Ron Paul Thread

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  • lxskllr
    • Sep 2007
    • 13435

    Being bankrupt, and not governing by the Constitution is what should be making people nervous...


    • Bigblue1
      Banned Users
      • Dec 2008
      • 3923

      Originally posted by lxskllr
      Being bankrupt, and not governing by the Constitution is what should be making people nervous...
      Yeah, cuz if we governed by the constitution, abortion, evolution, and stem cell research would never eve come up. BTW sgreger where are all these Ron Paul beating the evolution and abortion drum things happening, pretty sure the main stream media are putting out a lot of out of context shit if there is any............. The man has served for 30 years and I'm sure you can find some blurbs out there, but what matters is his voting record, everybody has a right to believe what they will, but I have a hard time believing the man has been voting true to himself for 30 years to fool us and then set up another agenda. anyways it's not like him being president will change the country, tho I wish it would, It will just be a shot over the bow of the establishment. We got a lot of other bums to vote out before shit changes,,,,,,,,,


      • resnor
        • Mar 2011
        • 619

        For the first time ever, I intend to vote in the General Election as I do in the primary...with my conscience. I intend to vote for Ron Paul. Usually in the GE, I vote for who will beat the Democrat, but not this year. A vote for a candidate like a McCain is simply a vote for a candidate who will weaken the conservative message.

        Chad, nice to see someone else who will admit to believing in a literal, 7-day biblical Creation.


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          Who is Ron Paul again? He makes that salad dressing right? I haven't tried it.


          • truthwolf1
            • Oct 2008
            • 2696

            NASA? A sinking monopoly.

            Ron Paul will bring competitiveness back which in return will bring back innovation. So in essence a theistic evolutionist who actually advances science without even trying.. We all Win!


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              Originally posted by EricHill78
              Who is Ron Paul again? He makes that salad dressing right? I haven't tried it.

              I have had a bottle of his Balsamic Vinaigrette in the side of my fridge for years.

              NOBODY beats the creamy fresh taste of HIDDEN VALLEY ranch!!


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by TheJanitor
                But, Obama is a textbook leftist. He has a base. A huge one. Paul does not. Just a very small, very vocal group of supporters. The numbers don't lie.

                Actually his base is huge, at polls all around the country in every district he has more support than almost any republican and is tied with Obama. There is no way that it's just a very small but vocal group. If people thought he was electable and actually voted for him, he would win by a landslide, if for no reason other than he's the only candidate who isn't pro war.

                When we are engaged in 5 wars, all other issues fall by the wayside, we need to end these conflicts immediately.


                • snusbuzz
                  New Member
                  • Dec 2010
                  • 11

                  It's Ron Paul or nothing for me. I supported him in 08, I'm supporting him now.

                  The lesser of two evils is still evil. Ron Paul is the only man in DC deserving of respect.


                  • CoderGuy
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 2679

                    Great new campaign ad from RP



                    • truthwolf1
                      • Oct 2008
                      • 2696



                      • sgreger1
                        • Mar 2009
                        • 9451



                        • Bigblue1
                          Banned Users
                          • Dec 2008
                          • 3923

                          Closet Homosexual, Former Al Gore campaign manger, and consumate Con Man Rick Perry Physically assaults 70 Yr old Republican Debat Poll winner during Commercial Break at las nights Debate.
                          If you don't trust infowars look here
                          A pictures worth a thousand words

                          I'm appalled, If I saw this happen in the street you better believe I'd have done something. I don't care who you are there are certain rules we all abide by. I was always taught to respect my elders. This just shows how scared the establishment is of this man.


                          • truthwolf1
                            • Oct 2008
                            • 2696

                            That picture should be front page mainstream news tomorrow. but it won't.


                            • RobsanX
                              • Aug 2008
                              • 2030

                              It's ok. Perry's supporters gave him a standing ovation when Brian Williams stated the number of executions Perry has authorized. WTF, that is just warped.


                              • snusbuzz
                                New Member
                                • Dec 2010
                                • 11

                                Originally posted by RobsanX
                                It's ok. Perry's supporters gave him a standing ovation when Brian Williams stated the number of executions Perry has authorized. WTF, that is just warped.
                                How hypocritical is that?

                                Most of them brag about being pro-life, and then they cheer about the state putting people to death.

