New Snuser

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  • sandstorm
    • May 2008
    • 94

    New Snuser


    After reading the forum for a week, I've decided to join. This forum has been very helpful to me on becoming a snuser. I’ve been smoking cigarettes on and off over twenty years. I dipped Skoal Long Cut and Bandits when I was younger. I discovered Camel Snus, while talking to my brother from MI. So I had him ship a tin to me while he was in Indiana. Three days before I received it, much to my delight I discovered they are now on sale here in the Atlanta area. I purchased the Spice flavor and it was very good on the nic hit and flavor, I was sound for several hours!. I’ve tried the other flavors Frost and Original. All three are good, liked the Spice and Frost better. The tin my brother sent arrived, the first thing I noticed was that the portions was slightly smaller than the tin I purchased. The tin I bought had fifteen; the one my brother sent had twenty.

    I was intrigue by snus and decided to Google it to learn more. I found Northerner and placed my first order:

    N& J West portion
    Offroad Coffee and Vanilla portion
    Wise mini portion.

    I placed my order on a Sunday, and received it on that Friday, five days. that was fast! WOW talk about a whole new experience!!! The Offroad I liked. The Wise was OK, the N & J West was to peppery for my taste. After a couple days of using Camel Spice and Offroad, I went back to the N & J West and found the taste was better. My adult son was helping me with the order. I found it better than Camel Snus. Didn’t smoke cigarettes for days, had no desire for them. With my order now depleted, I placed a second order with Northerner:

    Mocca+ Eucalyptus, Strong Mini
    Mocca Pomegranate White Mini Portion
    Elixyr Power Energy Portion
    Elixyr Peppermint Portion
    Offroad Ice Mint

    It’s been five day’s since I placed my order and I checked the mail today and nothing. Talk about depressing. I purchased more Camel Snus to get me by, but it’s not satisfying. I had to double portion to get satisfaction! I guess I’ve acquired a taste for the good stuff! I had to go buy cigarettes today. I found that I don’t like the smell or taste. Hope my order arrives on Monday. I have learned a lesson, keep stocked up!!! I have been looking for Triumph, but have not found any yet. I’ve seen signs for it, but everyone I talked to has not got any in yet.
  • Knoxboxen
    New Member
    • May 2008
    • 12


    Try N&J (The original), General and Skruf (Both original and strong)

    Those are the most popular ones :wink:

    N&J and Skruf are strong and good.





    • sandstorm
      • May 2008
      • 94

      Thank you for the recommendations. I plan on adding Skruf for my next order, the flavor appears to be favorable to me and the nic hit too! I will take a look at N&J and General as well. Hope my latest order comes in today, Having fits! The next order I will use buysnus. Northerner has been good thus far, but I want to give buysnus a shot. The price is better, hope the shipping is as well.


      • sagedil
        • Nov 2007
        • 7077

        Just a warning, the Elixyr Power Energy Portion will taste like a**. My guess is it is the caffeine, but I promise, the taste is NOT good. Having said that, it is one of the most crucial elements of my snus supply. I have two each morning, and this weekend, while taking the Motorcycle Safety Foundation class on 3 and 5 hours sleep, I popped them like candy. I use them to conveniently feel my caffeine addiction, no other reason.

        So if you are like me and want the caffeine, then it is a good choice. If not, you will hate it. (And you can then send me the rest...LOL)


        • sandstorm
          • May 2008
          • 94

          Well my order arrived yesterday. Talk about relief. I agree it does smell rancid. The taste is acceptable. I tried a portion this afternoon and it took care of my vitamin N & C deficiencies, real decent pick – me- up. Love caffeine too, so I may not want to part with them LOL. I did like the peppermint. The smell was all right and it did taste good. I know my taste will come back the longer I stay off the cigs, so I might not like either later. I am enjoying the Off Road Ice Mint; to bad it’s a limited edition. I will add a couple more tins to my next order. The Mocca Plus is very good for the nic hit!! I like to refer to them as my TNT. I like the discreetness in the size and the hit of a normal portion. The flavor is not over powering. The Pomegranate is not bad at all. The flavor is not sickening sweet like the Camel’s, which I still have two tins in the fig. Love the swedish stuff better! Not that I’m putting Camel down, it did lead me to what I’ve been missing for many years!

          I am going to add the Jakobssons Ice-Fruit for the next order as well. I might do the PM 1847 to check out the taste. One of the great things I am discovering is the variety.


          • CWC
            • Mar 2008
            • 114

            Sandstorm, on your next order you may want to try some los snus. I wouldn't order more than one to try it, but I use loose almost exclusivly now and enjoy it much better than the portions. Two of my favorites are Ettan and Roda Lacket they both pack very well, you may want to try Probe it is sweeter than most since you seem to like the flavored snus.


            • sandstorm
              • May 2008
              • 94

              Thank you for the recommendations. I’m thinking on getting Roda Lacket portions. Is the liquorices taste over powering? Don’t care too much for black liquorices taste. Probe does look good, whiskey flavor, hmmm. :P I do enjoy flavor, but there are times in the day that I enjoy a good tobacco flavor too. Camel is too sweet, but I am grateful to them for leading to the real stuff. I am going to do some Los on the order after this. Watched Zero’s video on how to bake pris, so I feel confident with this. Good idea to order just one tin and experiment. I was Skoal loose leaf user when I was a clean shaven lad. This forum wonderful, everyone is very helpful and always ready to give advice.


              • eli
                • Apr 2008
                • 243

                The licorice in roda lacket is near undetectable, it's mildly sweet. I can't stand licorice and I love Roda Lacket.


                • Zeno
                  • Apr 2008
                  • 79

                  I second eli's comment...
                  Roeda Lacket is great, I couldn't taste licorice in it (fortunately)


                  • sandstorm
                    • May 2008
                    • 94

                    Thanks guys for the info. Roeda Lacket will be on my order. I'll let you all know how it fairs with me. :wink:


                    • carter
                      New Member
                      • Jun 2008
                      • 1

                      Hey Sandstorm,

                      Where have you been able to find snus in Atlanta? The shell station of Boulevard has had a sign up for a week, saying comming soon. I've pretty much given up on that place. Every other place I go looks at me like I'm crazy.


                      • sandstorm
                        • May 2008
                        • 94


                        Welcome to the forum.
                        Sorry getting back to you late there mate. Most all the Quick Trip’s are selling Camel Snus behind the counter. You will likely have to direct the cashier to area behind the counter where it’s kept. I had at least two cashiers that did not know they sold it! I found both flavors of Triumph at the Shell station on Atlanta Rd, off the 285 exit ramp (heading south), exit 16. Some of the Texaco stations have the signs up as well, but nothing in stock. Triumph is a much better snus than the Camel line. The taste, nic hit and longevity of the flavor are very excellent, it’s now in my top list of favorites.
                        Get used to people looking at you like a deer in a headlight! Snuf and cigarettes are the main stay around here. After smoking and dipping for 20 years, I felt better since switching. If you can, recommend ordering from Great prices and great variety. IMHO Triumph is an excellent start. Let me know if your were successful.


                        • Mongrul
                          • Aug 2008
                          • 151

                          I had a chance to try Camel on my last trip, but it was too late! I already had Skruf portions, Roda Lacket (with a few General portions thrown in), Goteborgs Rape, and Ettan tins in my computer bag! My first so called snus was the Marlboro variant. I thought it was ok, but the portions are tiny, you only get 12, and I didn't get any nic kick. After I got my first sampler from Northerner, the Marlboro went in the trash. I've gone from 2 packs + per day to one, and am enjoying the ability to use tobacco on planes, and in offices again. Eventually, the smokes will be gone. I've got some Skruf los in now, and I like it too. There's much debate about portions vs los on this site. Some are portions only, others los only. I'm liking both, portions when I'm out or traveling, los when I'm sitting in my office at home. I got the cheapo pris tool, but I think I'm going to bye an Icetool. The pris tool is already getting hard to use and I'm not done with my first tin yet!
                          Time to hit Northerner and buy some more los.


                          • snusjus
                            • Jun 2008
                            • 2674

                            My two favorite snus (basically the only ones that I purchase anymore) are Skruf Stark Portion and Nick & Johnny Portion. I like them both because they have unique flavors and give me that nicotine boost throughout the day.


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