Keep Snusgetter in your thoughts/prayers

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  • Snusdog
    • Jun 2008
    • 6752

    Originally posted by Frosted
    That's a great idea - signed.

    Big lol @ dog though.
    I I could mess up a bowl of cornflakes..............(sigh)

    When it's my time to go, I want to die peacefully in my sleep, like my uncle did....... Not screaming in terror like his passengers


    • jagmanss
      • Jul 2010
      • 12213

      Originally posted by Snusdog
      I I could mess up a bowl of cornflakes..............(sigh)

      I messed up at first too, But found out you can edit what you wrote.... You have to sign up to do it though....


      • CoderGuy
        • Jul 2009
        • 2679

        Thanks for setting it up dog! Signed.


        • Frosted
          • Mar 2010
          • 5798

          Originally posted by Snusdog
          I I could mess up a bowl of cornflakes..............(sigh)

          Don't change it - it'll cheer him up.


          • CoderGuy
            • Jul 2009
            • 2679

            Has anyone heard any status today?


            • EricHill78
              • Jun 2010
              • 4253

              Still in my thoughts Snusgetter bro!


              • sgreger1
                • Mar 2009
                • 9451

                My great aunt just died of congestive heart failure yesterday at 3:15pm

                I'm rootin for you Snusgetter! I know you can pull through this. She had had it for a long time before it finally took her out so you have many years ahead brother.


                • CoderGuy
                  • Jul 2009
                  • 2679

                  Originally posted by sgreger1
                  My great aunt just died of congestive heart failure yesterday at 3:15pm

                  I'm rootin for you Snusgetter! I know you can pull through this. She had had it for a long time before it finally took her out so you have many years ahead brother.
                  Sorry to hear, my condolences.


                  • lxskllr
                    • Sep 2007
                    • 13435

                    My condolences sgreger :'^(


                    • PipenSnus
                      • Apr 2010
                      • 1038

                      So sorry for your loss, sgreger1.


                      • EricHill78
                        • Jun 2010
                        • 4253

                        Sorry to hear that sgreger bro...

                        Any word Snusoff?


                        • snusoff
                          • Jun 2011
                          • 33

                          My father passed away a little after 10pm EST tonight.

                          We got to the hospital just after my flight came in and my mother, brother and I were met by the doctor that oversaw his stay. His condition worsened the past couple of days and he just didn't have the ability to keep going. He has had some serious heart issues in the past few years and when I last talked to him, on Sunday night, was looking forward to his scheduled heart bypass on the 29th of this month. He was able to call 911 himself but by the time the EMTs arrived at his house, he was flatlined. They were able to revive him but flatlined two more times en route to the hospital. They were able to revive and stabilize him and on Tuesday showed slight improvement. But on Weds. night he started to take a turn for the worse. On Thurs. night they said his body started shutting down. His kidney's failed and the EEG they gave him showed minimul brain activity.

                          The medical staff said there was too much damage and there was nothing else they could do for him. They said they could only ease the suffering for him until his body gave up. I've never seen this amazing man in a condition like he was in. We, as a family, decided to allow his wishes of ceasing his life support.

                          We each got to say our goodbyes to him in private after the chaplain issued his last rights. Shortly after, he passed away.

                          As I sit here and write this, I can only think about how great of a man he is. Growing up, I used to be angry that I'd always be "Art's son." My father was a radio deejay in New England in the 70's and 80's. He was known as the "Midnight Cowboy" Arthur Godfrey. People that remembered him told me he was the "Howard Stern" of radio before Howard Stern. He was a funny, witty and sometimes crass entertainer. But he was loved by the listeners of the various stations he worked at. In the 80's he gave up his radio career to focus on my, and my brother's, health when he started a local health food store, aplty named "For The Health Of It." He was well loved by the patrons of his store because he was able to greet everyone with a smile and made them feel welcome. In the 90's up till last year, he worked for the United States Postal Service at a small branch here in Massachusetts. He was so well liked for his humor that customers would literally line up for hours and wait for him to tell a joke, try to stump him with a joke of their own, or even get a sarcastic comment from him.

                          To this day, I'm still "Art's son." It used to drive me crazy that I could never get out of the immense shadow he casted. it even caused a small rift between us. But in the past couple of years I realized that what he did for so many people was something that I strived to do. I always wanted to be who he was but I never felt I could live up to him. If only I could be half the man he was I know that I would die a happy person.

                          My dad IS my hero and I hope he was able to hear me tell him that tonight. I miss him unbelievably.

                          I want to thank you all, from the bottom of my heart, for being a part of my dad's life. It means a lot to me and I know to him as well.


                          • rickcharles606
                            • Mar 2009
                            • 2307

                            Words cannot convey the sorrow I feel for you and your family. I'm so sorry for your loss. Your father brought happiness to so many of us on this board, he was a part of the family that is SnusOn. I thoroughly enjoyed reading his posts, and considered him a friend.


                            • clint404
                              • Jul 2011
                              • 317

                              I'm sorry snusoff. He will be missed. All of us are fortunate for have known him and to have shared in his hobby.


                              • Ansel
                                • Feb 2011
                                • 3696

                                I am so sorry Snusoff i will miss him he was such a nice man. My thoughts are with you and your family.


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