Are they on sale too? I'd rather have two of them even if those are the $149 models. Might be a bit harder to convince the wife in regards to bringing them home though.
Got specs and know what fetishes they are into to?
Keep an eye on They've sold these before, and may have purchased a bunch more for later sale. A new item goes up for sale every day, and many items go during a Woot Off. I suspect you'll find some there in the future.
HP are getting out of the smart phone and tablet business. so their tablets may be cheap but your buying an extinct product.
Did you know HP ran their tablet OS inside a web app in the safari browser on an iPad and it ran twice as quick as it did natively on an HP tablet.
yeah ive heard .... buuut 99$ for a tablet that im prolly gunna use to surf snuson check email once in awhile and load service manuals on i dont care how fast it will run angry birds/play movies etc ..
yeah ive heard .... buuut 99$ for a tablet that im prolly gunna use to surf porn check email once in awhile and load service manuals on i dont care how fast it will run angry birds/play movies etc ..
Stupid Best Buy. They decided to drop the TouchPad prices around 4pm Sunday. I hit 4 Best Buy's, a Staples, and an Office Depot early this morning. All sold out.
That said, no big deal. I'm going away for a few days and it would have been nice to have for the trip. There will be plenty available over the next month online and I'll order one when I get back.
If you look around you can find android tablets for good prices and have something more productive IMO. PalmOS/WebOS is turning into dead end tech and has been for a while. I found an Android tablet for $200, it is a Gtablet from viewsonic. The stock OS stunk but VeganTab Rom installed on it fixes all that. Yeah I still want an Ipad at some point the uses for the two are different in my book.
Forget about it. I thought I would be smart and order it online but with store pick up at Best Buy. I couldn't even order it and it was completely out of stock.
I'm very interested in buying a tablet like an iPad... but i'm worried that if i get an iPad the spec might restrict me a bit. My next option would probably...
I just bought a 32 g iPad first gen for $80. It is in perfect condition wit a case and 2 chargers. I'm typing on it now. I think I could sell it for...
So I have never jailbroken anything and am not even completely clear about what the benefits/disadvantages of doing so may be. Can someone who has jailbroken...
Since they seem to be giving the things away for next to nothing, I am considering the purchase of an Android Tablet. I am considering a Flytouch 3....