Ron Paul Thread

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  • Bigblue1
    Banned Users
    • Dec 2008
    • 3923

    Ron Paul Thread

    I figured we needed a positive RP thread so I'm starting one. Post anything and everything Ron Paul here.

    Ron Paul takes New Hampshire Young republicans straw vote
  • chadizzy1
    • May 2009
    • 7432

    He is the ONLY real candidate.

    I could go on and on, but the main thing here is that I'm pissed off over the media blackout.

    I've been donating to his campaign monthly.


    • victoryredchevy
      • Jan 2008
      • 303

      I would vote for Ron Paul. I like several of his views. As staunch of a military supporter as I am, I think I agree with his Military Industrial complex view. I do agree with Chad that Paul is likely the only real candidate. He'd be excellent for our monetary and tax system, that's for sure. But I fear it will be the same ol' story for Ron Paul and his base. Republikan establishment is NOT going to back him and that is the only way possible. I hate saying that, but we know it's true. Bottom Line... He's way too fringe for most of the dum-dums that vote. They'd rather cast a comfortable vote for another robotic suit. Nonetheless, I'm glad to see an "outsider" won the NHYR straw poll. That is a positive. It's at least a dent.


      • lxskllr
        • Sep 2007
        • 13435

        Originally posted by chadizzy1
        He is the ONLY real candidate.
        Yup. AFAIC, any vote other than Paul, is a vote against America. He's the closest thing we have to our founder's vision of the USA.


        • chadizzy1
          • May 2009
          • 7432


          His predictions are scarily accurate.


          • shikitohno
            • Jul 2009
            • 1156

            Originally posted by lxskllr
            Yup. AFAIC, any vote other than Paul, is a vote against America. He's the closest thing we have to our founder's vision of the USA.
            And that's probably exactly why he won't be backed by a big party, and will wind up losing again. The US is far too caught up in the two party system at this point, we really need some sort of breakthrough third party to amass a sizeable portion of the vote. And before anyone says Tea Party on its own could fit the bill, they're too divisive to work. They please a certain set of the more conservative Republican party membership at the expense of alienating damn near everyone else.


            • RobsanX
              • Aug 2008
              • 2030


              Michelle Bachmann has just trolled you Ron Paul thread!!! And Marcuth too!


              • chadizzy1
                • May 2009
                • 7432



                • chadizzy1
                  • May 2009
                  • 7432




                  • sgreger1
                    • Mar 2009
                    • 9451

                    Oh God, I just turned my radio and Glenn beck was on, he was going on about Ron Paul's stance on evolution (doesn't believe in it) and was going on and on about how the theory of evolution is just a theory and is just as valid/invalid as any other theory he makes up on the spot. Beck was going on and on about "why doe science think it's infallable? Darwin could only 'in theory' show you evolution happened but it's just one of many theories all of which have no evidence".

                    My head about exploded, I listened for like 2 minutes before I had to switch stations.

                    RON PAUL: Ron Paul as an individual is a nutter fundamentalist christian, I don't believe he has a firm grip on the present day, on technology, or on sceince of any sort. He is against net neutrality, he doesn't believe in evolution etc. He is everything opposite of what I believe in as a human being. EXCEPT, he doesn't wish to force those issues on everyone else. <<<<-- that is the key. I don't care if Osama Bin laden is running the country as long as he allows others the freedom to disagree and not be forced into doing things his way. And more important than any social issues like abortion or gay marriage, or any issue of science or personal belierfs, is the problem of what the **** we are going to do to not become insolvent as a country. Ron Paul is for scaling down our occupation forces, chopping down the MIC to size and auditing the fed. I don't care if he worhsips satan and drinks goats blood, I would vote for him on that basis alone.

                    "If the natural tendencies of mankind are so bad that it is not safe to permit people to be free, how is it that the tendencies of these organizers are always good? Do not the legislators and their appointed agents also belong to the human race? Or do they believe that they themselves are made of a finer clay than the rest of mankind?"
                    -Fredric Bastait, 'The Law'


                    • chadizzy1
                      • May 2009
                      • 7432

                      Does this make sense to anyone?
                      A three person race - Bachmann, Perry, and Romney.
                      ....wait, didn't Ron Paul finish in second behind Bachmann in a near statistical tie?


                      Analysis: GOP has 'three-person race' after straw poll
                      WASHINGTON — One is up, one is out, one is in, and one remains the perceived front-runner.

                      After a busy weekend in Iowa and South Carolina, the Republican presidential race moves forward with what looks to be a three-way contest among upstart Michele Bachmann, newcomer Rick Perry and perceived front-runner Mitt Romney.
                      Bachmann, a U.S. House member from Minnesota, seeks momentum after winning the Iowa GOP straw poll — a preliminary contest that knocked former Minnesota governor Tim Pawlenty out of the race after a disappointing third-place finish.
                      Meanwhile, the Republican race got a new and potentially formidable candidate in Perry, the Texas governor who announced his bid Saturday before a conservative group in South Carolina.
                      PHOTOS: GOP candidates campaign in Iowa
                      At some point, both Bachmann and Perry figure to go after Romney, whose campaign war chest make him the front-runner at this point.
                      "We've got a three-person race now," said Stuart Rothenberg, publisher of a non-partisan political report. "Romney, Perry and Bachmann."

                      Celebrating her straw poll win, Bachmann made the circuit of Sunday interview shows to cite the victory as evidence she can capture the White House in 2012.
                      "People in Iowa sent a message loud and clear to President Obama," Bachmann told CNN's State of the Union. "They said, 'We are done with your policies. We want something very different.'"
                      Bachmann also welcomed Perry to the race.
                      Perry spoke before the RedState Gathering in Charleston, S.C., pledging to lower taxes and reduce business regulations, while accusing Obama of "downgrading" the economy and "our standing in the world."
                      Bidding for conservative votes, Perry said, "I'll promise you this: I'll work every day to try to make Washington, D.C., as inconsequential in your life as I can."
                      The Iowa straw poll, a fundraising tool for the state's Republican Party, focused attention on the race that officially begins with the Iowa caucuses, tentatively set for Feb. 6. That date could change depending on when other states schedule their contests.
                      The Republican candidates will engage in a series of debates throughout the rest of this year. Perry figures to make his debate debut on Sept. 7 at the Ronald Reagan Presidential Library in Simi Valley, Calif. Candidates Ron Paul, Jon Huntsman, Newt Gingrich, Rick Santorum and Herman Cain are also seeking the Republican presidential nomination.
                      Then there's the wild card. Former Alaska governor Sarah Palin, the party's vice presidential nominee in 2008, says she hasn't decided whether to seek the presidency in 2012.
                      Obama aides and other Democrats said Bachmann's win in the Iowa straw poll — as well as a second-place finish by Paul, a former Libertarian presidential candidate — shows that the Republicans are more interested in Tea Party conservatives than in middle-class independents.
                      Obama campaign spokesman Ben LaBolt said, "The Republican field has doubled down in their effort to court the most ideological faction of their party, committing to end Medicare as we know it, erode Social Security and erase the investments necessary to create the jobs of the future."

                      “Mitt's Worst Nightmare"
                      Romney is considered the Republican front-runner because of his fundraising lead and campaign experience. He was a runner-up to John McCain in the 2008 nomination battle.
                      The former Massachusetts governor is also the primary target of the Democrats, who taunted him Sunday over Perry's entry into the race.
                      The Democratic National Committee e-mailed a photo of the Boston Herald's front page, featuring a picture of Perry and the headline, "Mitt's Worst Nightmare." The text described the Texas governor as a "darling" of the GOP base, a "master fundraiser," and as having a "strong jobs record."
                      Romney, Perry and Bachmann will presumably seek the endorsement of Pawlenty, who had banked on a stronger finish in the Iowa straw poll.
                      Announcing his withdrawal Sunday on ABC's This Week, Pawlenty said, "The pathway forward for me doesn't really exist."
                      Rothenberg said he sees the Republican race unfolding in two acts during the months ahead. In Act One, Perry and Bachmann



                      • jmdkodiak
                        • Mar 2011
                        • 218

                        He's got my vote, too...


                        • truthwolf1
                          • Oct 2008
                          • 2696

                          Romney had a really good lead over all the candidates in my state primary last time around. Mccain barely made it to second over all the others.

                          This time around I can see a clear win for Bachmann in MN but Paul could do very well in other parts of the country.


                          • chadizzy1
                            • May 2009
                            • 7432



                            • chadizzy1
                              • May 2009
                              • 7432

                              How did this...

                              Get elected? He's maybe a shade smarter than George Bush.


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