Cyanogen Mod 7.1 for Android Phones

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  • clint404
    • Jul 2011
    • 317

    Cyanogen Mod 7.1 for Android Phones

    Anyone running this yet?

    I just flashed it to my droid 2 and its 1000% better than the latest gingerbread update. My phone would reboot every ten mins and I was about the point of shooting up my local verizon store.

    Needless to say cyanogenmod saved me jail time

    No seriously I never thought a phone firmware could be so good.
  • heders
    • Jan 2011
    • 2227

    I'm running this as well on my HTC Desire! Switched from MIUI because it was so slow, and have used CM7 before, but this update kicks ass! Fast as hell. No problems what so ever yet!


    • EricHill78
      • Jun 2010
      • 4253

      I have an HTC desire as well. I'm scared to do this though because I'm technology retarded. Scared to loose all my date and not be able to bring it back.

      Clint I thought I was the only one with the reboot issue lol.


      • clint404
        • Jul 2011
        • 317

        Droid2 is still in nightly builds but oct25 is super stable.

        VPN, email, maps, all works.


        • EricHill78
          • Jun 2010
          • 4253

          Is this a legal mod or third party?


          • EricHill78
            • Jun 2010
            • 4253

            How do I download it etc? Can it be restored if I don't like it? Will I loose my apps?


            • clint404
              • Jul 2011
              • 317

              There are step by step guides for each model phone in the cyanogen wiki.

              Eric there's always that issue of warranty but I rooted mine a long time ago so that went out the window.

              You can read up on how to back up your apps and info and yes you have to reload them. Titanium backup is what I used.

              I was scared too and I even bricked my phone twice doing it but that was my own stupid fault. But unless your phone won't turn on it can prolly be saved.

              Mine was stuck in the bootloader saying code corrupt...yikes!

              If you get stuck or have any questions you can call me...just PM me and ill give you my number.


              • clint404
                • Jul 2011
                • 317

                You have to flash down to froyo 2.3
                Root your phone
                Install clockwork recovery and boot into it
                Install the cyanogen and install google apps (market)

                The market saves the apps you buy btw


                • russki
                  • Jan 2011
                  • 464

                  Flashed it last week and my phone seems fine. I just got a G2X, and the phone in and of itself is fast enough, so I didn't notice any major differences aside from the benefits I got through CM7. Very stable build, only one minor bug at the moment that I can find.

                  Just out of curiosity how are the nightly builds? Assuming they are roughly the same across the board, how stable are they? Not sure if I'll bother flashing them unless the actually have vast improvements over the stable build.

                  Originally posted by EricHill78
                  I have an HTC desire as well. I'm scared to do this though because I'm technology retarded. Scared to loose all my date and not be able to bring it back.

                  Clint I thought I was the only one with the reboot issue lol.
                  If you have no clue what your doing and you still want to root your droid, I too would suggest reading up on it....extensively. Odds are if you are blindly following a guide, you'll get yourself in a hole eventually, and require assistance getting yourself out; Likewise, you run the risk of bricking your phone (essentially making it a paperweight). Get a good feel for exactly what your doing to the phone and some of the terminology, and figure out the just of how you can restore it back to normal should anything go wrong.

                  If you do chose to root it, I would suggest making backups of your backups on your computer just in-case, and also take note of both the original state of your phone (firmware version, kernel, ect.) and the ROM you flash should you chose to do so, so that if anything does go wrong, you have some reference for others to help you out.


                  • clint404
                    • Jul 2011
                    • 317

                    Nightly builds are where minor changes are made to see if they are stable and tested to be put into the stable mod.

                    Theres no need to root your phone if you dont need it. I dont pay for home internet, i rooted to turn on my wireless tether so i can use my company laptop.

                    When it comes to CM7.1 if your phone is running slow, and or you want to customize your phone more then go ahead. You can seriously screw your phone up but like i said i bricked my phone and saved it. If you know where to look i.e. xda-developers, then you can save your phone from the brick. Its over hyped imho. All i had to do was pull my SD card and reboot and saved it.

                    I might add that the crystal theme of CM7 is BEAUTIFUL and better than anything google could have put out. Every app including facebook is skinned quite well.


                    • voodooman
                      • Mar 2011
                      • 255

                      cyanogenmod! been using it for ages. i've even made a small contribution to the source code. do your research, and you won't have a problem. forum is the best place for the info you need.


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