Being bankrupt, and not governing by the Constitution is what should be making people nervous...
Ron Paul Thread
Originally posted by lxskllrBeing bankrupt, and not governing by the Constitution is what should be making people nervous...
For the first time ever, I intend to vote in the General Election as I do in the primary...with my conscience. I intend to vote for Ron Paul. Usually in the GE, I vote for who will beat the Democrat, but not this year. A vote for a candidate like a McCain is simply a vote for a candidate who will weaken the conservative message.
Chad, nice to see someone else who will admit to believing in a literal, 7-day biblical Creation.
Originally posted by TheJanitorBut, Obama is a textbook leftist. He has a base. A huge one. Paul does not. Just a very small, very vocal group of supporters. The numbers don't lie.
Actually his base is huge, at polls all around the country in every district he has more support than almost any republican and is tied with Obama. There is no way that it's just a very small but vocal group. If people thought he was electable and actually voted for him, he would win by a landslide, if for no reason other than he's the only candidate who isn't pro war.
When we are engaged in 5 wars, all other issues fall by the wayside, we need to end these conflicts immediately.
Closet Homosexual, Former Al Gore campaign manger, and consumate Con Man Rick Perry Physically assaults 70 Yr old Republican Debat Poll winner during Commercial Break at las nights Debate.
If you don't trust infowars look here
A pictures worth a thousand words
I'm appalled, If I saw this happen in the street you better believe I'd have done something. I don't care who you are there are certain rules we all abide by. I was always taught to respect my elders. This just shows how scared the establishment is of this man.
Originally posted by RobsanXIt's ok. Perry's supporters gave him a standing ovation when Brian Williams stated the number of executions Perry has authorized. WTF, that is just warped.
Most of them brag about being pro-life, and then they cheer about the state putting people to death.