Originally posted by deadohsky
Calling all Gamers....I need help
Originally posted by VeganpunkXbox all the way. I know, I have all three systems. Get an Xbox, some Gears 3 and when I get back stateside, we'll kill some fools!
Personally, I could never go back to console systems. As good as they are, they are soooo limiting. So, a few years back I opted to just stick with PC based games. I'd rather shell out $200-$300 every couple of years on a new videocard rather than buy a new console that's rarely compatible with the previous system.
I've gotten a lot of friends to switch solely to PC or MAC games and give up their systems. For me, you can't learn much from a console system. If it breaks you only have the option of sending it back. With a PC, you get the option of fixing it yourself for a smaller cost than most companies ask for shipping the console back to them for repairs. Plus you get to learn a bit how a computer system works. Plus, with a PC/MAC you're not limited to just playing what's available for a specific system. So if you're into online MMORPG's, you have a much greater chance at finding people to play with/against by using a PC.
Most of the newer games have PC versions. PC gaming, to me, is still in it's infancy. As games get better and better, consoles have to adapt then release a whole new version for you to shell out $350-$700 to play updated versions of the games from the previous console system. While you can buy a new PC every couple of years as well, to me, it feels like the cost of a PC is justified as your options are not as limited as with a console system.
Plus, the next generation of online gaming for the PC is going to be the "free to play" model. Many games have begun the switch already. For me, that's the selling point. Most of the newer games coming out will be free to download and play with free updates/patches. If you feel like buying things in a cash shop, you can. Don't feel like having an unnecessary part of the game being forced down your throat? Well, you can leave whatever part of the game in the cash shop and carry on playing the game you'd like without having to pay for unnecessary add-ons.
Online game companies like NCsoft, Blizzard, and Turbine have already begun converting most of their games to the free to play model. So you're not really losing out on any money if your kids beg for a game and decide a week later they hate it. They can just move onto the next Free to Play game or stick with console games that have been ported over for use on the PC.
If I'm not mistaken, Gears of War is also made for the PC as well.
Originally posted by lxskllrI wouldn't Use a Playstation if it were free. Sony is an evil company, and they won't get a penny of my money. I'd use Apple before I bought Sony if that's an indication of how strongly I fell about it.
Not playing a popular format for video is a scandal.
I wouldn't buy another PS3 because of the above, the price of controllers, the amount of updates and generally poor servers. I had a PS3 die on me after 3 years of little use which imo is unacceptable.
Cloud gaming is going to be big - I'd look into that. Consoles are dead thank God.
I have a PS3, Wii and X360 as well as a PC, 3DS, PSP etc
I would say x360 for a number of reasons;
X360 is mostly 1080p HD gaming, many games are only 720p on the PS3
Majority of games are programmed for X360 or PC and then ported to PS3, although the PS3 is more powerful, few games are written to take advantage of the processor and hence it struggles to run at full res.
X360 games more plentiful, been out longer so more cheap titles and a good secondhand market
Connect for 360 is streets ahead of move for the PS3
Halo & Gears of War are enough reason to by a 360 :-)
Originally posted by snusoffPersonally, I could never go back to console systems. As good as they are, they are soooo limiting. So, a few years back I opted to just stick with PC based games. I'd rather shell out $200-$300 every couple of years on a new videocard rather than buy a new console that's rarely compatible with the previous system.
Most of the great PC game makers have gone to consoles cause that's where the money is. They release a crappy console port that plays like crap on PC, nobody buys it, and they scream about piracy, saying they're losing too much money on PC. They never consider that their game is garbage, and people aren't buying it cause it sucks. Or maybe people aren't buying it cause of crippling DRM. That's put a damper on my gaming. If I were morally stronger, I'd say "Fsck You! I'm not buying your intentionally broken game", but at the end of the day, I still want to play Bioshock :^/
On the flip side, indie development is starting to pick up steam(small "s" here :^P). They respect the user's rights, and release some damned good games. They're creative, and fun. They may not have bleeding edge graphics, but the gameplay more than makes up for it. At the end of the day, fun is still better than eye candy. Small studios still have people with vision, and the drive to see their ideas come to life on screen, as opposed to the big guys who've had the creativity beaten from their devs, and release yet another remake to cash in on a worn out idea.
Originally posted by FrostedSony call the PS3 a media player - but it ain't a media player if it doesn't play the .3gp files from the video on my phone.
Not playing a popular format for video is a scandal.
I wouldn't buy another PS3 because of the above, the price of controllers, the amount of updates and generally poor servers. I had a PS3 die on me after 3 years of little use which imo is unacceptable.
Cloud gaming is going to be big - I'd look into that. Consoles are dead thank God.
even though it's not true cloud gaming I play World of Warcraft on my Nexus One via remote desktop type apps, it's good fun when you're bored on the metro and you want to do a quick battleground. Also, in terms of online multiplayer there isn't much reason to play PS3 anymore, for some reason Osama Bin Laden's PlayStation Network account has been inactive for quite some time, playing SOCOM isn't the same without him.
Rick, the only really important question is: What do the kids want? If they are going to be the primary players on the system, there's no point in shelling out $200-300 for a console, plus games and accessories, if it's not what they are hoping for. You only end up with a pricey dust-collecting gadget.
Xbox, Playstation and Wii all have their diehard fans. I'm a PC gamer, and don't know much about consoles. But I still say, get the kids what they will be happiest with. They have most likely played all three at friends' houses, and know what they like best.
Originally posted by rickcharles606Okay, the only gaming system I've ever owned is the very first Xbox, loved it for about 2 months and gave it away to my nephew. Haven't owned one since. That being said, my kids are all hounding me for a gaming system for Christmas. Not sure which to get. Either the Xbox Gears of War system or the PS3? I'm sure many of you have played both and have opinions, so let's hear them....please ;-) Pros and Cons would be good too if you can offer them.
Thanks in advance guys ;-)
Know what? When it comes to consoles, all things being equal, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Microsoft and Sony both suck. They're both lousy. I'm a PC gamer to the core, and always will be. But if I had the patience for Linux, I wouldn't even bother with Windows.
But really, when it comes to the consoles, one is as good(or bad) as the other. Whoever you think is offering the better deal at the time of your order is probably the better choice, for whatever that's worth...
Originally posted by spirit72Know what? When it comes to consoles, all things being equal, it's six of one and half a dozen of the other. Microsoft and Sony both suck. They're both lousy. I'm a PC gamer to the core, and always will be. But if I had the patience for Linux, I wouldn't even bother with Windows.
But really, when it comes to the consoles, one is as good(or bad) as the other. Whoever you think is offering the better deal at the time of your order is probably the better choice, for whatever that's worth...
XBox 360 all the way. Playstation controllers blow ass and are not ergonomically correct. If you want your kids to get carpal tunnel syndrome at age 15, go for the Playstation.
XBox games are better. Yes you pay for online play, but if you go to newegg.com you can get a year subscription for about 40 bucks at certain times. Well worth it.
Anyone who says Sony is better than Microsoft at computer hardware is a moron. The XBox is a PC, and it works well. It's not a Blueray player, but I would never recommend watching movies over a gaming system anyway. Buy a good Blueray player with internet connection. Sony is an overpriced brand and you always pay a premium for their products. The only thing Sony did well was tube televisions. Everything else is overpriced crap that will let you down and doesn't interface with other technology well.
Buy the XBox, get the Kinect, and watch your kids have a lot of fun.
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