I read an interesting article a few days ago. It seems an enterprising modder has discovered that, although the usual "invisible walls" are in place around the provincial borders of Skyrim, the game is already coded with the geography of the entire continent of Tamriel (and, I suppose, Vvardenfell, the Summerset Isles, and Solstheim as well, although I can't confirm that). With that kind of territory, Bethesda could easily release several game-sized expansions.
Question. If I hated Fallout 3, will I hate this? My friend swears that I'll love it, but I'm really getting away from gaming as it is, and this seems like a hardcore nerd thing going on. What I hated about Fallout was that it was too damn big. I got lost, kept getting killed by some fvcking ant spitting fire on me....I don't know. I tried to like it, but I hated it. I'm really skeptical about this. My friend seems so excited for me to love it, and I'd hate to piss on his parade. But I'll try anything once.
Question. If I hated Fallout 3, will I hate this? My friend swears that I'll love it, but I'm really getting away from gaming as it is, and this seems like a hardcore nerd thing going on. What I hated about Fallout was that it was too damn big. I got lost, kept getting killed by some fvcking ant spitting fire on me....I don't know. I tried to like it, but I hated it. I'm really skeptical about this. My friend seems so excited for me to love it, and I'd hate to piss on his parade. But I'll try anything once.
if you didnt like fallout chances are you wont like Skyrim .. unless you realy love dragons/fantasy/medieval theme
The whole idea of an open-ended game is that you are supposed to get lost... and make interesting discoveries along the way. I had the most fun in Morrowind and Oblivion when my character was just wandering around, with no particular objective in mind. But, admittedly, that isn't everyone's cup of tea.
Build up hit points, get weapons, and kill fake enemies.... Always the same
So pretty much like every genre of videogames ever? If you don't like the above qualities than you probably won't enjoy most video games. As for the girlfriend thing, most of us are married and gainfully employed most of the time, but instead of watching some lame ass non-interactive movie that requires no thought, strategy, or involvement whatsoever, I would rather spend the little time I have for entertainment on something interactive like a videogame. Of the various mediums of digital entertainment, it certainly is the best.
I like Skyrim because it just goes on forever. I play maybe 1 quest per night on most but not all nights, and at this pace this $60 will last me for at least another 6 months. Let's see any other form of entertainment on the planet give you that much bang for the buck.
EDIT: Really though, if you don't like getting lost in fantasy, than I assume you don't read any books or watch any movies either right? I mean it's all fake just like a videogame, just presented through a different medium.
So pretty much like every genre of videogames ever? If you don't like the above qualities than you probably won't enjoy most video games. As for the girlfriend thing, most of us are married and gainfully employed most of the time, but instead of watching some lame ass non-interactive movie that requires no thought, strategy, or involvement whatsoever, I would rather spend the little time I have for entertainment on something interactive like a videogame. Of the various mediums of digital entertainment, it certainly is the best.
I like Skyrim because it just goes on forever. I play maybe 1 quest per night on most but not all nights, and at this pace this $60 will last me for at least another 6 months. Let's see any other form of entertainment on the planet give you that much bang for the buck.
EDIT: Really though, if you don't like getting lost in fantasy, than I assume you don't read any books or watch any movies either right? I mean it's all fake just like a videogame, just presented through a different medium.
bosmer. archer/assassin. nightingale armor. glass dagger and elven dagger. nightingale bow w/ daedric arrows. probably going to start a few new games and try out some different approaches. currently level 33 if I remember correctly.
OK, so I booted up Skyrim just long enough to take a look at it. Didn't really play it yet -- just got barely beyond the character creation screens. But it was instantly obvious that the interface was designed for a console (read: XBox) gamepad, and is extremely clunky if used with a keyboard + mouse. I thought about trying to use my ancient Logitech Wingman, but quickly decided it was long overdue for retirement. So I checked the budget, and decided to order a new Logitech Rumble Gamepad F510. Hopefully it will be here by the time I start my Christmas vacation on the 15th, so I can get in some serious gaming time.
Oh, and BTW, if you haven't discovered this yet, check it out: http://www.dragonshoutapp.com/ Already available for iOS, soon to be available for Android, too.
I'm only growing one type of seed this year. I wanted a seed that would grow well for my location. As much as I want to grow a Burley or Dark Air Cured...
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