Honestly, this is what you sound like:
"My invisible friend is way more real than your invisible friend. Mine will burn you in a pit for eternity if you don't agree with me."
Worshipping the christian god is like worshipping the god of destruction. No single religious entity has killed more people, caused more destruction, murdered more innocents than the Abrahamic God (if you believe what the bible says anyways, which I do not). He even literally murdered every single person on earth, minus one guy and his wife. It's a death cult. Therefore it should be no surprise that the belief in this religion has itself caused countless millions of real deaths in the defense of this Christian God. The Holocaust is like something god does for dessert (oh and he allowed that one too, against his chosen people none the less! Rofl. But book of Job, amirite?).
I don't mean to be offensive, but arguing about which made up fantasy is more legit is pointless. I defy you to prove that my beliefe in a spaghetti monster is any less legit than yours. Name one single thing that gives more credence to the existence of your god over mine?
If he were real, I would refuse to bow to a god who must maintain power by threatening eternal damnation and indefinite torture for not believing in him, when he himself is not man enough to come make himself known.
These are some words to live by right here:
Originally posted by LincolnSnuff
"My invisible friend is way more real than your invisible friend. Mine will burn you in a pit for eternity if you don't agree with me."
Worshipping the christian god is like worshipping the god of destruction. No single religious entity has killed more people, caused more destruction, murdered more innocents than the Abrahamic God (if you believe what the bible says anyways, which I do not). He even literally murdered every single person on earth, minus one guy and his wife. It's a death cult. Therefore it should be no surprise that the belief in this religion has itself caused countless millions of real deaths in the defense of this Christian God. The Holocaust is like something god does for dessert (oh and he allowed that one too, against his chosen people none the less! Rofl. But book of Job, amirite?).
I don't mean to be offensive, but arguing about which made up fantasy is more legit is pointless. I defy you to prove that my beliefe in a spaghetti monster is any less legit than yours. Name one single thing that gives more credence to the existence of your god over mine?
If he were real, I would refuse to bow to a god who must maintain power by threatening eternal damnation and indefinite torture for not believing in him, when he himself is not man enough to come make himself known.
These are some words to live by right here: