Originally posted by lxskllr
Ron Paul Thread
His personal beliefs don't always coincide with mine, but for most issues, he defers to the states where the decision really belongs. I find little fault with his views...
Originally posted by lxskllrHis personal beliefs don't always coincide with mine, but for most issues, he defers to the states where the decision really belongs. I find little fault with his views...
My guess is if you sat down and questioned him he leans towards a (theistic evolutionist). Meaning he believes in a creator and also in the science. He seemed to be okay with Gay anything as long as it is left up to the states to decide not a Federal order for all. Abortion, you do have a strong point with Paul delivering as many babies as he has, but I am sure he would leave that up to the people to decide on also. Those are many of the issues including legalizing marijuana which he would move take the FED out of.
Originally posted by lxskllrWell, the way I see it we need someone with core American values, that'll uphold our rights. In the end, it doesn't matter what someone believes regarding evolution. That's just trivia as far as national politics goes. We need someone who isn't going to war with the world, or spending us into oblivion. As long as the basic principles are in place, there's advisors for the rest.
I agree, we have bigger fish to fry, but as a voter science is high up on the list of things I think are important to the economy, our defense, and our future as a nation. We need to fund space exploration, innovation in the medical field, etc etc etc. This cannot happen when people don't believe in even the most accepted of scientific principles.
This man will be appointing supreme court justices, he will be deciding who gets federal funding and for what etc etc. His personal beliefs on these topics are integral to how he makes these choices.
I like Paul and he has my vote, but I only like 51% of him, the other 49% are some pretty whacky christian beliefs that don't ring the "you should trust me with the highest office in the land" bell.
Originally posted by lxskllrHe seems to be against federal funding in general. I'm not sure what his stance is on different science issues, but it's generally hands off, leaving things to the free market, and the states. I can appreciate that position even though it may be against my immediate interests.
Originally posted by lxskllrAnyone is electable. It's a question of standing up, and doing the right thing....
it's pretty hard to argue with this type of evidence.