Man that sucks. I glad he made it to the hospital in time and I hope everything will be OK. My prayers are with ya mate.
Hurry back before the spammers take over the site.
Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......
I've been wrong lots of times. Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.
I wish you a very speedy recovery snusgetter. I'm sorry to hear about your health scare and i'll be keeping you in my're a vital person to the snuson community and I hope you're back soon
Terrible news indeed! Been there done that! You can feel free to use me for a sounding board for Cardio issues. It is a tough journey, I know, Take it easy and do what they say! No sterks! Ask them for nicotine patches right away! Don't suffer. You are in my thoughts! Peace.............
Actually since first reading this I have been very concerned and a little bit more upset than I thought, I know you would not want that snusgetter, so I will shake it off. Be strong of heart! Hang in there, You are not alone in this new journey.
Just remember, Cardio nurses are like the Borg, resistance is futile!
Snusoff...............I am so sorry to hear this. Know my thoughts and prayers are with your dad and your family during this time. Thank you for letting us know and please keep us posted
Snusgetter................a speedy recovery bro...........we are looking for you to be back here with us in no time. .....All our best
When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers
Arthur (Snusgetter) Godfrey was a beloved member of Snuson, whose wit, generosity, and kindness did so much to make this community the family that it...
OK guys here is what we have got. Rather than just creating a hall of fame (which will be looked at once by most and then forgotten). The mods think it... at snuson and you lost all the friends listed in your profile we have a solution for you. Since the site was hacked a couple of weeks ago the...
I know I am usually a ghost around here, turning up every now and again to browse the snus trade, but I was sitting in the hospital thinking about ordering...