a good year for Apple.


    • c.nash
      Banned Users
      • May 2010
      • 3511

      Originally posted by chadizzy1
      I just bought iPad 2, about to buy iPhone 5, then iPad 3, and a new Macbook Air. This is a good year for Apple.
      I'm going to buy the iPhone 5.. Probably sell my macbook pro, buy a iMac and then the iPad3. :P


      • Thraxy
        • Jul 2011
        • 194

        I honestly have to say, I wouldn't know what to use a tablet for. I'm way too fond of my keyboard, mouse and large screen. Plus, I try as hard as I can NOT to touch any of my screens.


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          Ipad 2,3,4,5,6??? Iphone 3,4,5,6,7?

          Apple is laughing it's way all the way to the bank. Every year or two they bring out a shinier new model, and you guys, like zombies have to buy it. After the purchase of a brand new car do you go ahead and buy the newest model two years later? Honestly is it worth it dropping another grand because the newest ipad has a fleshlight input? I'd rather drop a little more and get a full function laptop. It's your money and you have the right to spend it on whatever you want but I just think it's crazy.


          • c.nash
            Banned Users
            • May 2010
            • 3511

            Originally posted by EricHill78
            Ipad 2,3,4,5,6??? Iphone 3,4,5,6,7?

            Apple is laughing it's way all the way to the bank. Every year or two they bring out a shinier new model, and you guys, like zombies have to buy it. After the purchase of a brand new car do you go ahead and buy the newest model two years later? Honestly is it worth it dropping another grand because the newest ipad has a fleshlight input? I'd rather drop a little more and get a full function laptop. It's your money and you have the right to spend it on whatever you want but I just think it's crazy.
            For one... I've never owned an iPad, so I'm waiting for the newest one to come out to get it.
            My iPhone4 has a cracked screen, so I'm waiting for the 5 to buy that..
            I've had my macbook pro for a couple years so I'll end up selling it and just getting an iMac for serious computing and use the iPad for portability.


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              LoL nash bro how did u crack yer iphone screen? When I had mine I dropped it a few times on damage. Therez videos of people taking keys to the screen and no damage.


              • GoVegan
                • Oct 2009
                • 5603

                Good luck - they don't offer this online and all 3 stores near me are out. The guy at the store near me in Windsor told me that people have been calling him all morning trying to find these. He then tried to convince me that the $300.00 tablet he had in stock was a much better deal because I get a $50 gift card with it. No thanks.


                • c.nash
                  Banned Users
                  • May 2010
                  • 3511

                  Originally posted by EricHill78
                  LoL nash bro how did u crack yer iphone screen? When I had mine I dropped it a few times on damage. Therez videos of people taking keys to the screen and no damage.
                  I've dropped it a millions times on every surface from various heights.. I've thrown it and it's bounced...
                  One night (I was drunk) I sat it on the couch and it just slid off and I guess it just landed wrong on the hardwood floor and instantly cracked.
                  It's only been a couple weeks.


                  • snusgetter
                    • May 2010
                    • 10903

                    The Rest Of The Story???

                    HP's Latest Fiasco: The Vanishing $99 TouchPad

                    HP killed the TouchPad and other WebOS devices, but they were available for $99 at various retailers. Unfortunately some buyers rushed to snap them up, but were shut out.

                    It wasn't quite the scene you'll find for the iPhone 5 debut, but about 30 or more bargain hunters showed up at San Francisco's Best Buy hoping to snatch up a cheap HP TouchPad on Saturday. Internet reports indicated that the TouchPad devices had sold cheaply in Canada, and other big box stores like Fry's had sold out. The going price: $99 for the 16 GB version, $149 for the 32 GB TouchPad.

                    Most of the crowd had seen the notice on Best Buy's door indicating that there had been an error, and the TouchPad wouldn't be sold at all. Yet they waited to hear it from store workers. Sure enough, at 10 a.m. the outer doors opened, the crowd moved toward the door, and an employee clad in the usual Best Buy Polo shirt informed everyone that if they were there for the TouchPad, they were out of luck.

                    A disappointed group turned in mass and headed back to their cars.
                    It wasn't just the size of the group that differed from an Apple product launch. Most notably, there wasn't a Millennial to be found. The average age of the crowd seemed closer to 40. A swarm of German and Japanese luxury cars slowly left the Best Buy parking lot.

                    Discussions in the cars probably centered around whether they could find the device selling cheaply elsewhere, and about how HP had made yet another implosive mistake in its handling of the WebOS device shutdown.


                    • Ainkor
                      • Sep 2008
                      • 1144

                      I have an iPad 2 and I love it. The main reason I bought it, "Why the hell not".

                      Interestingly enough, what put me over the top was reading a chat log with one of the hardware guys from Palm who said that Palm didn't even have a tablet in the works when HP bought them and that the Touchpad was their initial build of a windows 8 tablet.

                      webOS has a pretty good sized homebrew base and after having Apple stuff for so long, I got a hankering to have a mistress on the side to hack to pieces Hopefully it will be able to run Windows 8, the potential of that alone makes up for the $99


                      • snusjus
                        • Jun 2008
                        • 2674

                        Originally posted by snusgetter
                        HP's Latest Fiasco: The Vanishing $99 TouchPad

                        HP killed the TouchPad and other WebOS devices, but they were available for $99 at various retailers. Unfortunately some buyers rushed to snap them up, but were shut out.

                        It wasn't quite the scene you'll find for the iPhone 5 debut, but about 30 or more bargain hunters showed up at San Francisco's Best Buy hoping to snatch up a cheap HP TouchPad on Saturday. Internet reports indicated that the TouchPad devices had sold cheaply in Canada, and other big box stores like Fry's had sold out. The going price: $99 for the 16 GB version, $149 for the 32 GB TouchPad.

                        Most of the crowd had seen the notice on Best Buy's door indicating that there had been an error, and the TouchPad wouldn't be sold at all. Yet they waited to hear it from store workers. Sure enough, at 10 a.m. the outer doors opened, the crowd moved toward the door, and an employee clad in the usual Best Buy Polo shirt informed everyone that if they were there for the TouchPad, they were out of luck.

                        A disappointed group turned in mass and headed back to their cars.
                        It wasn't just the size of the group that differed from an Apple product launch. Most notably, there wasn't a Millennial to be found. The average age of the crowd seemed closer to 40. A swarm of German and Japanese luxury cars slowly left the Best Buy parking lot.

                        Discussions in the cars probably centered around whether they could find the device selling cheaply elsewhere, and about how HP had made yet another implosive mistake in its handling of the WebOS device shutdown.
                        One of many reasons I hate Best Buy. Some claim Apple is evil, but at least they are polite and don't roll their eyes when you ask a question.


                        • EricHill78
                          • Jun 2010
                          • 4253

                          Simply the old fashioned bait and switch..


                          • c.nash
                            Banned Users
                            • May 2010
                            • 3511

                            I know someone that just bought the HP touchpad for $65. lol


                            • Mr. Unloadingzone
                              • Jun 2008
                              • 317

                              HP sold out pretty quickly after they made the announcement but the TouchPads will be back at that price. Best Buy and a lot of other stores are not really sold out: they want HP to take back all the TouchPads they bought at full price and give them full credit.

                              Once that happens, you'll see them on the internet again.

                              HP also said they will continue to support and update the OS but don't expect any new software or accessories.

                              I've been putting off a tablet purchase. I am not a fan of Steve Jobs or the cynical exploitation they keep practicing on their legion of groupies. I'm not sold on Android yet either. Sometimes you can be TOO open source. Keep seeing stories about malware in the 3rd party apps.

                              I'm using the Windows Phone 7 OS now and like it. Phone 7.5 will be out within a month or so as a free update and really kicks up the features. I like MS's future concept for Windows 8/Phone 8/Tablet 8 as a single product....if it works as cleanly as the Apple OS

                              I hate to have to buy the same apps and programs for different pieces of hardware....or have to do what Chad mentioned; meaning upgrading my phone, tablet and laptop every year as Apple encourages/forces their poor fans to do.

                              Bottom line: I'm not seeing any tablets I'd be willing to spend $500+ on right now but with the HP, for a hundred bucks I can surf and do basic stuff until I finally do pick the OS I'm going to stick with.

                              I set up an email alert with Dealnews.com to let me know when anyone gets either TouchPad back in stock. I'm buying one to use until my dream tablet shows up.


                              • GoVegan
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 5603

                                That would be good news - I dont really need a tablet but for that price I will buy one just to kill time when needed.


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