Purloined panties

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Purloined panties

    Purloined panties prompt NMSU police report

    Sun-News report
    Posted: 10/19/2011 02:38:04 PM MDT

    LAS CRUCES - Police are looking for a suspect who reportedly came into a woman's yard to steal panties. New Mexico State University Police responded to a Cole Village home on Espina Street Monday, where a woman reported the theft.
    The woman said on Saturday evening, she had hung several pairs of colored underwear, two bras and some of her son's shirts on the clothesline behind her home, inside a closed gate, according to the police report.
    The woman noticed Sunday morning that the gate had been opened and that nine pairs of panties worth about $60 total were missing.
    No suspects were immediately named.
    The case comes just a year after five members of NMSU's Zeta Tau Alpha sorority told police one of their members had been engaging in stealing numerous pairs of Victoria¹s Secret underwear and bras worth hundreds of dollars. All the items, except for one white bra, were recovered.
    Anyone with any information on the theft is asked to call NMSU Police.
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