The body Modification Thread. (Could be graphic)

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  • texasmade
    • Jan 2009
    • 4159

    The body Modification Thread. (Could be graphic)

    Well there's an alcohol, cannabis, tattoo, nazi, Lazer-friendly, and everything else thread so i figured I should start one for body mods. If you have any feel free to post pics! it could be anything from dermal/sub-dermal implants, scarification, plugs, etc or videos. Reason being that I've been into body modification for a few years, but until recently never really had the opportunity or funds to pursue my interest (and won't for a few weeks -_-). I'll start by posting a video of what I want to eventually get as my first step into body modification.

  • snusjus
    • Jun 2008
    • 2674

    I have numerous tattoos and piercings, but never had a desire to get scarification, brandings, implants, etc. I'd love to post my mods but I wish to remain anonymous.


    • texasmade
      • Jan 2009
      • 4159

      I don't think I'd ever get implants, but I really love the idea of scarification. It's something you can't really just go get removed which is why I want it to be something I know I would never change my mind on or feelings about.


      • Speedoape
        • Nov 2010
        • 311

        I have a lot of tattoos and 1/2 plugs in my lobes. Been at 1/2 for years and wont go bigger. Been told 1/2 suits me and I love the look. I need tohave one tat. Covered but in no hurry. That s$%t got expensive!!!


        • Monkey
          Senior Member
          • Mar 2009
          • 3290

          I have three tats on my claves and for piercings i have my eyebrow, labret and helix.

          I would love to get my bridge pierced but my current work position wont allow proper healing time on a facial piercing.

          More tattoos for sure as well but funds are not present at the time......having kids is expensive.

          Scarification and implants don't really float my boat but I would go for a my line of work, burns come with the territory (chef) and would be nothing new pain wise. Just what to get would be my only concern. If my family had a crest or seal that would be cool but really I have no good ideas atm......or money for it.


          • snusjus
            • Jun 2008
            • 2674


            I'm on the right.

            Only joking.


            • Nuusku
              • Aug 2011
              • 993

              I only have 2 ear piercings, stretchings, 6mm both. My girlfriend has started practising tattoo making 6 months ago, so when she gets really good, im going to get one by her.


              • Thraxy
                • Jul 2011
                • 194

                I've got a few stretch marks... and wear glasses... does that count?


                • void
                  • May 2011
                  • 189

                  I have 9 tattoos, both full sleeves and in chest, legs etc..
                  I had many piercing in my face but have to take them off for work, at the moment i have prince albert, nipple and tongue.


                  • shikitohno
                    • Jul 2009
                    • 1156

                    Originally posted by snusjus

                    I'm on the right.

                    Only joking.
                    Man, that guy on the right looks like he's got a serious infection going on. If he didn't go to the doctor for that, I wouldn't be surprised if he was dead.

                    For piercings, I used to have vertical traguses, lobes, and after removing the vertical ear lobe piercings, I had 00 plugs. They're all gone now. Have a couple leg tattoos, and I'm looking to get a back piece done when I've got the funds. Probably going to be this:

                    or a similar image of that particular deity.

                    It does help that I've got a friend who works in a shop, so I get a nice discount as long as I smoke him up or buy him a couple rounds after we're done with a session. Used to be on the BME experience editing team as one of those guys who would sit there and decide whether to accept or reject your submission. Haven't done it in a couple years now, but I might renew my account and start reading them again. Doing that, I've seen just about everything from the 15yo girls' , "OMG, I like tots got my belly button piercd 2day!" to the, "So today I gave myself a full penectomy." experiences. Fun stuff, that.


                    • AtreyuKun
                      • Aug 2009
                      • 1223


                      I'd love to get some proud warrior brow ridges! You know, for the glory of the empire and such.
                      Seriously, I've got nothing. One day, I'll be the rare one. Unmodified. Not my style really.


                      • shikitohno
                        • Jul 2009
                        • 1156

                        I'd laugh if the next pope had fully body tattoos. That would just be too goofy looking seeing him bless huge crowds of Italians and pilgrims while he had a face like Darth Maul, rocking the pope garb.


                        • Mdisch
                          • Jul 2011
                          • 805

                          Originally posted by Monkey
                          Scarification and implants don't really float my boat but I would go for a my line of work, burns come with the territory (chef) and would be nothing new pain wise. Just what to get would be my only concern. If my family had a crest or seal that would be cool but really I have no good ideas atm......or money for it.
                          Wouldn't it be pretty hard to get a crest branded? I mean, we have a family crest and I'm gonna get it tattoed... But I could imagine that the max amount of details in branding are quite limited?


                          • Ainkor
                            • Sep 2008
                            • 1144

                            I got a tat with the preamble to the declaration of independence on my peen. I had to shorten it a bit to "When..." though. It's kinda ironic overall, but hey!


                            • shikitohno
                              • Jul 2009
                              • 1156

                              Originally posted by Mdisch
                              Wouldn't it be pretty hard to get a crest branded? I mean, we have a family crest and I'm gonna get it tattoed... But I could imagine that the max amount of details in branding are quite limited?
                              Depends largely on how large you're will to make it, and the complexity of the crest. It's basically like tattoos, but needing even more space. If you've got a very ornate crest, but you only want the tattoo to take up 12 square inches, there's a limit to how good a job can be done. For most crests I can see on google images, you'd probably have to make an entire back piece out of it for it to have any shot at coming out okay as a brand. Some of the Japanese family crests would probably be much more doable as brands than typical European ones.

                              Originally posted by Ainkor
                              I got a tat with the preamble to the declaration of independence on my peen. I had to shorten it a bit to "When..." though. It's kinda ironic overall, but hey!
                              I remember waiting outside a venue to get into a concert when I was younger, and overheard a guy hitting on this really ditzy, gullible girl.
                              Guy:"Yeah, I went to JFK high school, so I got a tattoo to remind me of it. When I'm normal, it just says JFK, but when I get hard the skin expands, and his whole name is there."
                              Girl: "Wow, that's awesome, can I see?"


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