Are You Rich???

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  • wa3zrm
    • May 2009
    • 4436

    Are You Rich???

    What's rich? $150K, a new poll says

    What's rich? $150K, a new poll says By: MJ Lee December 8, 2011 05:31 PM EST
    How much does the average American need to make per year to feel rich? $150,000.
    In a new Gallup poll Thursday, people were asked an open-ended question about how much annual income they would need to earn to consider themselves rich and $150,000 was the median answer.
    Gallup noted, “The question of who is ‘rich’ in the United States has been frequently discussed during the past few years as the nation’s policymakers debate income-tax and deficit-reduction policies. Additionally, the Occupy Wall Street protests have focused their attention on the wealthiest 1% of Americans. The poll results suggest Americans would need quite a bit less than what the wealthiest 1% of Americans earn to consider themselves rich.”
    Here’s the poll breakdown: About one out of four people, 23 percent, said earning between $100,000 and $150,000 per year would be enough for them to feel rich, while 12 percent said an income between $60,000 and $99,999 was plenty to consider themselves wealthy. Almost one out of five people, 18 percent, said making less than $60,000 would be enough to feel rich.
    And for about half of the people surveyed, 47 percent, anything less than $150,000 just wasn’t enough to cut it.
    According to the poll, 18 percent of the people surveyed said they needed to make something between $150,001 and $299,999 annually to feel like they were rich, while 14 percent said they considered an yearly income that feel between $300,000 and $999,999 to consider themselves wealthy.

    (Excerpt) Read more at ...
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  • Premium Parrots
    Super Moderators
    • Feb 2008
    • 9759

    its not how much you make per year. Its how much you can save per year that can make you feel rich. That was a dumb poll.

    I know alot of extremely wealthy people, even 2 billionaires. From what I've see over the years its not the money that makes you happy. It does help tho.

    My lifelong best friend is worth $160,000,000.....if his estate was sold off properly. If it isn't then probably only worth $120,000,000 or so. Either way hes rich. But he leads a miserable life. You know, greedy family, ill health and such. But he can get his hand on millions if necessary. He lives in a modest home in a neighborhood south of Atlanta that gone mostly section 8 housing. Looks like I'll be caring for him alot when I move. Hes loosing all the muscle in his body. Hasn't waked in 55 years. Hes wasting away from some weird after effect from contacting polio when he was young. Some day he won't be able to move a muscle.....even to breathe. If he doesn't die from some other ailment he will end up bedridden and on a ventilator......waiting to die. Not much to look forward to. If there was a cure he has the $ too get fixed. But there is no cure. Matter o fact hes kind of a test subject for the doctors to try and figure out how to control or eliminate this illness. sucks

    I'd rather have more love than money
    Grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to hide the bodies of the people I killed because they were annoying......

    I've been wrong lots of times.  Lots of times I've thought I was wrong only to find out that I was right in the beginning.


    • clint404
      • Jul 2011
      • 317

      I inherited 2.7 million years ago. I still have a 40k a year job. 1800sq ft home, and drive the same car. I gave 300k to my church. And I have spent maybe 100k since I got the money. I hate money and most of all hate how it changes people. So I chose not to let it change me.


      • Jimbob11
        • Oct 2011
        • 137

        Originally posted by Premium Parrots
        I'd rather have more love than money
        Me too. I have a good job that more than pays the bills but it's draining my sanity, day by day. Enjoying the time you have is more important. I am starting to see that now...


        • Jimbob11
          • Oct 2011
          • 137

          Originally posted by clint404
          I inherited 2.7 million years ago. I still have a 40k a year job. 1800sq ft home, and drive the same car. I gave 300k to my church. And I have spent maybe 100k since I got the money. I hate money and most of all hate how it changes people. So I chose not to let it change me.
          Good for you. Say, can I borrow $100 bucks....j/k


          • clint404
            • Jul 2011
            • 317

            Originally posted by Jimbob11
            Good for you. Say, can I borrow $100 bucks....j/k

            No because i dont want you to change.


            • sandman1911
              • Jun 2009
              • 394

              I hate articles like this, they never take into consideration cost of living of the area and other factors.
              Between my girlfriend and I we make close the the "magic" 150k and there is no way in hell we can live in the city where we work because it's too high, and I sure as hell ain't living in the hood.

              Then again maybe I'm talking out my ass and don't have a clue.


              • EricHill78
                • Jun 2010
                • 4253

                Financially I'm poor. Few years back I was making great money being a manager of a marketing office. The economy tanked and I was laid off. The business is history. Right now I'm living paycheck by paycheck, I go to work when my UC flares up and I'm so weak and can barely stand but I do it so the rent is payed. The funny thing is I actually feel rich. I have a son and wife who love me unconditionally and that is the most important thing to me. I'll take my life over some alcoholic divorced shmuck who drives a Mercedes home to an empty 4 bedroom 3 bath overpriced McMansion any day.


                • muddyfunkstar
                  • Aug 2010
                  • 967

                  I'm not rich, but I'm not having money worries either. My wife is a bank manager, she can manage our finances better than I ever could, I've always been a bit rubbish at stuff like that.

                  We have savings, and we have no debt beyond our mortgage. We're careful with money, and we're in pretty good shape as a result.

                  I'd love to have more disposable income for frivolous things, but since having kids I don't have as much time to indulge in frivolous things


                  • Saville
                    New Member
                    • Jun 2012
                    • 7

                    I’m not rich in this world, but my father prepares me a place that is full of gold. I’m rich in my Fathers’ house, which is in heaven. It is not important if you are rich or not in this world, but the most important are we know that we are rich, rich in heaven. I’m longing for my Father, which is God in heaven, for my home!


                    • Theline
                      • Jun 2012
                      • 32

                      Originally posted by Premium Parrots
                      its not how much you make per year. Its how much you can save per year that can make you feel rich. That was a dumb poll.

                      I know alot of extremely wealthy people, even 2 billionaires. From what I've see over the years its not the money that makes you happy. It does help tho.

                      My lifelong best friend is worth $160,000,000.....if his estate was sold off properly. If it isn't then probably only worth $120,000,000 or so. Either way hes rich. But he leads a miserable life. You know, greedy family, ill health and such. But he can get his hand on millions if necessary. He lives in a modest home in a neighborhood south of Atlanta that gone mostly section 8 housing. Looks like I'll be caring for him alot when I move. Hes loosing all the muscle in his body. Hasn't waked in 55 years. Hes wasting away from some weird after effect from contacting polio when he was young. Some day he won't be able to move a muscle.....even to breathe. If he doesn't die from some other ailment he will end up bedridden and on a ventilator......waiting to die. Not much to look forward to. If there was a cure he has the $ too get fixed. But there is no cure. Matter o fact hes kind of a test subject for the doctors to try and figure out how to control or eliminate this illness. sucks

                      I'd rather have more love than money

                      i totaly agree... rather have less money and much love. sorry to hear about your friend, it is terrible when such happens to our loved ones. sending you my deapest sympathi.


                      • Ainkor
                        • Sep 2008
                        • 1144

                        If you're with the people that you love and doing what you want to do, that's rich enough in my books. I'm thankful to have a really good job, but more thankful for my wife and kids. Rich don't mean shit if you don't have folks around you to enjoy life with.


                        • GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                          • Mar 2011
                          • 7035

                          i am rich ..................... with all the friends i do have here


                          • jmdkodiak
                            • Mar 2011
                            • 218

                            paycheck to paycheck or worse.


                            • Mdisch
                              • Jul 2011
                              • 805

                              I'm far from rich, I'm a student. At least in Denmark we get money for taking an education, but it does mean that until I find myself a job I only earn what would be 4700 $ year, but I don't have to pay tax from it at least. I don't come from a wealthy family, and I'm quite glad I don't - we do just fine, and it does sort of provoke people to aim a bit higher. Well, people don't include me, I'm kind of lazy but that comes with being a teenager in this age I suppose. At least I'm just glad I have what I have.

                              Originally posted by GN Tobacco Sweden AB
                              i am rich ..................... with all the friends i do have here
                              Awww... This is cute (and I mean this in the manliest way possible.


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