The Occupy Party

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  • Joe234
    • Apr 2010
    • 1948

    The Occupy Party

    We are the 99%!

    The Occupy Party is a grassroots national movement and resistance protesting the 1% that own 50% of everything. We will not be intimidated and silent anymore with our civil resistance and street protests. We will no longer tolerate

    the greed and corruption of the 1%. We represent people of many colors, genders and political persuasions. We have lost our jobs, houses, future, everything...while the fat cats on Wall Street get richer and drink their champagne.

    The Occupy Party is seeking leaders who will step up and represent the 99% in all levels of government and get rid of the greed and corruption on Wall Street, in our Corporations, and in our Government, that have turned our beautiful nation into shadow of its former glory.

    October, 2011

    Solidarity: March on Wall Street protesting the 1%'s greed.
  • shikitohno
    • Jul 2009
    • 1156

    Eh, you're more like the 1%. Fringe political movements don't really have a strong history of catching on in the US, so I give another month before everyone abandons the protests in time for midterms.


    • Crow
      • Oct 2010
      • 4312

      Some words of advice for your party:

      Scrap the 'Party' concept and form a PAC. Create a strategy for the 2012 election. Also, make sure your contributions are well-placed before AND during the campaign. Don't overspend; leave yourself a buffer so you can safely operate your campaign through Election Day.

      [EDIT: Remember to keep it clean. The country doesn't need another "Tea Party".]

      Best of luck!
      Words of Wisdom

      Premium Parrots: only if the carpet matches the drapes.
      Crow: Of course, that's a given.
      Crow: Imagine a jet black 'raven' with a red bush?
      Crow: Hmm... You know, that actually sounds intriguing to me.
      Premium Parrots: sounds like a freak to me
      Premium Parrots: remember DO NOT TURN YOUR BACK ON CROW
      Premium Parrots: not that it would hurt one bit if he nailed you with his little pecker.
      Frosted: lucky twat
      Frosted: Aussie slags
      Frosted: Mind the STDs Crow


      • shikitohno
        • Jul 2009
        • 1156

        Originally posted by The Seattleite
        Remember to keep it clean. The country doesn't need another "Tea Party".
        If Joe of all people wound up in anything resembling the tea-party, I'm pretty sure we'd learn the LD-50 of self-loathing.


        • lxskllr
          • Sep 2007
          • 13435

          Not to nitpick, but the smiles on the people's faces in that banner really bother me. They look like they've been drugged into complacency. Kind of vacuous, and out of touch :^/


          • shikitohno
            • Jul 2009
            • 1156

            I don't know about the women in the photo. The guys look like they'd brag about their multi-tasking skills if they could pick their nose with one hand and eat glue with the other at the same time.


            • truthwolf1
              • Oct 2008
              • 2696

              Until I see some Anti-Obama signs being waived I really cannot take this group serious.

              11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Barack Obama To Resign



              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                Originally posted by shikitohno
                Eh, you're more like the 1%. Fringe political movements don't really have a strong history of catching on in the US, so I give another month before everyone abandons the protests in time for midterms.

                Winter is coming. Do you know how cold it gets in New York during winter? It's only a matter of weeks.

                I do support this movement but I am pretty sure it will be just like the tea party, it'll start out as a genuine grass roots movement of people fed up with things and eventually get co-opted by the democrats.

                The occupy Wall Street movement will turn into a "Re-elect Obama" movement by Christmas.


                • sgreger1
                  • Mar 2009
                  • 9451

                  Originally posted by truthwolf1
                  Until I see some Anti-Obama signs being waived I really cannot take this group serious.

                  11 Reasons Why Occupy Wall Street Protesters Are Hypocrites If They Do Not Call For Barack Obama To Resign


                  I've seen a bunch of pictures of signs saying "re-elect Obama 2012" already. I wouldn't count on them calling for his resignation.


                  • truthwolf1
                    • Oct 2008
                    • 2696

                    Originally posted by sgreger1
                    I've seen a bunch of pictures of signs saying "re-elect Obama 2012" already. I wouldn't count on them calling for his resignation.
                    WELL, I am sorry then but this movement will FALL flat on it's face because it is more of a angry mob throwing out half-truths verses really getting to the bottom of things. I guess it is still politically incorrect to challenge a minority in office! How many BUSHTARDS saw the light during the final years and walked the streets??? WE WERE SO CLOSE AND THEN OBAMA the cooler comes in

                    Exact same thing happened to the Tea Party which started out great but then slid away from TRUTH where nobody wants to deal with them anymore..


                    • justintempler
                      • Nov 2008
                      • 3090

                      Originally posted by sgreger1
                      I've seen a bunch of pictures of signs saying "re-elect Obama 2012" already. I wouldn't count on them calling for his resignation.

                      Didn't you get the memo? Occupy Wall Street = Hope and Change v2.0


                      • Mdisch
                        • Jul 2011
                        • 805

                        Originally posted by sgreger1
                        Winter is coming. Do you know how cold it gets in [...]
                        What are you? One of the Starks?! :O


                        • texastorm
                          • Jul 2010
                          • 386

                          It never ceases to amaze me what stupid sheep people are when it comes to politics. It is the us against them that drives all of these grassroots non movements, and keeps our political system stalemated with a defunct two party system. Only eventual revolution will change anything. But even that wont last.

                          What no one ever points out is it is not us against them, it is us against us. We run our own country, we with a mob rule mentality and a handful of cash elect these people, and then we come at them from all sides with some really dumbass demands. Can you blame the politicians for making stupid laws bending to the will of some poor mother who lost a child? Or for letting lobbyist line their pockets albiet in sneaky was because accepting the cash is wrong, but accepting other forms of bribery and creating legislation as repayment, well we can look the other way.

                          Nope folks the occupado party will be another wisp in the wind along with the many hundreds of grassroots movements that have come and went without changing a damn thing.

                          Now quit blaming millionaires, if you want money, get off your ass and make it. I saw someone on ebay selling recipes, essentially selling nothing tangible, and when I checked their completed auctions they appeared to be averaging eight or nine hundred dollars a week... pure profit. One could probably make a business from the free computer at the library. I hate it when people tell me how bad it is because they cant get a job and how its rich peoples fault. Screw you you dont WANT a job, you want a free check. Stop lying to yourself.

                          If you stripped all the money from everyone and handed it back out in equal parts to every human on the planet, we would be right back here in two years. Those that desire money and do what it takes to make it, will always end up with it. Those that have no idea how to keep it will lose it quickly. It has always been, and it will always be. No one has the responsibility to give you a job or help you survive. However it is your responsibility to feed your face and survive. How well you do that is entirely relative to how hard you work at it, and how well you learn from mistakes.

                          I get so tired of people trying to make the world fair by punishing successful people. Quit stepping over dollars to get a free dime.



                          • lxskllr
                            • Sep 2007
                            • 13435

                            Originally posted by texastorm
                            I get so tired of people trying to make the world fair by punishing successful people. Quit stepping over dollars to get a free dime.

                            The Occupods have a point though. I'm also against punishing success, but it shouldn't be rewarded either. When you get to a certain income level, special ways of hiding money become available to you, and the brain power to utilize them is ready for the purchase. Our tax code needs to be eliminated, and rebuilt, and everybody needs to pay the exact same amount. No deductions, no depreciations, no rewards... just one flat rate for everybody. If that isn't enough to pay for services, then services need to be cut. Those are the same rules we all live by, and they're good enough for the government also.


                            • texastorm
                              • Jul 2010
                              • 386

                              Originally posted by lxskllr
                              The Occupods have a point though. I'm also against punishing success, but it shouldn't be rewarded either. When you get to a certain income level, special ways of hiding money become available to you, and the brain power to utilize them is ready for the purchase. Our tax code needs to be eliminated, and rebuilt, and everybody needs to pay the exact same amount. No deductions, no depreciations, no rewards... just one flat rate for everybody. If that isn't enough to pay for services, then services need to be cut. Those are the same rules we all live by, and they're good enough for the government also.

                              ...and this too should be possible, however I assure you no one will ever EVER let it happen. You see the trouble is the very people in my rant who want to make the rich pay more, believe that they should pay little or none. So if Mr. Big makes a million smackers a year and pays 10 percent, Mr Small who makes 15k a year wants to pay little to nothing, but wants Mr Big to pay an extra 5% because he was so successful or lucky. If you could get everyone to agree that no matter what the damn poverty level is everyone and I mean EVERYONE pays the same percentage no matter how unlucky their lot in life, then it would be fair. But to say that because Mr Big happens to be successful, or smart or lucky and therefore deserves to pay more is actually unfair in concept as well as execution.

                              I believe rich, poor, black, white, yellow, healthy, sick, disabled, retarded, smart and the just plain stupid should all pay equally. Its not my fault you popped out six kids, why should YOU get a deduction for littering the planet with more people.

                              I believe that rich people should be allowed to keep their money and let their own conscience guide them into who to help and for their own personal reasons. It is not the governments job to provide you with money, or jobs or food. The government should only provide you with opportunity. Most people here seem to think otherwise. Then again most people are not in business for themselves generally lay blame on their hopeless lives on the man. But like my recipe/ebay story in the above rant, I am 100% aware you can separate people from their money really easy. So to sit their and bitch about how you have none doesn't make it a corporations fault, and its certainly not the governments.

                              Do I sound jaded? Nah I am just trying to make a point here. It can NEVER EVER be fair... this is so improbable as to likely be impossible.

                              We need a law mandating self responsibility. Not laws that make the government more responsible for you, but less. Then you can win or lose on a level playing field.


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