If your looking for a tablet...

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Originally posted by Snusdog
    OK....................so we've still got a few dumb asses left in the state.......................but who hasn't bought electronics in a McDonald's parking lot at some point in their life..........................no wait...................that was a hooker..............never mind
    C'mon Dog. He had a gold toof! If you can't but electronics from a guy like that, I don't know who you can buy from.


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      and another thought on the touchpad. Did HP stumble into the only way to unseat the Ipad, when they slashed the price to $99? Will see.



      • sgreger1
        • Mar 2009
        • 9451

        No tablet will unstead the iPad. Tablets have existed prior to Apple taking over the market with their iPad, but no one ever bought them until Apple came through and made it look like "the future". Apple uses good marketing techniques and a nice blend of hype and shiny displays to push their products and it works great. Even if another tablet plays flash, has multiple HDMI/USB ports etc, longer battery life and more features in general, the iPad will still outsell it. Consumers do not always buy the best product available, they buy the one that will get them the most social points, in which the Ipad still wins. If you are using an HP tablet someone sitting next to you is thinking "What you couldn't afford the iPad?" lol.


        • Reynard
          • Feb 2009
          • 804

          There is only one tablet


          • snusgetter
            • May 2010
            • 10903

            Originally posted by Vulpes
            There is only one tablet

            Moses reportedly had two.


            • lxskllr
              • Sep 2007
              • 13435

              Originally posted by snusgetter
              Moses reportedly had two.
              He had three for a little while.


              • Premium Parrots
                Super Moderators
                • Feb 2008
                • 9758


                Check out the link for the most recent info. Apparently if you were previously able to sign up for email confirmation of when they will be in stock HP will email you. When you get the email you better act quick to buy one. There will be a limit and surely not all people that had an opportunity to sign up will get one. Tomorrow, wed the 27th the tablets will be available to the employees only. They will have a strict limit of one each. If they order more than one their order will be rejected and they won't be able to even get the one. Its too late to get on the list. You might want to go to


                and read the official update. Make sure you scan the comments. Around page 60 and up they get pretty dam funny. Idiots.

                as of 8-22, I believe, there is no list. Not any more. Done, nada, zip.

                I was lucky enough to get on the original list tho. And I got the email from HP. So it may be a few more days before the employees are done sucking them up and HP sends out the notice that some are available. If you didnt get on the list you are totally out of luck, unless you want one from ebay. We'll see.........
                Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                • Premium Parrots
                  Super Moderators
                  • Feb 2008
                  • 9758

                  lmao, the employee orders have shut down the the ordering pages of the site!!

                  can't even order an ink cartridge

                  Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                  I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                    lmao, the employee orders have shut down the the ordering pages of the site!!

                    can't even order an ink cartridge

                    LMAO at least they are showing company loyalty (well until they put them up on ebay for 280)


                    • Premium Parrots
                      Super Moderators
                      • Feb 2008
                      • 9758

                      currently the 32 gb is listed in stock at HP for $249. Thats $100 more than before. The 16gb is still out of stock. I put one in my cart then decided to call HP about the price. I actually got thru in about 2 minutes. The gal told me that was some computer problem and neither are in stock to be sold yet. I asked if HP would handle the customers on the list for email notification first. She said yes. All those that wanted one and asked for email notification when they get back in stock will get an email and have the opportunity to get one before the general public. Looks like the email people will get the $99 - $149 prices. If any are left over the general public will have to pay the $219 - $249 thats listed on the website. I don't imagine there will be any left for the general public anyway. Who knows.

                      If you are on the list you better keep an eye on your incoming email. It won't be long now before you get your email.
                      Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                      I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                      • CoderGuy
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 2679

                        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                        currently the 32 gb is listed in stock at HP for $249. Thats $100 more than before. The 16gb is still out of stock. I put one in my cart then decided to call HP about the price. I actually got thru in about 2 minutes. The gal told me that was some computer problem and neither are in stock to be sold yet. I asked if HP would handle the customers on the list for email notification first. She said yes. All those that wanted one and asked for email notification when they get back in stock will get an email and have the opportunity to get one before the general public. Looks like the email people will get the $99 - $149 prices. If any are left over the general public will have to pay the $219 - $249 thats listed on the website. I don't imagine there will be any left for the general public anyway. Who knows.

                        If you are on the list you better keep an eye on your incoming email. It won't be long now before you get your email.
                        Cool, thanks for the update. I thought I was on the list originally, but I haven't received any emails from them at all and I know others (like you) have, so I must not be on it, oh well.


                        • Premium Parrots
                          Super Moderators
                          • Feb 2008
                          • 9758

                          well HP still hasn't updated their blog. Apparently they are still shipping out back orders but someday will notify everyone that asked to be emailed when its back in stock.......someday, hopefully.

                          After seeing the prices go up on HPs website to the $200 and $250 price suddenly HP changed those prices to the full retail. At that time I broke down and searched ebay and CL for a sealed tablets at the best price. I went ahead and bought one from ebay in fear that HP might run out of inventory before they even get a chance to email those of us on the list. Also, we have no idea how much HP will be charging if we are offered a chance to get them before the general public. Yea......I paid about $70 more than the fire sale price but that might turn out to be a cheap price if HP does end up charging more than the fire sale price. No big deal IMO. I got the 32 gb and I'm happy with the price. I did get lucky because most of them on ebay and CL have been going for up to $100 more than what I paid. I also found the docking station for an incredible $39 w/free shipping and the HP case for $18 shipped. All in all a pretty decent deal I figure.

                          I kind of like this thing but I have no experiance with any kind of tablet or phone so I had a lot ot learn. I can see how this could be nice to take along on vacations and such or just useing it to search the web and check on the usualy sites I need to keep an eye on once in a while...like the items I have on ebay or facebook or snuson or watching my stocks or gold prices etc.

                          Looks like they are making provisions for this to be an android also. Not that I would know the difference tho. I have no clue about this stuff...yet. But this thing IMO was worth the $ I paid. I can't see paying $500 to $800 for any tablet tho. I have a dell 700m computer as a back up and it has a 12" screen so this thing is pretty small for traveling plus its loaded and powerfull compared to the tablet.

                          I expect to get an email notification from HP that I will have the chance to get one before too long. I'm not sure what the price will be but I would hope that HP will hold to the fire sale price for those of us on the notification list. I'm asking if any one that would like a tablet should I have the opportunity to get another one or two for other peeps...cheap. Let me know if you are interested and also I would need to know the max you would be willing to pay for it. I need to know this before I get the notice because there will be very little time to decide as they will certainly sell out within minutes after the notification email goes out and I don't know how much they will be priced at. Keep in mind that HP has already stated that they will be charging for shipping this time. Figure about $15 at most for shipping. If you are interested just pm me with the total the 16gb tablet w/shipping is worth to you and the same for the 32gb. Hopefully it will be the fire sale price but I'm going to charge $35 xtra to cover half of what I overpaid above the original fire sale price. I think thats fair as I could sell it on ebay and actually end up making a profit if I take what I paid for both into consideration. If HP wants the full retail price they can go **** themselves....I wouldn't buy it for myself. However, if someone wants it that bad and wants to pay full price then let me know that also and I'll get it for you. But I won't be buying one at full price to resell unless I have a buyer already lined up that ready to pay full price plus shipping to me and shipping to that person. If its fire sale prices I will buy as many as HP lets me.

                          Just trying to help
                          Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                          I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                          • Premium Parrots
                            Super Moderators
                            • Feb 2008
                            • 9758


                            HP finally announced their intentions of what to do with that last load they had produced. They already gave the employees a change to get one and they filled all the back orders. The remainder are going to Bestbuy. Starting nov 1st if you buy an HP computer or some other expensive HP product you will have the opportunity to buy the touchpad at the fire sale price from Best buy. HP screwed a lot of people...hard. They led customers on big time then used the remainder of the touchpads to promote more HP sales. Thats kin to the kid in the christmas story when he used his orphan annie decoder ring to decode a secret message. The secret message was a freakin commercial for Ovaltine. The same let down. "Its a crummy commercial". Self serving bastards over there at HP.

                            I got my 32gb so I really don't give a crap but over on the "official HP touchpad update blog" the natives are pissed.

                            The sellers on ebay and CL haven't figured this out yet. I just got the update email from HP about an hour ago. When the sellers on ebay and CL find out the prices will surely go up. Bottom price on ebay today for a nib 32gb is like $240 shipped. Not bad.....a dam site better the the $600 retail plus shipping. If your wanting one don't delay.....prices will jump within the next day or so.
                            Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

                            I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


                            • CoderGuy
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 2679

                              Originally posted by Premium Parrots

                              HP finally announced their intentions of what to do with that last load they had produced. They already gave the employees a change to get one and they filled all the back orders. The remainder are going to Bestbuy. Starting nov 1st if you buy an HP computer or some other expensive HP product you will have the opportunity to buy the touchpad at the fire sale price from Best buy. HP screwed a lot of people...hard. They led customers on big time then used the remainder of the touchpads to promote more HP sales. Thats kin to the kid in the christmas story when he used his orphan annie decoder ring to decode a secret message. The secret message was a freakin commercial for Ovaltine. The same let down. "Its a crummy commercial". Self serving bastards over there at HP.

                              I got my 32gb so I really don't give a crap but over on the "official HP touchpad update blog" the natives are pissed.

                              The sellers on ebay and CL haven't figured this out yet. I just got the update email from HP about an hour ago. When the sellers on ebay and CL find out the prices will surely go up. Bottom price on ebay today for a nib 32gb is like $240 shipped. Not bad.....a dam site better the the $600 retail plus shipping. If your wanting one don't delay.....prices will jump within the next day or so.
                              Thanks for the update and the heads up!


                              • GoVegan
                                • Oct 2009
                                • 5603

                                Actually, I think HP's little promotion worked to the consumers advantage. I am seeing a lot more tablets available in the $200 and under range. They have quite a few of them at Tiger Direct.

                                From reading the reviews, it seems like there is a huge difference between Android 2.2 and Android 2.3 so it might be good to use that as a starting point. It seems like the Android 2.3 systems start around $150 which still isn't bad.

